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Everything posted by Javster

  1. I just feel a bit cheated, because this is meant to be an alpha/beta, hence we should test it, it feels like we have to wait for the update AND also playtest it somehow...
  2. Why are the years after 0 not AL?
  3. You have disproved the prejudice of many people, that being that newcomers to the forums are all a bit useless and usually need loads of help with basic things. Back on topic, you should aim for doing something you really enjoy, eg. air force pilot, but not just to have a chance to join NASA.
  4. The wheel seems to be invented in the tech tree...
  5. I tried doing a formation/escort of a large plane and 2 small fighter jets. Very hard.
  6. Be hard to detect, so the enemy don't fire a laser at you in the first place?
  7. "Argentina is closer to having its own launcher" (Come on guys gimme a round of applause I translated this myself ) Or not...
  8. And then you have a more realistic view on dV and the range of your rockets.
  9. KW rocketry is good if you want bigger fuel tanks and engines, or just better-looking ones.
  10. No, mainly because ships bug out/crash the game below that limit
  11. Objection: a direct re-entry from Minmus (straight down) will scare Jeb.
  12. MechJeb can teach you how to do things: for example, I used to go straight up until I was in space, then went sideways into orbit. By using MechJeb, I've been able to see how to do a gravity turn.
  13. Maybe you get: 1. A choice of whether you want to recover or not (with cost) OR 2. A diminishing amount of money back depending on distance, land/water etc.
  14. Yeah, and something like the Final Frontier mod: mission ribbons
  15. I'm strongly against cheating in MP, because you gain an unfair advantage. If you want to restrict yourself, set yourself some rules or do a challenge...
  16. One of the ScanSat instruments tells you the biome I think. Set an action group to Science! when you see it change to badlands
  17. Should I be thinking about organising this?
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