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Everything posted by HeadHunter67

  1. And if you check some of NASA's graphics, it would seem that part of that mission profile includes a rendezvous with the ISS when needed. As for Dragon Rider, carrying crew to and from the ISS is one of the main reasons it was designed - specifically to eliminate our dependence on Soyuz after the Shuttle program ended.
  2. True - but that requires intent - no need to make it easier than that. As KerbMav said, the goal of my suggestion was to throttle down science gains for BTSM players who want to use Achievements, while still making it at least a little significant.
  3. This is basically what I was trying to illustrate before. Because time simply would not appear to pass for someone travelling at c, they would appear to travel an infinite distance instantly. But as K^2 said, that would require infinite acceleration, which is impossible in a finite space for the same reason that one cannot travel an infinite distance instantly: Because distance (and velocity) is measured between two fixed points, it cannot be measured subjectively. A second point of observation is required. Therefore, perceived speed may be relative, but distance is absolute.
  4. By 2020, they will be able to choose between Dragon or Orion. Dragon is expected to be human rated by next year, if I recall, and Orion's moving along nicely. This news is good news for Elon Musk, who has been trying to find a way to break ULA's non-competitive monopoly on military launch contracts. I love the Delta IV, but if worse comes to worst, maybe Boeing can get SpaceX to design them a new engine. As for the Russian modules on the ISS, they've only got Zvezda, Rassvet, Pirs and Poisk. Zarya is actually owned by NASA. The only significant loss might be Zvezda; I'm unsure to what extent its systems have been made redundant by new modules.
  5. I am in agreement with others who would like to be able to build Skylab. It would be nice if we didn't have to use just an empty S-IVB stage and "pretend" it could hold crew or perform science. What would be needed to make that part into something that works like the mobile lab? Exactly. That's the one part I'd most need to make this work.
  6. That's a good idea. You could probably even cap that variable at 5, so that people don't exploit it to gain ridiculous science for every little thing. (By the way, check your e-mail - I sent a little something along the other day!)
  7. BTSM is pretty tightly balanced in terms of progression, and does not use the default tech tree or node costs. In stock KSP, 5 Science is just a nice bonus - in BTSM, just doing the normal things you do could prematurely unlock too much. It spoils the gameplay a bit. I use the Acheivements plugin on my other installs, but with BTSM, it would indeed be nice if they could be configured to award less (like 1 or 2).
  8. I've been enjoying catching up on this thread - started BTSM fairly recently (around 1.53) and I'm about halfway through Tier 4. At a couple points, I was kind of hitting a wall when it came to advancement. I knew it was possible, but needed some inspiration and ideas to overcome the obstacles. I'm finally at the point where I think I'm ready to put a manned craft into orbit around Kerbin, and from there I can consider Mün flybys and other missions. I've watched a few BTSM video series on YouTube, but most of them are either outdated or done by a well-meaning soul who seems to have as much trouble as me. Of all the BTSM "mission report" threads here, I've found yours most helpful. Thanks for your guidance and inspiration!
  9. Granted, but since Scott Manley always "Flies Safe", no one is actually damaged in the battle. I wish that more KSP players could differentiate between science and alleged "magic".
  10. It's not "magic" to say "the altimeter is installed 5 meters up on the craft, so let's calibrate that to zero when it's on the runway or launch pad." Also, that "magic" device that highway cops use to see how fast you're going? It uses invisible magic radio waves that you can't see.
  11. Sadly, you're not really astronauts, either. That said, you could probably use Texture Replacer to make the Kerbal look more human-ish - they'd still have the same shape and features, but you could modify the skin color, hair etc.
  12. The new city textures look great - and no more lights in the ocean! Any way that I can make them brighter? I use Ambient Light Adjustment so I can get decent screenshots, but it makes the lights look kind of washed out. I know that's my issue, but if I can brighten the illumination user-side that would be fine. Anyhow, the real issue I noticed is some strange tiling on the ocean near KSP.
  13. Granted - and thanks to Mr. Nietzsche, that means you are dead. I wish it wasn't nice out when I'm working, and rainy when I'm off.
  14. Actually, the poo thing isn't just a goofy, made up idea. I was reading Packing for Mars by Mary Roach, and she mentioned that this is actually one of the concepts they've considered for interplanetary travel. The waste has to go somewhere - might as well use it as radiation shielding.
  15. SSTO to Eve and back (land while you are there!). If anyone can do it, it's you.
  16. I know that - but the problem is not just in two axes - it's the elevation when it does finally snap to the capsule. It always seems to be a steep ramp up to or down from the hatch. If I get it at the right angle, the height is off. If I get it at the right height, the angle doesn't seem to work. If I turn the camera to check... I have to start all over again.
  17. Granted, The American Medical Association recognizes you as Him Self, M.D., and you are sued by hundreds for malpractice. I wish the Internet wasn't so stupid.
  18. So, you'll readily accept the idea of stupid little green men building rockets as "science", but dismiss the notion of other planetary systems (one of which those green men must live in, because it's sure not ours) as "fiction"? Ooooookay, heard everything I need to take this idea seriously. Good luck with your compelling arguments.
  19. Mine is KRASH - Kerbal Rocketry And Science Headquarters. Flag and motto in the sig.
  20. I'll check it out. Videos that cover these kind of topics are so great for helping players to understand the fundamentals that will contribute to greater enjoyment of the game.
  21. I used to play EVE, but it started to feel less like a game and more and more like accounting homework. And I'm not real keen on losing everything (like my nifty and expensive T3 cruisers) just because someone else wants to be a jerk - and I met my share of those, even in high-sec. I liked so much about the setting and the atmosphere and above all, the sound! But I don't feel anything calling me back for the past few years.
  22. Think about that statement for a moment - then ask yourself how the Sun transmits heat across 150 million kilometers of "virtually no particles" if that's true.
  23. Granted, it's now a Swahili essay. I wish people weren't so stupid.
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