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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. thought I found the answer. Wrong. Still getting the error. How can I change the defined float curves in ModuleAnimateGeneric? Here is a link to a ZIP file with: 1) BLEND file; 2) FBX file; 3) CFG file; 4) texture PNG file; 5) GameData directory Project Files
  2. Happens to me constantly and consistently. My most recent situation, the cable was extended and could not be grabbed. Clicking the Winch displayed some error message. Could not retract the cable from the Winch menu nor the Winch GUI. Eventually, I grabbed the Winch and put it into a KIS container. The Winch went in. However, the piece at the end of the cable stayed floating in air. Couldn't be grabbed. I brought the Winch out of the KIS container and was able to use it. I'll see if I can get a screen grab or video.
  3. My part.cfg file. Is this what you're referring to?
  4. It's a simple mod (Cargo Bay, with two animated doors). I've put Mesh Colliders on the main Body and each door; all three pieces have the Mesh Collider convex flag set. What/Where should I be looking to resolve this err? Is it an unset flag/value in Unity? Is it something in my modeling program (Blender)? Sometimes, this works fine. Then not. The part compiled correctly in the Unity Editor without errors. Imported from Blender to Unity via an FBX file; animation (single) was baked.
  5. True; I misspoke PDtv is not the author. Mea culpa.
  6. Yep. Rather than respond to information, just bury it. I guess Squad could have deleted the thread.
  7. Yes, I still have explosions on Mun and Minmus. Using the Concrete Bases resolves the issue.
  8. Here's an interesting article, written by former dev PDtv and corroborated by other former Squad devs, such as R4m0n, which discusses working at Squad on KSP: Working at Squad //here come the fanboys...
  9. @Kadrush, Impressive setup, but you can use each experiment only once per biome. That's a lot to have to remove, unless you plan on just leaving it there. I setup three KAS/KIS Concrete Bases, placed an experiment on each; did the experiments; removed experiments; did next three experiments; took it all down; moved it to another biome; repeat. //CSB...
  10. I posted here and PMed you. Thank you for your response.
  11. I created mods for Unity 4 and KSP. After importing PartTools 0.23, I would add a Component to the GameObject. The new KSP 1.1.2 PartTools package does not have a component to add as it did in PartTools 0.23 So, given that I imported the PartTools 1.1.2 unity package, what component (or whatever) do I need to add to my GameObject?
  12. When updating the Skill levels, they aren't permanent. 1) I upgraded a Kerbal from Level 2 to Level 3. 2) In Astronaut Complex, confirmed Kerbal had three stars. 3) Exited AC and went to VAB 4) Exited VAB and returned to AC. Kerbal now back to two stars
  13. @SirJulio, the mod creator, is still around. Visited the forum just five days ago. To paraphrase Bones McCoy: Jim, the mod, it's dead.
  14. As I mentioned earlier, I believe this to be a KSP issue (items explode on surface due to collision meshes) that Squad is unable to fix. Not a SEP problem; not your problem. I only suggested a work-around, so that others might use it Love your mod. SEP got the final 1500 Science I needed to complete the tech tree in career mode on Minmus.
  15. KIS v 1.2.9 appears to work correctly. No Mass check problem. Can attach Concrete Bases. Objects attach to vessels with correct orientation. Have also re-installed KAS v 0.5.7
  16. KIS v 1.2.9 appears to work correctly. No Mass check problem. Can attach Concrete Bases. Objects attach to vessels with correct orientation.
  17. I'm still seeing parts explode on the surface. My work-around is to place a KIS Concrete Base on the Minmus surface, then place the SEP experiment on top of it.
  18. I reverted to KAS 0.5.6 and KIS 1.2.7 and it's all good again. I can attach the Concrete Base to Minmus surface. I can pull from inventory and attach SP-W 3x2 Solar Panels, which I could not do with latest KAS/KIS versions. The inventory mass check is gone. Also, object default nodes, such as the Winches, are correct again. Bottom line: latest KIS/KAS is broken. I suggest players revert to previous until it's fixed.
  19. I reverted to KAS 0.5.6 and KIS 1.2.7 and it's all good again. I can attach Concrete Base to Minmus surface. I can pull from inventory and attach SP-W 3x2 Solar Panels, which I could not do with latest KAS/KIS versions. EDIT: KIS v 1.2.9 appears to work correctly. No Mass check problem. Can attach Concrete Bases. Objects attach to vessels with correct orientation. I am using latest version of KAS as well.
  20. Cannot attach Concrete Base to Minmus surface with H-key. It tells me the target object is not allowed. I'm attaching with the Electric Screwdriver. I tried different R-key nodes to see if that works. No.
  21. To get around this Mass check problem, @IgorZ told me to change "grabMaxMass" in the KIS settings.cfg file. Default is now 1. Set it higher, as I did.
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