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    Everything space, game development, papercraft and other things.

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  1. Ok, I gotta say I don't know how you managed to pull this off but this is actually so much worse than the original version. And that one still works completely fine with 1.10.1 somehow. Here it somehow completely breaks the UI if installed by itself and only starts to work if 3 horrid dependencies are installed that add annoying extra icons to the UI that nobody cares about. I mean i'm not saying it's not good programming practice to encapsulate and split up useful code but only if it's an invisible backend thing. I do not give a rat's ass about which window click is on top or what toolbar is which because all other mods seem to work fine without any of that crap. I'm so glad the old version still works. Also you might want to include your dependencies in the download because it kind of doesn't work without them. They're YOUR dependencies, it's not like you have to ask permission.
  2. Disregard that guy, appears to be a random troll. Nice photo! I actually have a filter that would be able to do that, but it currently has the problem of not checking what's in front and behind of the black hole. So everything in front of it gets curved as well, including ships. We'll get that thing working one day, but until then we have the interstellarish black holes.
  3. Sure there are similarities, but overall it's a compeltely different experience. For one building is competely different and a lot more intuitive, not to mention that you can do it seamlessly while flying too. SE focuses more on the person, giving you control over an astronaut and flying ships is secondary. Here however it's all about the ship itself and that requires a different building system too. I'd say it's more simmilar to say, TerraTech or Avorion rather then SE. They've also been developing it since 2013 with a lot larger team, compared to mostly just me for the past year or so for LSF. You can expect a lot more content in a few months already. Btw, there will likely be significant graphical improvements in the future and mining is planned to be added very soon.
  4. The emails containing the alpha download have been sent out about 4 hours ago. Try checking your spam/promotions box if you don't see it in main.
  5. You might have used a tad bit too much of duck tape. Might. Seriously though, I'd recommend using any type of glue over duck tape when making models if you have the option.
  6. Yep, and you're in just in time for today's new version release too.
  7. So now it's like a year later and noone has made anything new yet? Smh.
  8. Hi everyone, I'm the lead dev of the game. Ask me anything Well the general idea was for the game to be about cruisers/capital ships, aka ships that are generally to big to land on planets. That way it could be focused more on space combat and such, sort of simmilar to Rebel Galaxy if you've heard of it. I'll keep it in mind for later though. Being furious about FreeJam's decisions on where to take Robocraft is a favorite pastime of all veterans. I can tell you from my personal experience...
  9. If you need any ideas, this guy covered pretty much everything up to the storm.
  10. Well yeah, but I meant wings as in things that are shaped in a way that creates a high pressure below it and low above it (aka squashed teardrop shape). Yep, indeed I am, the boosters from the first stage, the command module from the first stage and the escape tower from the command module. I didn't really start working on it yet, had a little change of plans and made a model of a ship from my game first, which took me these last two days. I'm getting around to it anytime now.
  11. So this is about the design I decided to use, gonna start compiling the parts and printing today.
  12. That seems like a sound idea, and I'll use a magnet on top of the command pod to connect it to the escape tower. I'll need to find some small and weak velcro straps though.
  13. I could perhaps add toilet paper rolls on the insides of the engine decoupler shrouds and cut lines into those for locking.
  14. Hey thats a pretty good idea! Never thought of that XD Although it might be difficult to get it functional and look good at the same time i'll probably at least try it
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