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Everything posted by rottielover

  1. I'm working up the mission report to post on my craft file thread as a teaser, but here, let me post up one pic.. from left to right: My 1 man lander docked to the soy-juice, which is serving as command and control, which is in turn mated to the Hitchhiker which is holding the TAC LS tanks for food, water, O2. Then I have my quad docking ports (for more stability) mated to the drive section. (Lander, Command module, and drive section were all separate launches, and mated up in LKO before departing for duna) In this pic the 1st stage of the 2 stage drive section is nearly empty. As part of this mission I sent along my Kethane base to setup shop on Ike. If you visit my Craft sharing thread (link in sig), you can download my kethane base stuff.
  2. Just wanted to say how awesome this set is. I just used it as my main component in manned mission to Duna (Tac Life, DREC, FAR, and a host of others). to borrow a catch phase, I'm loving it.
  3. Extremely well written. Thank you good sir for taking the time to post this. One thing of note, is the wonderful discussion points regarding Kethane in the prior responses, IC could be worth noting in the original document. I would however caution the reader that kethane's config could change at some point in the future or the reader can modify the weight of the resource as they see fit. So the hauling refining could go either way. As it stands today, it's "more worth it" to haul the Kethane to orbit and refine it there. Now another thing I thought of is that the updated KAS mod with its less explodie fix works some wonders for these flotillas. Think "underway replenishment" using (lighter) KAS pip connectors rather than docking ports. Save weight = save fuel. But it's not for everyone. Anyway wonderful guide good work.
  4. Bonus, Early / Mid Tech Base! [MOD] Minmus Alpha DEPRECATED A low tech Kethane outpost meant for (fairly) early career play. Currently consisting of a habitation module, Kethane refining module, Kethane extractor module, and command and control module. Mods: Required - Kethane, TAC Life Support , MechJeb (Because I think I forgot to remove the part from one of the modules, DOH!) Helpful and highly recommended: Docking Port Alignment Indicator Downloads (All modules come with launcher system): 1 Drilling Unit 2a Surface Refinery 2b Orbital Refinery Special Thanks to TheUnamusedFox! 3 Command and Control plus Habitat (Two modules, 1 landing) 4 Kethane Transport Special Thanks to TheUnamusedFox! Optional: 4b Kethane Transport with KAS (Note Requires the Kerbal Attachment System ) Special Thanks to TheUnamusedFox! NEW! 5 Transport Hub NOTE: Stand alone no launcher included. Most modular and dock-able bases are based on 1 or both of the following, a "under module assembly rover", or a Crane style rover to lift modules into place... While those approaches are wonderful, and work really well, I wanted to build a Kethane outpost for use earlier in my career saves. So this "low tech" base was assembled in a tech tree without the heavy duty rover wheels unlocked yet. So how do you assemble this rottie??? are you crazy?? Well the answers in reverse order are: a little bent perhaps, and "Hopping"... You see, over the time I've messed with dock-able surface bases, one thing I've noticed, they dock much easier if the docking port you are controlling is falling downwards. Enter RCS ports... I recommend the following: Use the Drilling unit to scan for kethane deposits from orbit. Once you find a good spot, land and start drilling. Next bring along either the hab and control combo, or the Refinery (If you've opted for the surface refinery). Land as close as possible to your drilling rig (no more than 500m away). At this point you can use the landing liquid fuel engines to raise yourself a bit and hover over closer (if you are on the Mun, if you are on Minmus the RCS should be more than enough). There are enough RCS ports to lift you on the mun without the liquid fuel engines, but this could be harder for beginner pilots. Mechjeb's Translatron feature is extremely helpful here. Once you get fairly close and lined up, land a with a short gap between the docking ports. Control from here on the port you want to dock with and set the drilling rig's port as target. (NOTE! This causes your RCS translation controls to change if you're using the IJKL HN combo). At this point K will lift you up and H will move you forward, all you have to do is "hop" into the docking port and the magnets in the ports will pull you together nicely. Note about the Hab/Control combo, The only part that has a prob core is the Control center (really a 1 man lander can). You can Optionally bring a kerbal along or setup the base using the probe core first before the crew arrives. Since the Hab module is without probe core, you will need to dock it where you want it while the control module is still docked on top. Once you get it where you want it, you can transfer some monoprop into the tanks, and unlock the control module to be docked where you'd like it. Truss sections will be released Soon!â„¢
  5. Thanks! With your inspiration I built a "low tech" base on minmus, I think pretty early in career play. So early in the tech tree that I don't have rover wheels yet, but I did grab the heavy landing legs. I discovered the "golden nugget" insight when you said "line up on the way down". Got me thinking. The secret is two fold. Minmus is the obvious choice with its low gravity (mun is doable for advanced players), and RCS, specifically the single ports used on the bottom of your modules. Basically each base module is landed, then RCS used to move them into place. Get your ports about a meter apart, "hop" the module up and the magnetic force will pull you in on the way down. "Minmus Alpha" currently consists of a habitation module, a Kethane refining module, a Kethane extractor module, and a command and control module. Since I'm using TAC life, only one kerbal calls Alpha home for the next 600 days. But he's already refueled two science landers Thanks again to Rune and Temstar.
