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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. hehe im no modder and i also tried to figure it out but im rly bag in programming so no luck rly XD but yeah im waiting lol just wanted to know if any1 ever found a way to fix it thx for the reply
  2. have you been able to dock with the crew compartment, i currently use this mod you linked, work somehow ok, but i cant dock and well im waiting on the rcs mod to update because i cant get the shuttle at full power because it keeps guing up (in space with the little thrusters)
  3. hello there, i am trying to make a "surface info" screen for my ascent little prog, the issue i get is that the number just keep flickering and i would like somtething that do like a real MFD like this one: here is what i use atm, way far from completion, maybe you could help me, //90 km orbit. // Launch print // ******************************************************************* // ******************************************************************* clearscreen. print "Launch Mode" at (19,1). print "==================================================" at (0,2). wait 1. print "90 Km orbit chosen" at (16,4). wait 1. print "Launch in..." at (19,6). set countdown to 2. when countdown = 2 then { lock throttle to 1.0. lock steering to up + R(0,0,180). }. until countdown = 0 { print countdown at (24,8). wait 1. set countdown to countdown -1. }. clearscreen. print "Launch!" at (22,15). // ******************************************************************* // ******************************************************************* stage. wait 1. clearscreen. until altitude > 10000 { run surfaceinfo. }. wait until apoapsis > 15000. the actual surface info: //surface info // writting data on 1st column start at 15 //wrtiting data on 2nd column start at 39 print "Surface info" at (19,2). print "*========================*=======================*" at (0,3). print "| | |" at (0,4). print "| altitude: |inclination: |" at (0,5). print "| Ap: | Eccencity: |" at (0,6). print "| Time to Ap: | Speed: |" at (0,7). print "| Pe: | TermVel: |" at (0,8). print "| Time to Pe: | SurfGrav: |" at (0,9). print "| | |" at (0,10). print "*========================*=======================*" at (0,11). print round (altitude) at (15,5). print round (apoapsis) at (15,6). print round (ETA:apoapsis) at (15,7). print round (periapsis) at (15,8). print round (ETA:periapsis) at (15,9). P,S, im just beginning with KOS and programming so dont be too harsh on judging me XD thank you in advance!
  4. any1 got a tutorial or something for basic programming, i really enjoy the mod, but i cant quite make anything i was, oh and i did the tutorial on the kos wiki i can make a rocket get into orbit but i cannot set a specific speed not to go too fast and would like to know if there is a way to make like a program with KOS that would start up and ask me the actual orbit i would like to get to and so it would make the necessary calculation
  5. has any1 made a video of a shuttle launch getting to a station and back to kerbin using KOS?
  6. wow thanks, really helps a bunch but ther eis the other thing (lol sry imma look again tomorow, getting a bit tired here hehe), but let's say i want to put a satellite to a specific inclinations, it wont be launch azymuth right? if i did understand launch azymuth calculate the best moment to launche to get alignement with another plance such ISS, how do i know to launch it?
  7. im pretty used to standard kerbin system, installed this a few days ago and i cannot figure out how to launch on a specific orbital inclination (trying to set it up as ISS inclination) is there a guide i can get to understand it that i couldnt find? because right now i can only get in orbit then cheat for infinite fuel to change inclination :/
  8. all right, thx, i just dont know much of programming and also in the masses that would be consiered good for the volume and all
  9. I recently installed all the RSS RF and realism overhaul then i installed the soviet pack but it isnt config with the real fuels and the realism overhaul, how can i make it work on real scale?
  10. i suppose some pic could help a bit, maybe i did set them in a wrong way because i dont see why it wont connect https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ey7jvrevzjokou8/AABNzfb1_jLyIAbnKGdTgaBYa
  11. i really enjoy that mod, i tried making a cargo ship with jettisonnable carbo to shorten the lenght of the cargo until i send another cargo compartment, but then i came across a little isue, using the docking port from the mod, i can come in close contact and they smoosh together but they wont lock to make it a single ship, any1 know how i could solve this?
  12. i just installed this mod on ksp with the real scalem mod, i was wondering what i needed to do to make it work properly, i suppose the clouds are under the kerbin crust,
  13. hey there i did install the RSO and im trying to make wotk the HD Cloud Improvement V3 ALPHA mod, i dont see the clouds and al, im no programmer so bear with me lol, but i suppose they are underneath the planets surface since RSS is way bigger then kerbin normally is, any way to fix the parameters?
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