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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. @Jikahn: the solution I went with was to copy the stock Octo probe and create a new part whereby I changed the mass of it to 3.0. Therefore, you're still fulfilling the requirement of the contract by lifting the required weight without cheating. Just change the name and mass in the part.cfg file
  2. Here's why you need the nodes at both sides of the part. In the following, I wish to deliver a truss (with endcap) to a station. Assume the probe at the bottom is attached to other rocket delivery parts, such as tanks, and engines. The top of this construction is a Hex Docking Port which will attach to the station's hex docking port. In the first image (endcap with top and bottom nodes), I can place the endcap on top of a separator (blue/white ring). I then build the truss system on top of that. Upon docking with the station hex docking port, I would then activate the separator, leaving the truss system. The Endcap would be clean, i.e., nothing attached to it. In the second image (standard endcap with only one node), upon placing the endcap on the separator, I cannot build on top of it. Note that the separator has come through the endcap. In another situation, I wish to add a Clamp-a-tron port to the endcap that will be at the end of a truss I deliver to a station.: Using an endcap with top and bottom nodes, I get this: Using your standard endcap with a single node, I get: Bottom line: you NEED endcaps with two nodes. As I mentioned, I have both endcap parts available to me.
  3. Would it be possible to provide a list of all the parts, which have actions, in another window? I ask, because Action Group Manager has that function. When I can't click on a part (perhaps still covered by a fairing), I was able to select the part and its action from the AGM list. Just a thought. I no longer use AGM, because I prefer AGE.
  4. If the new stock NavBall doesn't have scaling and the ability to move it out of the way, I'll stick with this mod. Secondly, I'm "wait-and-see" concerning the arrows that were mentioned in the DevNotes. I like this mod's "ghosting". It's non-intrusive, but provides the info I need. I think Squad could have saved a lot of time, effort, and expense by making a deal with kitoban to include Enhanced NavBall as stock. Pay him/her for the rights and incorporate all further development in house.
  5. Given that KSP 0.25 will now provide the ability to transfer crew without EVA, what are the plans for Crew Manifest? I've never used CM in flight, only on the launchpad to change Kerbals. Also use it to create kerbals and change their names. From Dev Notes:
  6. Don't spend a lot of time on the bug. I just started KSP again. Went to MCC. Added a contract. Went to Space Center to VAB. New contract was listed.
  7. I did not set any contracts to Hidden. As I mentioned, I exited the MCC to the Space Center to the VAB. Upon displaying the contracts window in the VAB, the four new contracts were not shown. The stock contracts window did list them. Bottom line: no big deal. Resolved by resetting the list. I really do prefer your mod to the stock window.
  8. I had seven active contracts when I went to the Mission Controller building. there, I added four more missions. When I went to the VAB, only the original seven were showing. I had to click the Rebuild Contracts window + button to see all eleven. I would assume that when i went to the VAB or added a mission in the MC building, that the Contracts Window+ database would be updated without manual intervention.
  9. Uh...you can do that in stock Tracking Station. Just click the "i" icon and rename the vessel. No crew or battery power required. Although I have lots of mods, I don't believe any has added that function. that said, the info you show in the other images may be of value.
  10. My only "complaint" about the mod is that an experiment can be performed only once in the SOI of a body;. For instance, you cannot run the Plant Growth experiment twice when orbiting Kerbin. That is a lot of expensive heavy hardware (Science lab, Zoology, Cyclatron, etc) to be used only once per experiment. One experiment actually requires two Cyclatrons; I won't be doing that one. And, given the minimal amount of Science per experiment, that makes the Science very expensive. So: 1) increase the amount of Science per experiment. Say 800 total Science for Plant Growth earned at 80 per experiment, or; 2) remove Science limitation altogether. Granted that the Science Lab is required for multiple experiments, once the five or six experiments are completed, my Science Stations (Kerbin, Mun) have no purpose. might as well de-orbit them. My Mun Station has a Spectrometron, which is not required for Kerbin. Kerbin Science Station Mun Science Station
  11. I use MCE and Station Science without any problem. i use lots of mods and the 32-bit version of KSP.
  12. This happens to me randomly as well. I have mods, but none that effect the camera.
  13. Ike is also very easy to land on. It has a lower gravity than Minmus.
  14. G is for both drop and grab (nearest I think).That's the answer. Thank you. gave you a forum Rep point as well.
  15. They are fully integrated. What do you feel is not integrated? In fact, this is MCE vers 2, which came out after KSP 0.24.
  16. tried the newest update late last night. My GUI elements never disappeared. Works like a charm!!!!
  17. As I mentioned in my post just prior to yours, I do use Procedural Fairings where they make sense. They are more expensive than the alternatives.
  18. Wow, did not know SelectRoot had been updated so recently. I've been using my year-old version with KSP 0.24.2 Chrome is reporting it as Malicious, not Uncommon to me. Thankfully, I have IE and FireFox to resolve that issue. I've used SelectRoot hundreds of times. Every, and I mean EVERY, semi-complex build I've ever done has relied on SelectRoot. I have four Must-Have mods. If I don't have them, I don't play KSP. Those mods are: SelectRoot, Kerbal Alarm Clock, MechJeb, kData.
  19. SelectRoot Kerbal Alarm Clock FAR or NEAR MechJeb (or some kind of Flight Control Computer). Specifically: Maneuver Node Editor (or PrecisionNode), Rendezvous Planner, Smart A.S.S. Enhanced NavBall (was actually created by Squad and was supposed to be in KSP vers. 0.17) blizzy's Toolbar (or equivalent)
  20. Many folks are complaining of the use of various metals for the struts because in the real world, they don't make sense. Bloody hell, people!!! This is a game world, not real world. @PatPL: easy solution. Rename all your metals to names of metals that don'e exist. Kerbalize the names, as well. Problem solved.
  21. Is there a shortcut key to Drop an item you are carrying? I see there are shortcuts for grabbing and attaching an item.
  22. Excellent. the previous contracts requiring 3.5 tons was difficult. I solves that by copying the Hecs Probe and setting it's weight to 3.5 tons.
  23. 600 funds per day per kerbal is far too expensive. I have 12 kerbals on each of two Science Stations. That would bankrupt me quickly. And lets not forget the long missions to other planets. Perhaps, 5 funds per day per kerbal. Bottom line: the mod sounds interesting, but for me, this is a No Go.
  24. The GUI disappears for me as well. In my case, my kData and MechJeb/Smart_A.S.S. guis are gone for about 10-15 seconds. I also have haystack running. I wonder if there's a connection. I was never having this problem before installing HayStack. This has been occurring now for a few days. @Ringkeeper: where did you get that dump, so i can get it, too?
  25. Don't know if you can fix this, but I thought I'd report it. I returned to Kerbin with four solar panels in the small container. Upon recovering the vehicle, I did not receive credit for those four. I received funds only for the container itself. Perhaps this is a KSP issue. Perhaps, it is KAS. I don't know.
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