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Everything posted by rottielover

  1. How do I add the engines from the RLA stocklike pack to use modular fuels?
  2. Had just finished assembling my Jool grand tour mothership in her parking orbit around kerbin. As I was prepping the burn she just exploded. At first I thought it was the kraken... What was once my grand tour ship was now a cloud of separated parts. Looking at the log revealed the culprit... My polar orbit Kethane scanner that I had left alone and forgot about. Thing is, I should have bought a lottery ticket that day, cause I still don't know how I timed it perfectly to have a 90 orbit ship hit a 0 orbit ship at 132ish km alt. I think the odds on this one are astronomical. (Groan I know ;p )
  3. I found the problem. I'm playing in career mode, the thermal fin part is missing the "TechRequired = " line.
  4. Hmm. I will try re-installing, cause I'm not seeing any cooling fins in the science tab either.
  5. I forgot to ask, is there info somewhere, or maybe some has already done this, To make the AIES pack compatible with this mod? Edit: went back to OP and saw that AIES and FASA are both supposed to be supported already. Maybe I messed something up, but for me. MFS with real fuels is working on stock, and other mods like the shuttle engine pack, KW, NovaPunch, B9. Just not FASA and AIES? Am I supposed to install the first download link as well as the real fuels link?
  6. I'm going to hope that SCANsat still works and scan everything to see if there are any new Easter eggs that no one talked about. Just in case.
  7. Or SCANsat (find it under Add-on Development). SCANsat Would benifit all you egg hunters greatly. Not only can you scan from orbit but his "BTDT Scanner" (been there done that) is designed specifically for the Easter eggs. Using it was how I finally found the minmus monolith.
  8. Thank you, your post was very helpful and very informative! Now I just have to find this part you talk about (cryocoolers)? I have stretchy tanks, I'm looking to see where these coolers are.
  9. Yea I see that, but I'm still wondering how to feed the LV-N with enough H2 to make it viable. I guess I just need to keep at it.
  10. I'm trying out the Real fuels for the kerbin sized stuff. I noticed that you need loads and loads of H2 to feed the now fuel hungry LV-N's... My question is, what (if any) advantage does LV-N's give with real fuels?
  11. Yes, Harv talked about 8 new biomes for Minmus during the KerbalCon stream. The only body that I heard mentioned was Minmus, so I'm not sure if any others got biomes (I doubt it). The EVA Map thing is just awesome. To get SCIENCE! from this mod: To be honest I'm not 100% sure how I did this, but I can tell you that once I had my map around 80% (give or take), I right clicked on the Radar sensor and chose one of the options (I don't remember off-hand which one). Normally when I do this I get the science report dialog with 0 points. But this time I got something like 5 or 10 points, so I transmitted it, and I did get science points. I'm assuming (someone please chime in here), that there are thresholds setup, that you must have X % of the map done with Y sensor before you get Z number of data from it ?? (Can anyone confirm that?)
  12. First time I get into .23, I'm going to try SCANsat on minmus to get a biome map
  13. The first whispers of Kerbalcon information have been updated into the main post. Please feel free to post more info as it becomes availible, as I do have to get some work accomplished and cannot watch all of Kerbalcon
  14. Yep, cfg file is in the exact path you list and looks like the same code. I will rip out all my mods and try again, maybe I got an old version of something somewhere.
  15. Great little mod, thank you. Having two small kids, a full time job and a part time job leaves me with precious free time. I choose to fill the bulk of my free time playing ksp. It's always somewhat irksome that even with subassemblies, I spend so much play time fixing stages, fuel lines, and struts, when I could be doing science and exploring. Your mod has cut back on the tedium time and given me more play time, thank you!
  16. Correct, when clicking on the probe core I can start the data recorder, but there are no options that you describe. I did not put the engineer thing on this test rocket.
  17. Stock ones don't show up either, example, I can't take a surface sample with a kerbal, nor can I do a crew report. So with all these realism mods installed I sent up your probe to the 20000 - 70000 range, filled the data recorder, and the only thing that happened was I got a warning that the data recorder was full. What am I missing? EDIT< went back and tried again, same thing, filled the data recorder, no experiments show up after right clicks.
  18. My question was along the lines of were there any plans in the works, sounds like a no? I agree with the above, the extendo I really haven't found much uses for, but turn that into a fold out engine or wheels etc and you've got some gold on your hands from those of us in the FAR crowd.
  19. Well I picked up my heatshield project again. I finally figured out the attachment node issue, Y is up in the game / unity. I was using the xyz of the partconfig in "realworld" xyz so the nodes were not moving where I thought they should go. When I turned my head around, they clicked into place. so now if I can just get my textures done right.... *Maybe* one day you'll see a heatshield for the 1 man lander can.
  20. option 2, I agree that the first one looks a bit silly. 2nd one looks better
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