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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. Over a couple hundred vessels, I've always used a single set of RCS thrusters. Only time I required multiple was when moving a very heavy object.
  2. In this situation, i undocked and backed-up almost 3 meters. I then hit the Autodocking button. The vessel never moved. It just sat there blowing monoprop. Per Starwaster's suggestion, I then canceled, and then hit the Autodocking button again. Vessel still did not move. NOTE: I was using the newest MJ dev build, #352 Look for vessel called Skylab Repair in the Tracking Station. Or, push the F9 key. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cuc1n34nbtxaka6/Career.zip?dl=0
  3. Here's a prime example of auto-docking problems. I was 6 meters from the target port and pointing dead-center on it. I set that port as the target. I set the port on my vessel to "Control from here". I then clicked the Autopilot button. MJ-Autodock immediately kicked-on the RCS thrusters to push the vessel to the left and forward (note the "Docking Distance"). It never did correct and just kept going. The RCS thrusters are balanced. I hope the changes that have been made for the next release fix these problems.
  4. I always use the Center-of-Mass stock indicator in the VAB to place RCS ports correctly. HOWEVER, based on your recommendation, I'll use the MJ RCS Balancer.EDIT: RCS Balancer is NOT available to me in VAB. It is listed in both blizzy's Toolbar and the MJ menu (from the MJ button, not the right-side menu). Excellent news. Thanks for mentioning this. I use the Rendezvous Planner and Maneuver Node Editor extensively (to fine-tune transfers to moons and planets). If you're not using it yet, use SMART A.S.S. to handle the detailed work so you can concentrate on the bigger picture.Edge of the seat? Hah!! I thought i was the only only one. Me, too, my friend, me too.
  5. Please fix the Auto-Docking bug. Specifically, it just burns through monoprop continuously adjusting itself, instead of just setting it's course and adjusting if/when necessary. In KSP v0.24.x, auto-docking worked perfectly. Prior to that and since v0.25, it's wasteful without docking. Question: when I manually position the vessel within a few meters of the target port, why does Autodocking back-up to a "starting point"? It should just proceed from there instead of wasting time and monoprop getting to the "starting point". I depend on auto-docking, because I suck at docking. Auto-docking makes KSP fun for me, because it overcomes my most frustrating requirement of KSP. At this point, some fool will say, "Just learn to dock. It's easy. I docked my first time." I said it for you. Now, go away so adults can talk here. thank you for MJ2
  6. I run StationScience with FAR and a boatload of other mods. No problem. So, it might not be NEAR/FAR. Just a thought.
  7. thank you. Forum rep point to you for that. I tested it just now, and allows me to tilt forward-backwards, rotating about the hips-axis. I can then hit W-key to go in that direction.. That mod ought to be stock. I can even rotate about the axis going through the navel, out the backside. This mod is now one of my MUST-HAVE mods (such as kdata, SelectRoot, Kerbal Alarm Clock, and Claw's fixes). Now, if Claw comes-up with something even more intuitive...
  8. Oh drat! I saw the TweaskScale in big-arse letters. Missed the Firespitter. I'll add that. Thank you. Gave you a forum rep as well. EDIT: Upon starting KSP, I got a warning message saying that firespitter.dll is incompatible with v 0.25. the latest version of firespitter.dll that I could find was for 0.24.2. Is there another? Regardless, the version of firespitter.dll worked well enough that the Decal mod works as advertised. Forum rep point to our modder, Krasimir.
  9. Claw, you seem to know your way about. I'd like to offer you a challenge. Perhaps, it is too deeply embedded in the KSP code, but here it is. EVA rotation. Currently, Kerbals can translate left-right, up-down, and forward-backward. Kerbals can rotate about the Y-axis (the axis going from head downward). I would like Kerbals on EVA to tilt forward-backwards (X-axis, the axis going left-right through their hips). Might that be possible? I understand that EVAs are handled like vessels. Yet, vessels have six degrees of freedom; kerbals have four. Why Squad failed to implement this is a question.
  10. EDIT: Requires Firespitter, which I was missing. Does not work for me. That is, it does not show the "Next Texture" nor "Prev texture" buttons. I can place only the Default decal
  11. Small Repair Panel works for me. Shows as green text in contracts dialog when a repair Panel is required.
  12. Thanks for the quick explanation. Will do!!tried. Got tired of screwing with it. Just did ALT-F12/Contracts/Com(plete) for the contract after waiting 28 days required in the contract. I opened Repair Can transfer dialog and hit Out button. Tried to open Skylab's Repair Panel Transfer and was told I was too far. Upon flying to Skylab's Repair Panel, I opened that transfer. Could not open Repair Can's transfer dialog (too far). Tried multiple times, including return to capsule to test if "ready for repair" was set. Please provide step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish repair contracts.
