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Everything posted by Javster

  1. Idea: add a truss, with an SRB at an angle, to pull it out of a crash
  2. I'm sure you could land a plane with just the navball and no other instruments, if you made sure the terrain was suitable.
  3. I'd quite like it to have a red cross (to complement the rescue print) Also, I remember trying the WEKA, but it didn't have enough lift to stop it smashing into the ground.
  4. 2/10? I only remember your profile image
  5. Seconded. Please make one if you know how to make a drive
  6. I'd think the lack of magnetism makes it suitable for asteroids but not stations.
  7. Maybe add a difficulty selector: each difficulty has a percentage more/less science to unlock nodes
  8. Exactly: why should landing a rover on Duna give you access to wings?
  9. I've got the same bug. I thought the interiors had been updated.
  10. I can only dread what Danny will do with it...
  11. I've got a MMB issue: Whack-a-Kerbal doesn't work...
  12. Not a bad idea, maybe after each mission you have the option of writing what went wrong and what went right, or even adding a small tag to a flight log event (eg. "X collided into Y" - Cause: not enough boosters)
  13. That would be adorable, little Kerbals waving at each other!
  14. I remember suggesting something like this, where your fuel loss rate depends on your gravity
  15. I don't mind the capsule change, but I'd also like an integrated fuel cell.
  16. And if you could interact more in IVA in general...
  17. A bit like the control surfaces? Where you can select which you want to use it for?
  18. I'd like something like that, terrain scatter in space.
  19. Seems cool! I have an Extreme 3D Pro, it's pretty good, but I rarely use all the buttons. The most valuable thing to me is the throttle. Landing (horizontally or vertically) is so much easier when you have good throttle control.
  20. LackLustreLabs has a ton of structural parts, mostly high-tech/futuristic.
  21. Usually straight down unless with spaceplanes.
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