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Everything posted by Javster

  1. I assume it was meant to do Science! on the Mun I MEAN MOON
  2. Seems like the easiest way to do it.
  3. Holy intervention has arrived to help us get KSP MP! (Sorry Jesus, you probably get a lot of teasing about your name...)
  4. My only objection is how they are a big too big compared to the ones on an Apollo capsule with inflatable hab concept. About to use them for a base though.
  5. Duna lander probe, or single-module permanent Mun base.
  6. Not only in space, but in orbit!
  7. The audio cues are good. If anyone has alternative sounds I could try please PM me. I like these ones, but they're not as alarm-like as I'd like. I assume the sound is easy to add
  8. Looking at this thread made Chrome crash
  9. I don't see how going to the Mun makes your engineers invent batteries. Maybe you could get extra Science! by using the parts you have, up to a certain level? And then you'd get XP for each type of part?
  10. Nice! Looking forward to a release!!
  11. I occasionally have pauses of a few days, when I lose inspiration.
  12. Swept wings should have 100 units of fuel, delta wings 150 (the stock wings)
  13. Used to use it for most things, then I was forced to do without it w/ career, now I've uninstalled it.
  14. Or even worse, send all your recent recruits up, and leave him on the launch pad for every launch.
  15. I want to be able to enable and disable mods instantly, especially when troubleshooting
  16. Um, they used a sock and a lithium battery to make some carbon dioxide filters fit together I think. And duct tape. Which they took on every single STS mission.
  17. Maybe it calculates how large the part is and if anything is radially attached to it.
  18. I usually have an "abort key". Not the action group, just a key (usually k) which I press to get clear of the station if something goes wrong.
  19. ...would we be flung into space? It's just that I was told this by someone, and I doubt it. Does anyone know?
  20. I might do that sort of thing, but I rarely use these engines.
  21. I don't want to take any credit for anyone's threads, but I posted my thread asking how many had landed on the Mun and returned, and since I've seen a few threads like this (might just be coincidence) But yes, I know how to dock. RV is trickier though. I can still do it.
  22. I haven't landed on Duna and returned, or sent any Kerbals beyond Kerbin's SoI
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