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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. When I created the Plane shape, these were my Scale and Dimensions in Blender. Setting the Scale to 1.0 for X, Y, Z, causes this shape to happen and the Dimensions to change as well. G]
  2. When I set the X and Y scales to 1.0 in Blender, the plane becomes a 2x2 square. I don't want a 2x2 square. I tried locking scaling and changing the Dimensions; the Scaling changed anyway. I rekeyed using LocRot and LocRotScale; none of those changed the outcome. the scaling doesn't change in Blender; only in Unity. this is frustrating....................
  3. It's already set to Quaternion. I guess I'll try Euler. EDIT: I just tried Euler and Quaternion. the Unity video preview window still showed the erroneous animation. Was I supposed to Save something before exiting the Animation window? Also, there was no individual interpolation like your example. There was an interpolation for "panel: rotation"
  4. For some reason, either Unity or the FBX export is adding a weird transform into my model. I've made animations before without a problem. The only difference is that I'm using an Empty "game object" in Blender upon which to create the model. I'm doing this to make solar panels which is kind of convoluted. You must place the panels on a specific local Z-axis in order to track the sun correctly. This model does track the sun correctly after deployment. I've provided a link to my Blender file below, with textures and FBX export file. MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel animationName = Scene resourceName = ElectricCharge sunTracking = true raycastTransformName = panel pivotName = panel chargeRate = 1 powerCurve { key = 206000000000 0 0 0 key = 13599840256 1 0 0 key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0 key = 0 10 0 0 } } Revised Blender file Blender image. The manipulator is showing LOCAL (not global transforms). From Blender. How the sequence is supposed to appear: How it appears in Unity and KSP (in KSP, it has correct textures and material): In the fourth image, the panel is straight down. It then rotates (image 5). It then rotates on its center axis and rotates up to the left before rotating into the final, correct position. What am I doing wrong?
  5. Version 2 of the Hex Truss Solar Panels is now available This version allows the solar panels to track the sun position to ensure the most energy is generated. The first version consisted of a single part with three panels (which prevented sun tracking...a game engine limitation). The newest version is actually two parts: a Hex Solar Truss and Hex Solar Panels. You first place the Truss, then place each of the three Panels (blue panels facing inwards). Each panel generates 12 electric; totals 36 for a fully-loaded Solar Truss. Additionally, given the modular structure of the Hex Solar Truss, I may create non-solar modules for the Hex Solar truss: -- Different panels which are more and/or less efficient than these. Less efficient are cheaper than more efficient. -- KAS containers -- TAC life support -- Snack life support -- Monoprop -- Batteries -- Cargo bays See post # 114 for the Solar Panels License is the same as SpeedyB's Hex Truss System license. SpeedyB has my permission to include this in all future Hex Truss System releases. A special Thank You to raidernick, who was instrumental in resolving a particulary nasty issue. If you use TweakScale, you'll need to download this TweakScale cfg file to see the changes - Hex Truss System
  6. OK. I'll give that a try with a test part. Thank you for the information you've provide. I especially appreciate your patience. Tomorrow, I plan to publish this mod on the Hex Truss thread. The ReadMe.txt file includes a paragraph acknowledging and thanking you for your help.
  7. How do I know if an objects pointed the correct direction? How do I ensure I start out right? By "empty game object" (in terms of Blender), I don't understand.
  8. Thank you very much. that worked perfectly. Now, I've got to understand what you did so I can replicate that success. Also, I've got to work on the collision meshes. When the panel is extended, it doesn't collide, like the stock solar panels do. Questions: 1) you added an "empty" (rotate). Why? 2) Both the local and global transformation orientations are the same when I select "rotate". How did you do that? When I switch between local and global on my own models, the arrows change. How did local versus global allow you to fix this? 3) The "rotate" empty is a child of the panel It is the parent another empty (pivot main) which is the parent of of the pivot. Why these relationships? Why isn't the empty the parent of all?
  9. I just went into Blender and rotated the entire part 90 degrees about the Z-axis (Unity's Y-axis). I still have the problem. I'm obviously missing something very basic. My Blender file
  10. thank you. will do. when you say green axis, I assume that is Unity's Y-axis, not the green axis in my image.
  11. I just went into Unity editor. Selected the GameObject, and entered 180 for the Y rotation. i still have the problem. How do I correct this in Unity?
  12. Hey guys, Sorry I haven't been back to this thread to answer earlier. The collision mesh actually follows the inside of the bay. I tried the technique of creating a collision mesh for each face inside, but found it too laborious. Each of the walls of the bay has a thickness. So, I just duplicated the entire bay (without the doors) (SHIFT-D in Blender), and that became the collision mesh. Quick and easy. To make ANY part KAS compliant, so you can remove it and place it on another vehicle, add this code to that part: (change the parameters to suit your needs). MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 2 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = True attachOnStatic = False } If you want to make any part into a KAS container and behave like it, just add this to the part.cfg: MODULE { name = KASModuleContainer maxSize = 40 } That will call the KAS.dll. Of course, you can't distro KAS.dll with your mod part. Just let the user know it's needed. Thanks for the compliment on the JebEx part. I'm releasing it as part of SpeedyB's incredible Hex Truss System. JebEx can be found at: JebEx Cargo Bay. License is the same as SpeedyB's Hex Truss System JebEx works with FAR. I don't use Deadly Reentry, so I'm not certain of the effects.
