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Everything posted by Javster

  1. If you can get it there, anyone else can, unless you destroy the planet you slingshot around...
  2. PLEASE don't say "Kerban" Kerbin is the Earth-like planet. A Kerbal is the space-eager green creature. Don't try and mash them together.
  3. I've just bought Portal 2 while it was on sale. I've heard only great things about it.
  4. Could a single pixel in the screen you're looking at be an entire universe just like ours?
  5. Skylab SERIES? AFAIK it was a single station. I've also been in a real Mir prototype.
  6. Currently, I've heard the volume of a swimming pool/reactor is enough to store it all.
  7. Not that realistic, and removes the challenge of knowing whether your rover will work. Not one really knew if the first Moon rovers would work. It wouldn't be bad, but it feels a bit cheaty. Also, what is the point of having it deep in the tech tree? By then you'll know if your rover works anyway...
  8. I have plans to make a motorcycle and a jetpack now!
  9. I've scared him with a Minmus -> Kerbin direct straight down re-entry
  10. If only someone could make them have lazor missile properties, so they damage stuff nearby...
  11. Yay! My thread is being advertised by someone!
  12. Javster

    Font Bomb

    It doesn't work in Chrome
  13. I want to try flying a plane with one wing, loads of reaction wheels and Jeb piloting.
  14. I always though the Shuttle docked to the ISS by flying straight up at the right time...
  15. I sort of knew that the Shuttle turned, but I though it was something to do with being in a space position: good for the cargo bay etc.
  16. Thanks for the advice everyone. I tried it all but it didn't fix it. Still dunno the cause
  17. Since you did not wish for anything. I'll assume you wished for ETERNAL HELL MWHAHAHAHHAHAHHA*violent coughing* AHEM. I wish for invincible Kerbals EDIT: DAMN IT! Someone else replied (ignore the above, but I'm not gonna delete it)
  18. Today, I just got EVERYTHING reset on my browser. EVERYTHING. My custom theme, my 100+ bookmarks on these forums... I've relaunched Chrome so I can't get them back. Does anyone know what causes that sort of thing?
  19. Yeah, but it was pretty much a world-wide symbol of space exploration. Capsules can't quite do that.
  20. COOOOL!! I think (if it's not too late) 5000, 2500, 1000, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 0/touchdown.
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