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Everything posted by tajampi

  1. TajamSoft Exploration Systems (T.E.S) What is this? This is a part pack (May include plugin) mostly focused on probe parts. All the parts on this mod will have core funcionality with RT2 and Deadly Reentry. This mod will include many new resources for you to mine, in oceans, atmospheres, and land. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What am i working on right now? - Solar Sail Code - Resources related things... Product Cards: More will be added soon! Ideas: Parts: Resources: - Kn (Kernon): A very expensive (There is no more at Kerbin) resource that can be found on most planets, it can be used to get money, or generate fuel. - Kn2 (Kerminon): It's basically 2 atoms of Kn. Can be used to make biproducts (Kn, N and H), many Kerbonauts ask how can that thing become H, or even N, and nobody has discovered it yet, it's value is extreme, and, indeed, this thing is VERY rare. - Kn23 (Saturated Kernon): Well, if only one atom of Kernon is powerful, this mix found at sun's corona is even more... Getting it is very hard, and you will have to be very close to Kerbol to extract it... - Km (Kerminite): A newly discovered resource, it's very common in the Kerbol system. Can be used at energy generation. - I2Kn2 (IodKerine): A mix of Iodine and Kerminon, mostly found in gas state. It's very pink, and it's used DIRECTLY as fuel for some engines. Some engineers think that Eve's atmosphere is made of this! - Space Dust: Found anywhere on the Kerbol system, it's more abundant near Kerbol, but you may get some even at Eeloo... It can contain many stuff, but mostly H and He. Screenshots: Download: No download link yet! Feedback is welcome! Cheers!
  2. Hey there! There may be some spoilers on this review! I have seen the movie little ago, and i can confirm its a very good movie. Some *"realistic" physics with awesome graphics, resulting in 2.5 hours of fun! It has some issues, indeed, sometimes the history is predictable, the spaceship looks a bit... ugly and other minor issues... It involves relativity, worm holes, and some history that can make you cry... It has some amazing stuff, like gravity getting trought time and space, used to transfer messages to the past (and present) to save humanity... *Remember its a sci-fi movie! Cheers!
  3. Woah Why i have not seen this before! Amaazing work, have some rep Cheers!
  4. Amazing! Will try to make some... i have not done papercraft in years! Cheers!
  5. My entry: (Imgur makes images .jpg so they lose quality, i have a better quality image) Made with Blender And Gimp Cheers!!
  6. à ¼¼ 㤠◕_â—• à ¼½ã¤ Riot! Were watching twitch plays pokemon
  7. I install linux and just eat the thing while it tries to do damage Jeb will team up with the kraken to attack the poster below
  8. Going to try this out in 0.25. Is it working with ATM? Cheers!
  9. I think it will not be very hard to do, just add planes with footprints textures at runtime! It can be even done via mods! ( Other thing will be making them persistent ) They should not lag a lot, if they are optimized properly (Make them disappear at certain distance/time) Cheers!
  10. Amazing mod! Going to try it out, but, is it heavy on RAM? Cheers!
  11. New one: Eve! Sorry for the inactivity, i had no time to work on this Cheers!
  12. I think i have the same issue, the only thing is that kerbin didnt glitched for me. It looks like the save itself breaks, as the first thing that shows is mods failing to load the vessel itself. Then everything bugs, and ksp itself cant load the stuff, causing the craft to disappear. I hope we can see what is the mod causing the problem! Cheers!
  13. Oh ok, will delete it. EDIT: Will keep it as a template, just in case Cheers!
  14. I will create a blog (Blogger) so we can post updates there, i suppose i will keep it empty until we have something to show. Cheers!
  15. Hey there! If nobody have suggested this yet, would it not be a good idea to use a CAT (http://pepl.engin.umich.edu/thrusters/CAT.html) to get the Delta-V required? The main problem will be that we will require a bigger Cubesat... Pros, cons? Cheers!
  16. Its Magic Yes, they are from KSPRC, but with some heavy tweaking Im working on the next release, jool moons are coming! Cheers!
  17. Amazing, this is one of these useless but ultra-fun mods! Who said space burgers will not work? Cheers!
  18. Thanks All! Im going to release new planets and enhance the old ones, im trying to make realistic atmospheres, so it will take some time Cheers!
  19. Thanks all! Ooops, the shadows, that happens when you do some last time stuff in Blender before rendering Cheers!
  20. That was a fast reply! Will start working on the desktop friendly ones! (These should work on square-like screens) Cheers!
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