  13. EDIT: see Malkuth's explanation below this. I cannot transfer repair parts from the Repair Can to the Skylab. When I clicked the "Check if system is ready", I got the message in the black box. However, when I ALT-RightClicked the Repair Panel (on Skylab) and the Repair Can (on manned module), I am not given the option to transfer the repair part. I even tried manning the Skylab to see if that would help; no joy. Note that the contract page indicates that I don't have "...at least 1 repairParts.". Granted, the Repair Can shows I have "SpareParts". Is that the problem? If so, where do I find "repairParts"?
  14. this has been a consistent problem for quite awhile: Note that the words are cutoff and placed on two lines. Even "Sun" and "Mun" are cut after two letters. Longer words are cut elsewhere
  15. a Thank You for Haystack. Situation: In the Tracking Station, I would select a spacecraft. Neither the KSP/TS Fly nor Terminate buttons were lit, so I could not fly it. I left the TS and went to the launch pad to a rocket I had there. I hit the M key to go to map view. Then used the TAB key to cycle through the planets. Clicking on a craft orbiting the planet should allow me to select and fly it. Nope. No joy. Bottom line: the stock KSP solutions would not allow me to select/fly a craft. Then, I noted Haystack in the Tracking Station. There, I was able to select the craft I wanted and I clicked the Haystack Fly button. SUCCESS!! As an experiment, I went back to the TS and was able to select any craft using KSP's stock select functionality. Even the stock Fly and Terminate buttons were lit. So, somehow, Haystack set whatever KSP flag was necessary to permit stock functions to work. Bottom line: Haystack works when KSP fails. Thank you.
  16. Without your fix. I'll try that. I use KJR, so we'll see how that goes. UPDATE: tried with the fix. Boosters separated PERFECTLY during launch, including KJR and FAR. Did not even have Seperatrons on boosters. They slid right off without bumping the rocket engine. Even a rocket engine that has a larger diameter than the core rocket (boosters attached with the extended radial decoupler). Craft was not in warp. Thanks, again, for the "AnchoredDecouplerFix.dll" fix.
  17. I've had this problem multiple times as well. It pre-dates v 0.25. Without your fix. I'll try that. I use KJR, so we'll see how that goes.Thank you for taking the lead to fix these bugs, rather than awaiting (hopefully) for Squad to fix in next release.
  18. I was in orbit. In fact, my eccentricity was 0.01 when I finally orbited. I had to increase it. New problem: the contract said I failed because I did not bring the civilians to low orbit. It even failed me on all steps I had previously passed. Then, I got another message that said I comleted the mission. More to follow...
  19. It's great the way my favorite mod continues to evolve. Just got a new civilian joyride contract. One of requirements was eccentricity between: 0.34 - 0.44 According to MechJeb, my orbital eccentricity is 0.345. However, MCE does not indicate that I've achieved the required eccentricity.
  20. I just checked Verdan's posts. Last time he looked here was 5 August. Last time on forum 22 Sept. I guess this mod is officially dormant.
  21. Khatharr created a mod. If users choose to use it (as they have the same choice with any mod), then fine. If users do not wish to use it, they won't. It's their choice. I'm surprised, and a bit disappointed, in the vitriol of this thread. I believe the KSP modding community to be one of the most open and helpful that I've found. Squad's support of modders is second to none. Yet, here we are. I understand the concern that the above modders expressed that they may be flooded with messages from users about their mods breaking without warning (because Khatharr's mod is installed). A simple solution is to respond to them (and put it in the OP of your own thread), "If you have Khatharr's mod installed", remove it and restart KSP. If the problem persists, then contact me." Will 99% of the players see the message in the thread's OP. Probably not. But, to sabatage a player as Ippo suggests in his post #18: THAT"S JUST WRONG. You're punishing the player because of a mod you disagree with.Let the players play the game the way players choose to. As for me, I won't use this mod because i want to know about incompatibility issues.
  22. @xyd: You can always give yourself a "loan". Just change the "funds = " in the persistent.sfs file. Then, sometime in the future, reduce the funds by the amount you added.
  23. I hear that! I've got about three dozen mods (few parts mods, mostly gameplay, such as MechJeb). Somewhere, I learned about putting KSP in a window (ALT-ENTER). So, now I start KSP, then slide the window to the side for about five minutes while I do other things. When KSP is ready, I slide it back and ALT-ENTER again to go full-screen.
  24. Your sarcasm is duly noted. Ineffective, but noted. You're one of the more experienced modders here. Who better than you to fix it?
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