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Everything posted by HeadHunter67

  1. What makes people think that even Class E asteroids would have apocalyptic effects if they impact? The one that came down over Chelyabinsk last year was about the size of a Class E, and I don't remember it causing a nuclear winter or global die-out or anything. People have been watching too many movies.
  2. It's not seeing the line that's the hard part - it's getting the craft to go on that heading. Tried to bank, tried the rudder... it's not a visual issue, it's "how do I make the plane fly in that line?"
  3. I still can't seem to get the Service Module's delta-V to show up in MechJeb. Any ideas? I'll give that a try, thanks. It was the one problem I couldn't rectify in last night's launch tests.
  4. I wish this mod had been around when I started playing KSP and had so many crashes from my many mods!
  5. It means "Release Candidate" - that is to say, if everything is working properly and no bugs or issues are reported, it will become the released version. OK, I just loaded up the new version and I have to say it looks GORGEOUS! And it's nice to be able to filter by size as well. A very worthwhile update to a must-have plugin.
  6. That's really the only recommended area for improvement. Otherwise, this is a perfect mod for what it does! I am glad to have stock parts for 3.75m stacks.
  7. Thanks! That is exactly what I needed to know. Never used a mod quite like this before, but it definitely opens up a lot of options! I guess it is like I imagined it would be, and I can see how it allows for some very useful and effective management.
  8. I thought I'd seen one in AIES, and yes - that looks like the best choice for what I need. The other good option is the radial decoupler from the KSO mod. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that, since after all this is a Shuttle Derived rocket!
  9. Thanks. I'm not sure how to change stats, honestly. I'm guessing it has to do with that separate app that came with the mod, but I thought you said that was built in now. It would be nice if these stats were tweakables, but I don't know if that's possible or how to do it. As I said, I'm not a modder, I just wanted to get the parts to work before I tackle all that other stuff. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
  10. I figured out the problem - it won't do these items in symmetry. Not sure why that is, but when I tried attaching the nose cones to each booster individually, that worked. Now I can give them a try.
  11. Please bear with me, because this is all a bit outside my area of understanding - but I'm not sure what would be output to a log - the part simply does not attach. It's not crashing or anything. If you would like to try and replicate the issue, attempt to put either of the parachute nose cones onto the top of the new ARM SRB. They just don't connect for me.
  12. Thanks, I'll give it a look. Perhaps I can find a comparably sized battery also.
  13. I got this mod because it's required to use the SDHI service module system. However, in the VAB, I'm unable to attach the parachute nose cones to the top of my SRBs, or anything at all, in fact. The attachment nodes look too small for the size of the cones, and I'm wondering if this has anything to do with it. This is on a clean install of KSP 23.5 and using the latest version of your mod. Any idea what's wrong?
  14. I'm building an SLS Block II-type rocket and the one problem I've run into is a lack of stock SAS and RGU units for 3.75m diameter stacks. I know I could edit the cfg's to make my own (and I may have to), but I was wondering if there's a mod that has these already. Also, does any mod have better radial decouplers for larger boosters and such? The hydraulic manifolds don't space things away from the new fuel tanks as much as I'd like, and the other ones go out a bit too far for aesthetic purposes.
  15. That's pretty much what I did - now, my only problem is actually getting lined up with the runway. I've watched a lot of videos and read a lot of posts and nothing really tells me how to do that part. As a result, I touch down several dozen meters to either side of the runway and/or at an angle to it.
  16. I love how much more immersive this makes my launches. Any plans for a 3.75m stack clamp that would work with the new ARM parts? I know it's not historical, but I'd love to have something like that.
  17. I'm building an SLS-type rocket and the hydraulic manifolds don't seem to work well to hold the new SRBs to the 3.75m tank. I recall once seeing a mod part that was similar in function and style but designed for larger parts. I can't seem to find where it was - doesn't look like NovaPunch or KW had it. I recall that AIES had some new decouplers but I can't imagine why they'd need a real big one. I want the SRBs to be more or less flush to the fuel tank, but still decouple properly. The hydraulic manifolds don't let me mount them properly unless I put a couple of struts near the nose cones. Any recommendations for the ideal part?
  18. Indeed, if it's possible to make this plugin work with a claw, and target the CoM of an asteroid, it will become even more useful and incredible than it already is!
  19. That seems to have done the trick, as I had hoped. Thanks for the input!
  20. OK, that's clear to me now, thanks. Basically results in an unpowered glide like a shuttle re-entry descent?
  21. I'm still not too keen on the Asteroid Recovery stuff, but I *LOVE* the 3.5m parts! I have wanted to make a good SLS for a long time, and this update lets me do just that!
  22. Looks very interesting. I'd like to try it, though I'm not sure exactly what's meant by "trim the pitch all the way back". I'm n ot a flier, I understand what trim is and how to turn it on, but exactly when/how much is meant, that's unclear.
  23. So I've used mod Launch Escape Towers before, and I know how to set them up to the Abort action group to get the pod away from the rocket in an emergency. To be very clear, that's not what I'm asking about. What I want to know is: When I'm in flight, once I've reached a safe altitude, how to I fire and decouple the LES at the same time? If I stage the motor or fire it, it pulls on the craft (not a good idea) until I can right-click to decouple it. If I decouple it first, the motor won't fire. Do I really have to make a separate action group to do both at once... and will that even work?
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