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Everything posted by HeadHunter67

  1. You might be missing that this mod is for 0.21, not 0.22.
  2. I'm thinking more along the lines of Halloween spaceman costumes, tin-foil, fishbowl helmets, that sort of thing.
  3. In what way do they differ from real world ullage motors? They're burning against the body of a spent stage, near an area that's designed to handle the exhaust from a much larger rocket motor.
  4. Looks like Ducky ran with the idea and put a lot of work into it, and gave us Backyard Rocket Parts. Hopefully we'll see more of this so that together, we can build even cooler ersatz rockets!
  5. Hooray! Wow, you've really expanded the idea from a simple cardboard command pod! Definitely reminds me of Explorers.
  6. It's not a matter of "which mod", it's a matter of "how many". The answer seemed clear from your first sentence.
  7. I am also very excited and eagerly anticipating that! It will make the perfect addition to my space program.
  8. It's too heavy for three legs - try four or maybe six.
  9. I think that's a brilliant idea. I may have to try that next time.
  10. Well, it wouldn't necessarily have to be an animated activity, but simply a context menu choice. I don't know anything about the programming side of things though.
  11. Probably the same place as the 3-man stock pod (Specialized Control).
  12. I'd like more opportunities for science - some of these sound entertaining. Watching TV or news might not give science points, but what about transmitting TV or news programming? When the Apollo astronauts sent back home movies during their trips to (and landings on) the Moon, it stimulated funding and research. Shuttle astronauts and ISS crew have taught classrooms from orbit.
  13. True... but it's still wise to have it on the list. Worst case, it does nothing - but if you can still cut off the engine, you're more likely to survive the abort. And if the engine doesn't cut off? In my opinion, anyone who's so panic-stricken that they can't tap A or D after the LES ignites and the capsule decouples, honestly deserves to collide with the still-ascending rocket. It's really simple to apply a little bit of torque to get out of the way during an abort, instead of continuing a vertical ascent.
  14. I got a chance to try out your Service Propulsion system on Jack Wolfe's Apollo CSM this evening. It sounds great! I love that growl, that rumble. Once more, rocket engines sound studly.
  15. The kind that steer? I use them on my first stage for some extra aerodynamic control during initial ascent. Just make sure you have the right size for your rocket.
  16. They're not really "propulsion", they're more like a little light. They're so bad, no respectable planetary body wants them near, so they are pushed away.
  17. I've got a couple of wonderful stand-alone mods I'd like to recommend for such people: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ http://buzzaldrin.com/community/buzz-aldrins-space-program-manager/ I've already explained, several times and at length, how it would detract from the fun, and run contradictory to the fast-and-loose style of this game. I don't object to people desiring this for themselves, but now it sounds like you're telling other people how they should be playing the game. That's never cool. I'll say again that you already have the means to simulate this obstacle, if that's the sort of thing you consider "fun". But if you're seriously advocating "realism" in this game, with the little green men and the 6-hour days and the junkyard wars and the planets denser than iridium, I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
  18. It works! IT WORKS! Best looking little lander EVER.
  19. We're talking about little green men making rockets from parts they found on the side of the road. Let's leave "realism" out of this.
  20. To some extent - depending on the Pixel Light Count setting. I tried it out, and they are in the tech tree.
  21. That's not quite how Pixel Light Count works. That attribute determines how many separate light sources may illuminate a particular spot - not a part or the entire scene. That said, looks nice. Thank you, and I look forward to trying it out.
  22. Don't use that as an example and talk to me of "logic". Kethane is one resource - the ones introduced into the game may be different. TIME, on the other hand, is not something you can exactly have several different varities of, now can you? Likewise with Remote Tech - you're comparing something built from scratch with a system that modifies something that already exists in-game, even if it is not currently of significance. If you had a point, you went about it all the wrong way. And don't tell me "if you don't like it, don't use it" when it's a suggested feature of the game that we won't be able to avoid. I'll tell you what I said before - "If you want building rockets to take time, decide how much time you think is proper (since each of you will have a different idea of that, anyhow), and then timewarp until you feel the rocket is "ready". You already have that feature.
  23. You sure didn't understand correctly. I'm advocating against adding this mechanic because it does indeed rely on things that have not been (and may never be) implemented. As I said at least twice before, I'm all for discussing this if and when time and money become real and relevant factors in the game. Until then, it's a wasted effort because there's no way to know if we're duplicating work already in progress or even heading off in the completely wrong direction. This isn't the same as the spaceplane issue - you'd have to basically make time a factor, and this change alone isn't going to accomplish that, for all the reasons I've already explained. Those who feel it needs to be in place are welcome to decide how much time a craft "should" take, and time warp to that point - you don't need a mod or update to do that. I'm not saying "I'm totally against it, don't do it", I'm saying "Now is the wrong time to be discussing building upon a framework that doesn't even exist yet".
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