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Everything posted by Javster

  1. Regarding clipping, I don't consider it cheating unless you put 5 tanks of fuel inside one, or if you stack intakes. Putting batteries inside a cockpit is fine IMO.
  2. Nah, Gilly. Or maybe you'd get stuck in their orbit if you were in space.
  3. Only problem is phonetics: the written reversed work pronounced doesn't sound like the real word played backwards in some cases
  4. Which 3D printer do you use? How much does it cost? Does a 3D scanner exist? Can one "photocopy" something? PS: Please PM me if you don't mind, I seem to be unable to bookmark his page.
  5. There's no real start, which makes it difficult. The Cold War did start the Space Race, which lead to many breakthroughs in tech. And KSP would probably not exist, or be a sci-fi game.
  6. Yeah, I meant keep the passengers asleep, and the crew awake in shifts
  7. I forgot: it would be online only!
  8. Currently using landing legs for a cargo bay. Tweakables make is easy to see the result when the legs are extended. Then I unbind the gear action group and rebind to a number.
  9. For entertainment, just give them a copy of KSP each Seriously though, maybe cryostasis would be a better idea than everyone awake and doing stuff.
  10. "No longer available due to a copyright claim"
  11. Nuclear weapons are used as peacekeeping devices (am I the only one to see irony here?), and due to Mutually Assured Destruction, no one wants a war. So I don't know if they've saved more lives than they've taken... Or maybe, eventually, the amount of people killed by them will be small compared to the lives saved by the lack of war (helped by nukes). EDIT: yeah that isn't a clear explanation is it... EDIT 2: Explanation: Nuke stops war. War kills people. Nuke also kills people, but at some point people killed by war > people killed by nuke.
  12. KSP was published by EA? Let's input ideas: You would have to buy planets as a DLC. You would pay for custom Kerbal names, but only if you got the Collector's Edition. Please add ideas!
  13. Maybe add a rule where you must launch the two ships several hours apart?
  14. Yeah, and compared to some game server admins/mods, they're completely different. Far better.
  15. I may have found a way to make launch clamps generate fuel.
  16. EnterElysium, Themattdennis16, and Scott Manley. EDIT: and Danny2462, how could I forget??
  17. Javster

    USB buttons

    Thank you, will consider.
  18. Javster

    USB buttons

    What I'm looking for is a USB button that can be bound to a key on the keyboard (aka backspace, for an abort button) I want to play KSP with a big red button I can press to abort. I've seen a few, but I'm not paying £80 for a simple button... I've seen cheap buttons, but I doubt they are USB capable, and I have no soldering equipment. I thought of taking apart an old mouse and using that, but I need the actual button too. If anyone knows where to find this, please post below. Thanks!
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