Wi havnt ppl landud un teh sun? cant thuy go @ nite wen its nut hot??? Seriously though, would you say Apollo 11 is a bigger achievement than Voyager 1?
Something similar happened, where I walked a Kerbal into the runway, where he vanished and the camera shot off into space, with the almost heaven-like music playing. I imagine he died and went to booster heaven.
I have updated this thread and plan to make sections for easier reading. STILL TO DO: Find universal formatting guideline, to avoid: XXX = XXX YYY: YYY ZZZ - ZZZ Which looks messy... EDIT: DONE!!!
Small space station at 300-ish km, a discarded Mun lander ascent stage (with so much fuel I got into Kerbin orbit with it after my visit to the Mun, not even using the SM engine), and that's about it.
That's true. They should stick to one theme: large companies like Rockomax and Kerbodyne should have high quality, unscratched products, "found by the side of the road", maybe not so.
I adore this mod, but have recently removed it because I can't use the KSO displays in other crafts, despite them being imposed onto them. Ooh! Ooh! What if you collaborated with the guy who made the ALCOR capsule and added some extra functional IVA buttons?