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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. Cannot do Munar Experiments with only KIS 1.1. Still need KAS I guess, so we can put experiment on the Kerbal's back to do the experiment. Drop experiment to surface to Take Data. In other words (as I write this) nothing has changed.
  2. Roverdude did #3 in his new USI simplified life support mod. Uses something similar to snacks
  3. Will FreeEVA be updated for KSP 1.0? It was a very nice addition to KSP 0.90.
  4. Did you use the X-key to attach? I ask, because it works for me. Which part is giving you problems?
  5. Many of us had the problem Filigan described. KIS 1.0 was mostly compatible with KSP 1.0. Inventory systems worked as did attach/detach, etc. EDIT: Happy to report that KIS 1.1 worked perfectly when retrieving Kerbals. Just 5 minutes ago, I rescued both a male and female kerbal without a problem.
  6. Reported previously. see "EVA Problem" @Capt Hunt: that patch doesn't fix the problem I'll that a go. Thanks. EDIT: Happy to report that KIS 1.1 worked perfectly when retrieving Kerbals. Just 5 minutes ago, I rescued both a male and female kerbal without a problem.
  7. Wrench and Screwdriver functionality are working in KSP v 1.0. However, the containers cannot be mounted to the container brackets; brackets can be installed, though. Right-click on the command module, and you can load upto 300 liters of stuff into the capsule per Kerbal. So, for now, you can treat the command module as a KIS container.
  8. This is NOT obsolete: AnchoredDecouplerFix.dll My SRBs now strike the main body and knock pieces off. As an experiment, I installed the version that worked in 0.90. Worked perfectly in v 1.0.
  9. EDITED: Development emphasis is on Kerbal Inventory System. KAS containers are deprecated. If you're adding new containers, use KIS, not KAS. If you've not used KIS, it's a bit different than KAS. For instance, in KIS, EVERY part can be attached to another; parts don't require the KAS MODULE{} in the part.cfg file. However, parts be attached ONLY by an Engineer who is using a Wrench or Electric Screwdriver.
  10. Capt. Hunt. Thanks. I already had that patch installed and it still occurred. Hatch was not obstructed.
  11. So, I decided to bypass the KSP broken functionality by editing the persistent.sfs file to make the kerbal's vessel landed, the kerbal available, and the contract completed (via ALT-F12). And, I'm OK with that, because the rescue would have been successful, given that I've done it many times. Of course, for gameplay purposes, the "rescued" kerbal is out of play until the rescue vehicle lands safely and recovered
  12. I'm rescuing a Kerbal. When I'm close to the Kerbal with my rescue vehicle, I change to the kerbal's broken vessel. When I do an EVA, the kerbal clings to the vessel hatch for a moment, then is suddenly launched from the vessel at high speed. Even though the Kerbal is at the same orbital speed as the vessel to which she clings. Yesterday, this problem did not occur. Today, it does. Ideas as to why this might occur?
  13. So then, not a bug. Additional contracts have required acceptance. Feel free to close this thread.
  14. malkuth, please keep your version of Civilian Contracts. In the strongest possible terms, I HATE the stock civilian tourists contracts. How/Where do I turn the d@mned things off? They're clogging-up my Contracts Available list. I also prefer your version of hiring Kerbals. The stock version requires 65,000 funds for the first and it goes up from there. STUPID!!! I may "cheat" by adding the cost of the next Kerbal minus 5000 to my persistencs.sfs file to cover Kerbal recruitment costs. Thus, hiring would cost me 5000 funds.
  15. Sarbian et al, Thank you for updating MechJeb within hours of KSP 1.0 release. MJ is essential to my enjoyment because of the four functions I use: 1) Maneuver Node Editor 2) Rendezvous Planner 3) Smart A.S.S. 4) Delta V Works for me in VAB and in flight.
  16. thank you. I've been playing KSP so long, it seemed like I always had nodes.
  17. How do I get maneuver nodes? What tech level? Building upgrade?
  18. Editor Extensions works for me in 1.0. YAY!!!
  19. Playing stock career. Accepted two contracts. Launched to complete both. Went to Mission Control. Discovered I now had four new Contracts. However, all were in ACTIVE tab, not Available tab. Not only that, I'm supposed to have only two active contracts; I now have four. Got a screenshot if needed.
  20. The original KIS container was too large for my Mun/Minmus Lander, so I added another part.cfg to the container and to the containerMount directories in which I simply rescaled to 0.7. Of course, that means the smaller container can hold only 340L vice 1000L. Also, reduced number of items by half as well. (Yeah, I know, should be eight items, not 12. So, sue me...LOL) Second, IRL, the container would not stick out of the side. So, I used the editor translation tool to embed the containerMount and container into the fuel tank (removing fuel to make room, of course). Oh, the things we'll al do with v1.1... For instance, 20,000L may be too large for some purposes. I plan to import the 20,000L MU file into Blender and cut it in half to create a 10,000L version. Need to convert the MBM files to PNG as well. Already working on an animated version of the current container. This stuff is for my own use only. Tis bad kharma to distro it without permission from KospY. Sidebar: Kerbals can have 300L when in the vessel. For my gameplay purposes, the most a Kerbal can hold in a vessel is a wrench or screwdriver. He can have full 300L only when he pulls an item from a container while on EVA.
  21. Preferred solution would be to store rover directly in the KIS 20,000L container (from either Editor in scene or from sub-assemblies), without requiring Hangar . Kerbal would simply drag-and-drop rover to planet/moon surface from KIS as is done now with parts. As a work-around, I'll make a "special" rover hangar with 0 volume and 0 mass which can contain a rover of any mass and volume(configured in hangar part.cfg). I'll put a rover into it. Then put the hangar into the 20,000L KIS container. Thus, the volume and mass of the hangar will be equal to the volume and mass of the rover it contains. To deploy, remove hangar from container. Open hangar. Deploy rover from hangar. If need be, I can import the rover hangar .MU file into Blender and create a very small hangar which can contain a rover of any size.
  22. That Lander Hangar is exactly the functionality I'm looking for. Excellent documentation on usage as well. Forum Rep point to you, sir. Now, if KIS could just include Lander Hangar in its functionality...
  23. I would like to offer a suggestion: Provide the ability to store sub-assemblies in a KIS container. Why? Is it realistic? Yes, it is. For instance, assume a sub-assembly is a folding rover. A KIS container would store the entire rover. Upon landing, the kerbal would remove and deploy it. This is the exact same scenario as the Apollo Lunar Excursion Module. The rover was folded into a container under the LEM and removed by the astronauts. I realize that sub-assemblies are a different ball of wax vice just simple parts. So, if you could look at that for vers. 1.2 or so, that would be super. Sidebar: KIS is a game-changer. For instance, upon landing on the Mun, one of the legs of the lander was damaged (stuck half-retracted), and the Engineer could not repair it. Upon returning to the Mun orbiting station, the Engineer retrieved a replacement leg from a KIS container on a vessel that arrived earlier. The Engineer w/Screwdriver removed the broken leg and installed the new one. Secondly, to make a part KAS-compatible, you had to add a KAS module to the part.cfg or MM. With KIS, EVERY part is KIS compatible and may be stored, if there is room in the container. Under the old KAS system, the leg part would have to include KAS attachment functionality. Easy enough to do, I know, but it would require a stop-restart of the game. KIS alleviated the situation. For me, I am more excited about KIS and its future than any recent mod.
  24. Thanks for checking. I kept the VAB at Level 3, so numbered action groups are available.
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