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Everything posted by tajampi

  1. Hey Rareden: Lucky you are using After Effects and professional stuff like that. I am restricted to Blender and all (btw superb) free software around there because of my age. (Broken completely, i'm 11... my dad made the account... damn VBulletin...). I show you here something i made only with Gimp (Making it rendered by Blender should improve greatly the result). I think you were talking about the effect of "fading" from light to dark in order to get an "atmosphere-like" effect. Please give me your opinion. Thanks a lot and cheers.
  2. Thanks for your replies and advice Thanks Rareden. The atmosphere is made with Paint.Net Was a quick one... For sure it can be much better using Gimp, for instance. I will try it and post the attempt in other render. No day without learning... I need improving my technique. Will follow your advice. Cheers!
  3. Hi there I like a lot making renders. Amongst many other themes, i like the space and universe imaginery. Here it is a little example of what can be done using KSP themes and textures. I hope you enjoy it. Can be a nice wallpaper, for instance. If you like it, don't hesitate on suggesting me particular renders you would like to have or to use. Cheers! Textures from Kerbal Wiki.
  4. tajampi

    Hi all!

    Only to say hello to all the community. I became a KSP gamer because of a video by Kurtjmac, trying to get to Mun. So i just tested it and tada! love at firs sight!. Now a little bit addicted... but happy to be. I'm learning the basics and i think improving step by step. Enjoying the game more and more every day and every step beyond i make. Happy flights to all!
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