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Everything posted by HeadHunter67

  1. Apparently then, that issue was fixed with MJ. Used to be, if the MJ part was not aligned to the nose of the craft, the navball and guidance would be screwy (because Control From Here orientation was off). I'll change the tolerance, that's got to be the cause. I was trying a deorbit with the OMS, trim was at 0 because I'd dumped the EFT. Was I misunderstanding the guide? Thanks for the advice.
  2. I put it on the back wall of the cargo bay but it didn't seem to behave so well. I know you mentioned that this is kind of experimental, but I noticed that it got kind of floppy once in orbit - finalizing a circularization burn or a deorbit burn, it would fire a momentary engine burst, spin a lot and repeat. I know that's an MJ issue, but I recall that many of those issues in the past have been due to the placement and orientation of the computer (since, after all, that's where the autopilot will control from). I can launch the orbiter OK (but not nearly efficiently enough to get more than an 85km orbit) without the autopilot, but I have no hope whatsoever of landing it without assistance. I tried the method in the guide but I overshoot the runway significantly every time.
  3. Thanks. I watched the videos and read the guide (I have actually printed it out), what I was asking is if anyone had the Action Groups listed somewhere - I don't know how one would find the action groups among the craft file - I'm not a programmer so maybe it makes sense to those who know how to read all that. I had hoped to find that info in the guide but it seems to be absent. I just hoped to find a quick list somewhere, I guess I'll have to look at the action groups in the VAB and write it all down. Thanks for making a great mod. [EDIT: OK, I just noticed that the hotkeys were added in the craft file on the 2.07 update. I was using 2.05] Also, for MJ users - where are you mounting the case? I know MJ is fussy about orientation and I can't see where it ought to go except in the cargo bay where the payload would normally mount (and even then, it doesn't seem to want to fit flush). Would I be better off just adding MJ functionality to the avionics hinged nosecone?
  4. I remember following this mod for months while it was in development and eagerly looking forward to it. I stopped playing KSP before 0.23 released because of reasons... but this mod has drawn me back in! I love the Kerbal look of the orbiter's proportions. And it launches and flies very well... though I still can't land anything remotely resembling an aircraft, let alone from orbit. To make matters worse, it seems I've forgotten how to fly anything in the last few months! Is there a quick list of the hotkey actions somewhere? People are talking about shutting off the main engines and using the OMS but I don't know how. Getting in there and changing each with the context menus is possible but there has got to be a simpler way.
  5. I'm certainly hoping to eventually see Shenzhou and Tiangong added to this mod.
  6. So simple, so necessary, so surprised that no one thought to do this before now! This is a great little mod and I'm glad you've done it. Can't wait to try it out.
  7. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this part is 2.5m in diameter, is it not? That's 8 feet across. Is someone seriously trying to argue that we couldn't fit 3 lifeforms that are about 2/3 the size of humans in an 8 foot by 8 foot room? You could fit 3 humans in a space that size - with room for desks, computers, office chairs and a mini-fridge. The passenger cabin of a four-door sedan is far smaller than 2.5m.
  8. We've already pointed out why it's a bad idea in the stock game (people could just timewarp past the dealy), but you are among those who say things like: If it's a suggestion for a change to the stock game, it belongs in Suggestions and Development Discussion. If it's about a mod, it belongs in Add-On Requests and Support. Either way, it doesn't belong here.
  9. Mod mod mod... it keeps coming back to that. If this discussion is about a proposal for a mod, then it is and has been in the wrong section. Perhaps if a moderator would kindly move it so that people don't get the wrong idea (even though we all know that wasn't the original intent)?
  10. Did you SERIOUSLY just quote an entire post, images and all, to make a one-line response?
  11. In null-G, direction is only a problem to the Earthbound mind. Remember, the enemy's gate is down!
  12. ...and I pointed out why your opinion (or anyone else's) represents no one else. What was unclear about that? You can't say "in case my opinion represents more than 30%" if you realize that you speak for yourself alone. Each of us represents only ourselves, and this forum is the farthest thing from a representative sample that no legitimate statistical data could be gained.
  13. Learning to pull and push the marker isn't easy - I didn't understand it at first, myself - but once you learn that, cancelling relative velocity becomes so much easier.
  14. The reason I recommend it is because it will unconsciously influence many people. While you may be looking at the window, you tend to notice the motion on the main screen peripherally. And unless you're in Chase view, the way the ship appears to be moving and the way you need to translate may differ - so it's simpler to just eliminate that source of interference.
  15. He may not have realized he was talking about MJ. It sounds like he got "ASAS" confused with "Smart A.S.S." - but we know the difference.
  16. Your opinion does not represent anyone but yourself. Everyone with a gripe always believes that they speak for some silent, uncountable majority. Remember that this forum does not represent the complete player base - there are many people who are registered but never post, and still more who never register (or even visit) here at all. We are not a republic - we do not somehow represent a cross-section of the overall player base. We are just the sort that feels a need to get more involved than most casual players. In short, you can't claim to speak for 30% of players, because the total membership of the forum doesn't even constitute "30% of the players".
  17. Get NavyFish's Docking Port Alignment Indicator. It will help you to more clearly understand and orient your approach. It sounds like you have the hang of rendezvous (although you could use a better method of tightening up the encounter distance). I highly recommend PebbleGarden's videos for more information on that - it's how I learned to rendezvous.
  18. Indeed. Once I figured out the right way to use it, docking became super easy, from just about any angle - and doesn't require a slow approach.
  19. It already is. If a part survives impact, even if it's no longer connected to the craft, any Science it contains can be recovered. More likely, your concern comes from the way the game handles re-entry of non-active craft. It doesn't matter if it's a goo canister or a probe core, if you're not actively controlling it, beyond a certain distance from your active craft, and it drops below a certain altitude... it is destroyed. The way around this is to make sure that the decoupled parts stay close to your craft as it descends. If you put parachutes on those parts, with sufficient drag to keep them descending at similar speeds, and decouple after staging the chutes, that should work.
  20. That would actually be pretty neat. A minor convenience, to be sure - but no more or less significant than having day or night in the KSC screen in the first place.
  21. I agree. And there's no reason why everything that can be determined about an area of study can, should, or must be contained within a single transmission. If that were the case, there'd only ever be one book, one YouTube video, one forum post on any given topic. The fact of the matter is, continued study should continue to yield new insights - even if the increase to the overall body of knowledge is incrementally smaller each time. In short, diminishing returns from repeated transmission is the way information works. The only problem in the game is that it's possible to completely exhaust the available Science on a topic in this fashion, to the extent that there's no point in returning with the data. And for those who feel that a sample must be returned to gain any scientific value, I'll point you to a little planet called Mars - whose surface we have been studying and learning about for decades, in spite of the fact that no surface samples have yet ever been returned for further examination.
  22. I set up a new build with this as the only mod. I had a VERY good time unlocking all the bargain parts! Lots of fun to be had, well before getting to the "real" parts.
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