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Everything posted by tajampi

  1. There are my Kerbals: Sorry for the Blur... My camera doesn't like to take close up images, but it gives the image a cool speed effect Cheers!
  2. I think that the title describes the thread perfectly Post images from your kerbal figurines!
  3. I'm starting with Sido's Urania system, if you have planetfactory, try it! Thanks for the feedback! Cheers!
  4. They work in 0.23.5, i will reduce their fuel cost, expect it in 2 days. If you need them to use less fuel at this moment, go to their config and change the values on the Generator module. I have the APU model ready, and the texture, now i have to configure it... The most boring part... And, about they just generating when the batteries are not full, it will need a plugin, so it will not happen early, but, i have C# knownledge, so i can try when i have some time. Cheers! - - - Updated - - - The spaceport link works, but new updates are going to the curse service.
  5. Thanks. Never noticed the download album thing, i will keep the Mediafire link, imgur crashes a lot... Cheers
  6. Oh, ok, thanks a lot Going to install the agressive version... Thanks again
  7. Hi there This is my newest work, some Ksp cartoon wallpapers. Don't expect 10/10 quality, i'm learning, but i think that they look good They were not meant to be wallpapers, but, they have the perfect color to be so (They do not obscure any icon) If you guys like it, i will make some from planetfactory systems. Okay, there you have the preview: http://imgur.com/a/tSRuS#0 And the download: https://www./?b5q1p9edfo4gefd Gimp messed a bit Moho's quality... Hope you like it! Cheers!
  8. Anybody here getting mono.dll access violation? I'm using more mods than remotech, it's not a RAM crash, error.log says just 33% ram were used (Or is it from the total ram in the computer?) I think it's remotech, but if you can confirm it, better. I just don't want to delete it... error.log http://pastebin.com/NAuUeuCi KSP.log http://www./view/799h6n3crrn2lb6/KSP.log Thanks in advance
  9. You're right. Perhaps a bit excessive but.... wouldn't it be nice? and, by the way and IMO, KSP is not only a rocket simulator, is more than that, it is a Space Program Simulator. And you surely know what space programs are made of.... even private ones. (Should i add perhaps politicians... parties... cost reductions.... taxes... sponsors... energy drinks?? fun! and that's in my opinion what KSP is for, to have real fun...) Okay, too much politic things will not make the game funnier, but, money, and all this will make it funnier, sure! Or atleast for me... Anyway, let's try to not start a politic discussion... And, also, thanks for the feedback Cheers!
  10. Hi there: I would like to see the money system like that: -You can sell things you get from space (photos, rocks, dust, etc...) -There is a demanding system, sometimes, a rock can give you 1000 science or 10 $ and sometimes it can give you 100000$ or 10 science (Is better to convert that rock into science or is better to sell it?) -You can donate things to museums, it will give you reputation. -The first time you do something important, you get some reputation. Contracts: -The more reputation you have, the more money you get from contracts -Contracts involve things like: Put a camera and a thermometer in a satellite and lauch it into Bop orbit. -Rarely, you will get "hardware test" missions, they will give you a part that you must try, if you complete the mission you will unlock that part. -Contracts are not necessary to progress trough the gameplay, but they can give you some money and science. Advertising: -You can win reputation by buying things like webs, Tv announcements, etc... -They will generate reputation gradually until they become obsolete, then you will have to buy it again. Kerbal recruitment: -The more smart the kerbal is, the more science you get from an experiment -If you use an smart kerbal in a Lab, they will do bonus to the transmited science. -Smarter kerbals worth more -Kerbals are paid just one time -To atract kerbals to your space program, you need to have high reputation -You can pay kerbals anytime, that will slighty increase your reputation, and will make them smarter, and happier -If a Kerbal is not happy, he will end leaving the space program -Kerbals get sad of seeing other kerbals die -Uncouraged Kerbals hate seeing the rocket exploding under them, that will make them a little bit sad -Badass Kerbals ( Jeb ) like to see the rocket exploding under them, and will make them happier -You can detect if a kerbal is badass by doing a psicological test on them, it will cost a little money -You can train Kerbals to be more couraged and smart, but they will not be able to do missions until they end the training, and training costs money -Kerbals can die of high g, but you can train them to resist more g, it will cost a very little money -Jeb cannot die of high g Kerbal types: -Scientists: They convert money into Science, they get a little of the money you give to them -Developers: They convert science and a little money into part blueprints, once a blueprint is made, it can be used forever, but parts cost money Game over solving: Game over will destroy this game, losing everything you done because of wasting all your budget in some contraption like a Gilly circumnavigation railway, is, not good... So it will not happen, basically if you run out of money you can do 2 things: 1 Convert the save into sandbox 2 Receive donations: It will give you enough money as to do a Mun mission, but you will lose some science ( To encourage players not to game over... ) Cheers
  11. Hi there: Very cool drawings, i love their sci-fi style I've modeled your utility capsule and, i've made some renders of it: It's a Work in Progress... http://imgur.com/a/gGuBj#0 I don't know how to embed an album... Sorry for that... Hope you like it. Cheers
  12. Hi there: I've been making a short minecraft film about slenderman, and, i decided to post it here. Steve Steven is exploring the slender forest. Will he survive? Check the video to see if he can get out alive... Warning: May contain jumpscares, and also, some loud sounds (As anything Slenderman related) Ok, there you go: Sorry for the Bandicam thing Feedback is aprecciated, of course. Cheers
  13. Hi there: I have the amazing KSP Interstellar mod installed, and i'm thinking of installing Kethane, but i don't really know if i need it, because Interstellar has a part called "ISRU refinery" wich can mine things. I will like to know some Good and Bad points of both mods mining mechanics, also, how much RAM memory Kethane uses, because i'm already using 3.2 Gb aprox. Thanks in advance. Cheers
  14. I'll get the ball rolling with this: It looks a bit bright, looks better in RealLifetm
  15. Hi there: I've seen that nobody has made a thread about hand drawing, so, i decided to create it. Feel free to post any hand drawing. Cheers!
  16. New Version Check the changelog for info! Enjoy!
  17. Hi all: Sorry for not checking the forums for some time, i am working on an intake air electric generator. It's B9 Styled, pretty cool Garoad, good idea, i could add some other resources to "feed" generators. Will give it a try. I'm also thinking of adding the possibility of using too the resources available by Kethane's mining. (Testing now 0.23 compatibility, and optimizing all the generators, no more engine-like fuel burning ) I will release a new version possibly today, or tomorrow. Cheers!
  18. I've added a smelting hut, so now we can get copper and other minerals...
  19. No, sorry, i mean that quicksaving and reloading is the way of fixing it when it happens... Sorry for confusion... Cheers!
  20. Basically quicksave and reload, it also happens in stock ksp. It's a harmless bug. Cheers!
  21. Wooooawww (My first reaction to this mod) It's... amazing... You always surprise me, Nova But, i cannot download it actually because of 3 reasons: 1.- My computer is mostly like an old toaster and runs Ksp at 15 fps, or even less when i look at the ground; i imagine the framerate with this installed... 2.- The mod seems to be a little buggy at the moment (As far as comments say) 3.- The system is not adjustable per save file... Anyway, when it becomes more stable i will download it, no doubt. It's surprising how many long awaited by the community mods have been released these months: KMP, Krag Planet Factory, Interstellar and, of course, a mod that makes the Kerbol system 10 times more amazing. Amazing job Nova, keep it up! Cheers!
  22. Hi there: I've found an usefull asset that could help you with procedural 3D clouds: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/3594 Good: Nearly no perfomance impact. They look fantastic. They are made out of particles. They are free. Bad: Who knows if they will work well in KSP The free version has a limited amount of renderers... The paid version is: 80$ Cheers!
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