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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. A ksp.log, your .CRAFT file, and a screenshot might help. I don't have that problem. So, your vessel might be a bit odd or something.
  2. EDIT: see RoverDude's response below. I was missing CommunityResourcePac, which was not listed in OP (but will be corrected). Right-clicking a part, such as Supplies, does not display context menu either in the VAB nor Launchpad. I just ran a game with only Squad and USI Life Support. See attached ksp.log. KSP 64-bit EDIT: tried vers 0.4.0 and it works correctly. It worked in my unmodded game(Squad, USI Life Support) and my fully-modded game. Another issue (in 0.4.0): I have a Kerbal driving around Mun on a rover. He is not listed in the Life Support Status window
  3. Right-clicking Winch does not display the full menu of options, such as opening the Winch GUI.
  4. deleted by author Wish we could delete our own posts.
  5. The Procedural Fairings mod has two sets of fairings: the first set is in the Structural tab and is used between parts; the second set, in the Aerodynamics tab, is used at the top of the rocket. The Structural fairings do not eject; on the Aerodynamics set do.
  6. Equip the Kerbal with them, then right-click on it. For instance, the Ghetto Blaster will start to play music.
  7. @JPLRepo thanks for the reply. The non-existing Kerbals are neither Dead nor Missing. I just now discovered, they were formerly Tourists. Here's an example from my persistent.sfs: KERBAL { name = Lizla Kerman gender = Female type = Unowned trait = Pilot brave = 0.2939282 dumb = 0.6684083 badS = False tour = False state = Assigned ToD = 0 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } Here she is in the contract (that I accepted and completed) that created her: CONTRACT { guid = 8b120a3e-4821-44f8-904e-5defb8f448d0 type = TourismContract prestige = 1 seed = 879058567 state = Offered agent = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 77142.8564071655,102696427.592039,0,0,0,0,28.39161,11.53846,18190874.5362795,0,0,0 gender = 0 preposition = right here on Kerbin homeDestinations = False tourists = Calmy Kerman|Gerisa Kerman|Jebcas Kerman|Lizla Kerman She went from being a Tourist to a Pilot and shows-up in Roster Manager as a Pilot. Calmy, Gerisa, and Jebcas (all formerly Tourists) have similar bios. However, in the Astronaut Complex, none of these appear as Available/Assigned/Missing. Here's one from a contract I have not yet accepted. So, should not be created at all. Listed by RM as a Scientist. KERBAL { name = Cordon Kerman gender = Male type = Unowned trait = Scientist brave = 0.7340253 dumb = 0.1801908 badS = False tour = False state = Assigned ToD = 0 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } Here's the creation from the contract: RMKerbal { lastUpdate = 18120067.2998191 Name = Cordon Kerman status = Assigned type = Unowned vesselID = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 VesselName = Finally, in RM, all these non-existent Kerbals have yellow-colored font, indicating Assigned, but they are Available. Bottom line: Roster Manager is CORRECT by listing them, but KSP is INCORRECT by changing them from Tourists to Pilot/Engineer/Scientist. I'll log that as a bug in the Squad Bug Tracker; I'm sure they'll ignore it or call it intentional.
  8. I just discovered this mod. Looks interesting. Problem # 1: It lists Recruits as Available status. Need to be able to exclude Kerbals who are not part of the team. It also shows Tourists as Available. When I click the Available button, it shows the Recruits. Problem # 2: it shows Kerbals who don't even exist as Recruits, Available, or Assigned. Problem # 3: Cannot edit Kerbals.. When I click a Kerbal's name, the Create A Kerbal dialog opens. Even a regular like Bob or Bill. Tried to add a note. Can't do it. I'm told "That name is in use" as if I'm trying to create a new Kerbal
  9. Works in 1.1 for me. I don't have Firespitter though. I should probably add that.
  10. Thank you for updating this. I didn't know about the pre-release versions. Like/Rep-point given.
  11. I did not see that this Crew Manifest thread has been updated for 1.1 I assume then that CM is not yet updated.
  12. Igorz: found a situation you might find interesting. As we know, landing legs (LT-1, LT-2) have been rather explody after landing, even when the vessel is not the active vessel. Today, I brought two tourists (one being Jeb) to my base on Minmus. Each had a LT-1 in their inventory to store at the base for future use. Upon landing, Jeb exited the vessel with his inventory with the leg. He dropped it on the ground. BOOM!!!. Reloaded a quicksave. Jeb met with an Engineer and did an inventory-to-inventory transfer. The Engineer dropped the leg to the ground. BOOM! Reloaded. Jeb transferred the leg to the Engineer again. Engineer equipped herself with Wrench. Engineer then dropped, did NOT attach, leg to ground. No explosion.
  13. Drill? Do you mean the Electric Screwdriver? The Wrench and Electric Screwdriver perform the same functions; don't need both.
  14. Now the mod is displaying. Odd, though. The icon was displaying, but clicking it did nothing; I clicked multiple times. Without restarting the game, I clicked the icon about five minutes later, and the window displayed. So, all is good. Thanks for this great mod.
  15. Given that 1.1 is released and KIS and KAS are no longer test releases for 1.1, will this thread close and we all return to the regular threads? KISThread KAS Thread
  16. Laughing my fool head off. A++++++ Would watch again.
  17. Really? And HOW would the mod know which parts you want to add? Unfortunately, no KSP mod is a mind reader. yet.
  18. Didn't know about the experimental previously. Regardless, I've been waiting for this update. THANK YOU.
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