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Everything posted by Javster

  1. Copy it, and launch the game from inside the folder. Steam won't work, but KSP will.
  2. Mun: it loves hugging my spacecraft!
  3. You can use *fewer engines if less thrust is needed. EDIT: this might count as a useless bump, but I can't delete it for some reason
  4. The temperature is broken. Full stop.
  5. I've seen a teapot in space on the pcgamer website.
  6. I scared Jeb once on a straight-down-to-Kerbin re-entry from Minmus. I feel so proud!
  7. Well, for a start, B9 is HORRIBLE with memory...
  8. Adds a custom panel of USB buttons, and you're set!
  9. Very good idea, especially if there's a weather forecast whose accuracy can be improved with science or weather sats!!!
  10. The N1 was the largest non-nuclear explosion made by humans, I think.
  11. It was scheduled to wake up by its computer.
  12. Back in my day, you had 0.19, and you were happy with it! Jk, 0.19 wasn't that long ago. And I'm not saying you're unhappy with anything.
  13. I was in Minmus orbit, quicksaved, quickloaded, and then I was on a direct trajectory down. Which was good because it was a landing mission!!!
  14. Try to avoid a vertical speed of greater than -5 m/s
  15. I can't stand the idea, I think most species of whales are endangered already...
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