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Everything posted by Javster

  1. It's an asterisk. Asterix is a comic character. Back on topic, I'd recommend using more efficient engines everywhere you can, and maybe clustering them, to increase dV
  2. If you add a lift rating to the cockpit, it should glide
  3. Maybe if I went in the New Players section, I'd find mostly people who haven't yet (although some land on the Mun in the demo before buying the game or joining the forums)
  4. That is true. Also maybe people who haven't landed on the Mun wouldn't care about a "Mun Landings" thread Also they might be intimidated by the 35 people who all landed...
  5. Wow! No one hasn't done it so far!
  6. Moob shots?? No thanks! Seriously though, I have a telescope but have not looked at the Moon yet.
  7. I want to know how much of players have landed on the Mun. Please use the poll to write whether or not you have. I assume about half have, half have not.
  8. Also CruzanAK. His tutorials on planes and SSTOs are really useful and well made
  9. I wish they made this stock: the ability to disable or enable radial attachment (only on parts which can be radially attached)
  10. Happens to me all the time...
  11. Reminds me of the xkcd what-if with the miniature rocket engines, and how many you would need to reach space.
  12. Multiplayer, because I can barely do interplanetary, much less interstellar...
  13. Let's not have military ranks though, it would ruin the atmosphere of the game IMO
  14. You're lucky she does... Mine gets annoyed at me when I start spouting random space facts... Back on topic, it is a game for people who know things about space. You can't play properly without an understanding of physics.
  15. Not to be rude, but having seen your other challenges, could I suggest playing a little further into the game, so you have a better understanding of what is possible, which will reduce the amount of people all saying "OMG NOT PSSIBLE U IZ TROLING !!!!111!!!!!" (although with some reason, occasionally)?
  16. Unfortunately, if you pause and unpause, all sounds return
  17. The only thing I dislike is how it's almost too similar to the Gemini pod. EDIT: I've played it, and I love the custom fairings and the way in which you have 2 spacecraft setups in a single part.
  18. I also think that it isn't permitted to make money from addons for KSP, but don't quote me on it
  19. I find it's only cheating if you have fuel tanks inside each other, or loads of intakes in one space. If it's for looks I actually support it.
  20. Like most clever people, the guy who writes it plays KSP.
  21. Weather forecasts which can be improved with weather satellites and science! Random part failures (can be toggled) Fuel tanks and other parts get damaged by light impacts (might require an entire new engine) Fuel tanks which leak if broken, leak rate depends on G. Part safety ratings, science! and using them improves these ratings. You could, for example, decide whether to unlock new experimental parts, or make your current launcher more reliable.
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