  13. How do I constrain the pivot axis to prevent this situation? Both the plane of the solar panels and the suncatcher mesh face in the direction of the green line before attempting to track the sun. The suncatcher mesh is non-rendered. As an experiment, I applied a collision mesh to the suncatcher mesh to determine if that would prevent this. The red-circle is the pivot. There is also a collision mesh that surrounds the vertical truss section; I ensured all face normals faced out. In this image, the sun is to the left of this position. My part.cfg file: MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel animationName = Scene resourceName = ElectricCharge sunTracking = true raycastTransformName = suncatcher pivotName = pivot chargeRate = 12 powerCurve { key = 206000000000 0 0 0 key = 13599840256 1 0 0 key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0 key = 0 10 0 0 } } EDIT: With a special thanks to raidernick for his help. Read the thread to see how he resolved the problem.
  14. @The_Duck: THAT WORKED!!!!! Thank you. Sent you a forum rep point as well. I previously read that API doc. I thought the EventData<ShipConstruct> was the cast for the callback function, not the argument.
  15. I want to add a callback to fire whenever onEditorShipModified occurs. I've searched and Googled and tried various solutions. No joy. public override void OnStart() { GameEvents.onEditorShipModified.Add(myFunction); } private void myFunction(EventReport e) { } When I hover over the error, I get: The best overloaded method match for 'EventData<ShipConstruct>.Add(EventData<ShipConstruct>.OnEvent)' has some invalid arguments When I hover over the Add, it displays this tooltip for the parameter. EventData<ShipConstruct>.OnEvent evt) I tried this as a definition for myFunction(): private EventData<ShipConstruct> myFunction(EventReport e) this also failed: public override void OnStart() { GameEvents.onEditorShipModified.Add(onEditorShipModified); } private void onEditorShipModified(EventReport e) { return; } I see callbacks for other events when I Googled them. However, this event must be special. In another thread, I saw how this person added a callback for onCrewKilled: GameEvents.onCrewKilled.Add(onCrewKilled); private void onCrewKilled(EventReport e) { Debug.Log("KSN onCrewKilled!"); } What am I missing? How should my statements appear? Is there any good documentation on GameEvents? thanks
  16. Here's the TweakScale file I provided for all Hex Truss parts (post # 44). Hex Truss TweakScale It contains the Solar Panels as well. Just place the file under "\GameData\TweakScale" with the other TweakScale files.
  17. I tried that without success. As soon as the first part exploded, it severed the relationship to the rest of the vessel. Finally, I tried simply copying the list of vessel parts so that there was not a connection to the vessel itself. All to no avail. List <Part> partList = vessel.parts; partList.ForEach(myExplode); private void myExplode(Part part) { part.explode(); }
  18. Thanks for that info. Didn't know that. I'll put this on one or both. Gave you a forum Rep point as well. thank you
  19. I just checked SpeedyB's Planned Parts list n the OP. I don't see that. Just more tanks, like the one I developed here.
  20. License is in the download. Corrected the "Gamadata". to "GameData" thanks
  21. Just the part it's attached to. I'm still trying to make it blow-up an entire vessel. I've not tried on an asteroid. i assume no effect.
  22. Do you have a lot of space junk orbiting Kerbin and you want to get rid of it? Sure, you could just go to the tracking station and terminate them. But, that's kinda cheating. And, what's the fun of that? Well, now you can rid yourself of that junk legally...with Dyn-O-Mite! Simply attach the Dyn-O-Mite to the offending part, back-off, and...BOOM!!!! And, someday, KSP may have multi-player. Dyn-O-Mite! will come in real handy when seeking revenge,...I mean..., finding justice. Rendezvous with your "friend" in orbit. Then, quietly, ever so carefully, attach the Dyn-O-Mite! to his vessel. EVA back to yours. Then, watch the sparks fly. Blow-up his engine, and he can't return. If he's on an EVA, you can blow-up his command pod to leave him EVAing forever. A truly great way to make new friends. DISCLAIMER: I do not advocate seeking revenge nor blowing up other player's vessels. But, it is an option... KerbalStuff download GPLv 3 license Yeah, it is a silly mod. Just something to do while learning the modding business.
  23. Squad won't quit. The game, Spacebase DF-9, was sold as an Early Access game. There were a lot of planned new features. Players and the game review industry considered this a hot property. The current game is buggy, lacking in features, and playable for a couple hours (literally) before doing all you can do. Today, Double Fine, the developer, just quit developing. In this statement, they simply quit. "We're done. We're releasing the code so the community to finish our job." I was tempted to buy the game, but at $30, I was rather wait-and-see. I'm glad I did not purchase it, not that I could have anticipated this. Could Squad potentially just quit KSP? Certainly. Unlikely though, because they're not spread thin like the DF studio. DF was working on about three to eight games at a time. Squad is focused on one.
  24. Thank you all, again, for your help. I used DMagic's magic code snippet, and everything works like a bloody charmer. With the code provided by Philotical and the debug dump from xEvilreeper, I'm well on my way. Yep, I fell for that internet scam. Kinda like the time that Nigerian banker promised to send me 5.4 million dollars if i sent him $5,000 to to bribe the Nigerian bank. I'm still waiting. @xEvilReeperx: thanks for sharing that code. that's now a part of all my projects.
  25. Folks, Thanks for those very detailed explanations. I appreciate that you took the time (and with editing, a long time), to draft your responses. Also, every time the game enters a scene, it calls OnStart(). Does that not rewind the animation? @xEvilReeperx: how did you get that debug dump?
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