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Everything posted by searlefm

  1. the reason we use sea leave is because sea covers around 70%~ of the surface of earth its common hear, such a term is irrelevant on most planets in the Sol system, so average altitude would be a more appreciable term on planets/astral bodies with out liquid on the surface. In KSP we use lowest point on the planet as the reference number on the top of the HUD. i hope this helped you
  2. If you did manage to go faster than light away from earth and stopped you would view the past of earth that would be rather cool. But there's a problem unless you used some kind of star gate/star trek style Hyper-Drive/Warp-Drive or the Alcubierre Drive, as the tiny traces of hydrogen in deep space throughout the universe would be coliding with you'r hull faster than light, that might lead to forming a branch of plasma(or posably a new state of matter as we just don't know what hapend when you collide matter at over the speed of light) like the suns corona if not hotter as you literally burn you'r way to the destination meaning it would be useless at getting around with out making a huge and esay to see trail mush like the ones left by jet powered planes. but to my personal knowledge no human has ever viewed something like that so eathere no species with in the observable universe had done such a thing or it would obliteration what ever tryed such a thing instantaneously unless its just impossible to travel through real space faster than light it's self. but saying that i remember a few years ago reading something in new scientist abought travailing faster then light being easy IF you don't mind that to the rest of the universe a day to you in flight is a few million years.
  3. so after deciding this ''rocket'' needs a method of transportation* and built one i then failed repeatedly to get past 18,584m and have decided to just submit what i have done so far (*i would like to ensure you i did not use it in the rocket range flight) (Amended to atchaly display the original pics now sorry abought the problem)
  4. so i decided not to build an infinity glider instead i did a powered launch abusing rover wheels that is not banned and then to gain as much height as possible to abuse a ridiculous glide profile getting me a total distance of 106,049 meters i do hope that this is a good score for a first challenge done
  5. attempt to get into a stable orbit of at lest 400 KM and then return safely using only solid rocket (parachutes may be uses to land althow ideally not)
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