  6. I did a little more digging and the files in question are .sp and .backup where-as the other's that show up are .mpkg files. (This all shows up in the \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData\MissionController folder.) So I'm guessing that these are not infact missoin packs but something else, as to why they show up in the selection list I can't say.
  7. I posed this question in the Mission Controller thread, but thought maybe someone here might know. I just used this java program to build out my RSS install. When I run the game, mission controller has all the RSS mission packs "greyed out" and I cannot select them. Is this because I'm missing a mod or a parts pack or something?
  8. What causes a mission pack to be "greyed out" from selecting it? I've just used RSS mod bundler to setup my RSS install of KSP, but I cannot select the RSS mission packs. Missing parts needed maybe, like I'm missing a specific mod pack or something? Edit: I did a little more digging and the files in question are .sp and .backup where-as the other's that show up are .mpkg files. (This all shows up in the \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData\MissionController folder.) So I'm guessing that these are not infact missoin packs but something else, as to why they show up in the selection list I can't say.
  9. Visual issue in the VAB. I have not tried to reproduce this in the SPH yet. That itty bitty red thing in a mini parachute, the 2nd image you can see another showed up.
  10. Keep up the good work. This has quickly become one of my favorite mods.
  11. This here is the bee's knee's !!! Seriously excellent work! Highly highly highly recommended~!!!!!!
  12. A few have mentioned the Hooligan Lab's mod, and that is the only way I've been able to do it so far. At one point I designed an asparagus staged return vehical that (on paper) would work, but delivering it to eve proved neigh impossible without breaking something in the process. Since the balloons worked so well, I just went that route. At one point I did the eve circumnavigation with Kethane plane challenge (never bothered with posting all the required screenshots to make it official), but that was a very rewarding experiance and I'm glad I did that one. I think one of the reasons I go to eve so much is because my daughters favorite color is purple, and she just loves to help daddy "play rocket ships", especially when her "purple planet" is on the screen. Personally I think the terrain is also more interesting than other bodies. I've rolled a lot of probes down the sides of hills and mountains on eve.
  13. I just found this and it's awesome, quick question. Is this compatible with Temstar's modular base (same docking port heights?)? What's your advice for getting these assembled "in the field", where you end up with non-flat ground to work with? I've used the tweakable for locking the leg suspension etc, but have always had issues assembling docked bases. To the point that KAS has been a standard mod for as long as I can remember.
  14. Go back a few posts and there is a fix posted in both "how to edit your CFG's" and Module Manager forms.
  15. Hey, great updates. I haven't played with this mod in a while, but it's really nice now. Quick question, are any of the mission packs designed with Remote Tech in mind?
