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Everything posted by GroundHOG2010

  1. A policeman pulls a man over for speeding and asks him to get out of the car. After looking the man over he says, 'Sir, I couldn\'t help but notice your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been drinking?' The man gets really indignant and says, 'Officer, I couldn\'t help but notice your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?'
  2. Contrary to popular belief, Unicorns are real. They are just invisible.
  3. I love using subject titles. So you don\'t have to look up, I said 'Where is Nova?'.
  4. I\'m 15 and I refuse to talk like that unless its a title. Then its ok
  5. Opera used to be good, but if you want something lightweight, chromes your browser
  6. Sorry Im Late. Welcome to the KSP Forums. To answer your questions, not that I know of. But if you do find one, Could you please PM me.
  7. Tchaikovsky\'s 1812 Overture. One of the most iconic music of all time (that no one knows). Written to commemorate the defense of Moscow against Napoleon\'s Army. Known for the cannon fire volley and chimes. Truly a masterpiece. But most kids these age don\'t understand a word I just said (except me). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1812_Overture audio version 14:30 is the most iconic piece.
  8. Dwarf fortress is a text based game. Also look for hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. I know too much!!!
  9. ^Note. This isn\'t a brand new engine but some very good modifications to the engine they used on oblivion and morrowind.
  10. Put it this way, this isn\'t Fallout 3. This is The Elder Scrolls Skyrim. Just because you decided to not stray away from the main quest is no skin off my nose. Also thats how its always been. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Quests http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Quests http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Quests Fun Fact : Daggerfall is the only game of the elder scrolls game where you start out of being incarcerated. Fun Fact : Arena is the only elder scrolls game where you can go to all the provenience. Fun Fact : Daggerfall has 487,000 square kilometers or twice the size of Great Britain, and Morrowind is about 0.01% of the size of Daggerfall at 25.9 square kilometers
  11. Well at least they named it right for idiots, Space Launch System (SLS)
  12. Its amazing to say I liked flying and messing about in orbiter. I would sit down for an hour reading the Manuel of how to get into space, and then fly, and mayby crash once or twice. Those were the days before I went to high school and learnt about gaming.
  13. if my laptop dies, I\'m going back to DOS.
  14. Its not that its a mediocre game, the game is a great game (few bugs, but Bethesda Game Studio is known for there bad coding). But is it a game for you. Chances are, it isn\'t. If you liked oblivion, there are some slight changes to the game design, nothing too big. If you liked morrowind, you will like this game. If you like Cod4 because it told you everything you needed to do, then the elder scrolls series is not for you. The elder scrolls world has been changing since arena. It wasn\'t till morrowind that they ruled out random generation for the whole map. Skyrim is a great game, but you have to like western rpg\'s to like it.
  15. I play the game (which you just lost). Its still a elder scrolls (from the 15 year old who still plays arena of all things), It is a good RPG, and even though its not BF3 graphics, there will be mods for that.
  16. ^ mines got 3 year old tech in it, and I can run skyrim on medium.
  17. .Craft file uploaded. Requires KW Challenger Pack and C7 Flight Pack 2.1 + Hardpoints 0.5
  18. Someone else named it and I bet them $5 that the first post would be referencing Project Icarus.
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