  16. Go watch 1 or 2 of Angry Joe's game reviews (personally I recommend the review of 2014's "Rambo" game for $40). Now, think about the people that paid $40US for that game, and those that paid $17-23US for KSP. $ for $ most "finished" games make KSP look like it should cost $7,000. Plus this is about the only game I can think of that I have no issues at all when my 2 year old comes into the room and wants to "play rocket ships with daddy". Can you say that for just about any other game out there? Finally I leave you with this thought: "Space, the final frontier"
  17. BONUS CRAFT! Landers: [sTOCK] The Resolute "Low Tech" Lander DEPRECATED This is a base lander system, meant for those in the Tier 3 or 4 tech tree (about the time you've unlocked enough parts that your going to the moons of Kerbin often to get as much science as you can). This landing system features two liquid fuel stages, and has enough RCS attached to the pod to make emergency return to kerbin (for those with enough patience to hold down the H key while you burn through your monopropellent) For those using Deadly Reentry, the DREC configs should place 250 units of Alblative shielding onto the pod without you having to do anything, if not check that Module Manager was installed correctly. If you are using TAC Life Support, I suggest adding on a couple of Life Support Supply containers. The last shot of the album displays one possible custom configuration. I've attached radial decouplers to the sides, and added additional fuel, and science parts from a host of mods. I hope you enjoy it! Download: HERE
  18. Rottie's Remarkable Rockets and other assorted junk. YouTube Series: KOBOL craft files are below, or click HERE Now that I've been playing KSP for a while, I thought maybe it's time to give a little more back to the community than just helping out with mods and posting random stuff on the forums. When I play KSP, I do so with KLF (Kerbal Live Feed), If you'd like to join me and my friends in our adventures please see THIS THREAD POST to download the latest client version. (This is NOT multiplayer, this is Chat + Screenshot and Craft File sharing!) Server I use is: klf.general-physics.de:2075 SERVER DEFUNCT If you would like to contribute your craft to this post, please contact me either via KLF, or private message. IMPORTANT NOTE: There seems to be a bug with KSP when loading the strut and fuel line connections, You may need to re-connect the struts and fuel lines until a can find a fix that loads the craft files correctly every time. Lifters: [MOD] Resolute Series Lifters DEPRECATED Requires the following mod: Stockalike parts for useful esthetics The Resolute Series of Launchers, meant to be as stock-like as possible, but containing useful mods to make them look good and/or add to the functionality. The Resolute1 comes in two flavors, an "Onion" staged version (all outside tanks feed the inner tank and all drop away at the same time when you stage), and an "Asparagus" staged version, where the outer tanks drop away two at a time as they drain out. These should be useful to the late early tech tree player, once you've unlocked fuel lines etc, and you're in that stage where you need to lift landers and probes to the moons of Kerbin (Mun and Minmus). Resolute1 The Resolute1 comes standard with a probecore and RCS system so that you can de-orbit the main body of the launcher after your payload is in a stable LKO. No extra batteries are included to save weight, so make sure you deorbit this pretty quickly after stage separation. Downloads: (Meant to be placed in your subassemblies folder, the root part of these is the decoupler on the top) Onion Version Asparagus Version Skycranes: Coming Soonâ„¢ ! IP Tugs: Coming Soonâ„¢ ! SCIENCE!â„¢ Stuff: Science Pod Mk1 STOCK VERSION DEPRECATED An original design based on GameplayreviewUK's "Fuel Pod" system. The intent of this unmanned probe is to assist mid to late game (Tech tree filled out to MetaMaterials, Unmanned Tech, about Tier 6 and one T7) players with filling out the tech tree completely. Returning four of the same experiment (Mystery Goo and Materials Bay's) from any one Biome (for the most part) "mines" out the science points available to you in that Biome. Therefor this probe is intended for the player to use in the subassembly's area. You can take a couple of these with you to say Duna or Eve. Easily capable of landing and returning to orbit from Ike or Gilly (heck what's not right), these "pods" can be tugged back to LKO and returned to Kerbin (if you use Deadly Reentry you'll need to figure out a heatshield or use a very shallow angle entry). These pods are also capable of landing and returning to Minmus orbit. I recommend you use a skycrane to land and return these on other bodies lacking atmospheres. An Interplanetary tug should be used to move them to and from bodies outside Kerbin's SOI. A rather optimistic set of parachutes is included for those who wish to toss these into the soup of any bodies that have atmospheres. There are rumors that a rival corporation has landed one of our stolen pods on eve and transmitted back some interesting data. Contains: 4x Goo, 4x Material, 1 each Seismic, Pressure, Therm, Gravioli Pictures: Dropbox Download HERE
  19. I've been trying to figure out why my nose gear and ailerons keep burning up... maybe that's why, I've been using the wrong angle...
  20. As to craft idea's... I can get a pic if you want, but I made a science lab "truck" after getting rover wheels in the tree. Use the SDHI service module as normal, but stick the lab on the bottom. I used 2 wheels on the front and three on the back. After I was bored collecting biome samples and processing results, I parked on a hill pointing up. Stage the engine and decouplers all in the same group, then follow launch procedure and away you go. Works great on minmus. I haven't tried the Mun, but the Engineer numbers say it should work.
  21. Everyday I come to this thread, hoping... everyday I'm turned away with hopes dashed... (did it work?)
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