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Everything posted by ghimb2000

  1. Hi, I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but the threads I've not read are auto marked as read after a length of time after I come back to the forums. It's something akin to what's talked about here: http://forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-1535594.html
  2. Hey WaveFunctionP, Just a thought here for you. Can you create a separate thread with all the videos you have on KSPI? Something like this thread. Right now your videos are all over the place. It'll be great for discussion as well as an easy way to subscribe to the thread for new videos.
  3. Hi, Sorry for the noob questions. Are there patches necessary to get this to work with 0.23.5? I do see .cfg files being strewn around the thread. Are those necessary for compatibility reasons? Thanks!
  4. Hi, Sorry if this has been asked, but is there a github source for the experimental versions you're posting here?
  5. With V9, I'm getting good framerates with my landed shuttles, but loading a 150 part shuttle from my VAB crashes my PC (yes it just hung after playing the music for 10mins and I have to reset it). Didn't have much time to do more testing. Will do more of it today. Though, 200part shuttles worked fine with stock ATM aggressive.
  6. Hey Green Skull, Thanks for the quick reply. The main configuration I have comes from AMT Aggressive and it loads fine without any lag/stutter on my 4 year old PC. However, after I replaced the configs from your pack, I'm getting stuters and lag. I'll try the edits you've suggested after I get home and I'll let you know of your results. Thanks!
  7. Hey Green Skull, Do you have a more aggressive configuration for your ATMConfigs? This is because, if I load your configuration, my PC (a 4 year old PC at that, ok I know it's not going to be good in running KSP, but that's all I have) stutters/frame lag everytime I go anywhere that is not map mode.
  8. Any new videos for interplanetary science? Great videos so far. I like it a lot.
  9. No, I didn't realize it. But I can clearly see that you're working with a lot of talented people (as well as yourself), and I'll be keeping a tab of your threads from now on
  10. Try uploading a .craft file with stock parts that fail to dock properly. Maybe that way, experimenting will be easier with sarbian?
  11. Use the latest dev build: http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ Latest toolbar: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863-0-23-5-Toolbar-1-7-1-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar If you bothered to read the last few pages, you'll see everyone talking about this as well as this exact advise.
  12. Maybe you can ask r4m0n to put it in big bold letters: If you encounter a bug in MechJeb, please check the dev build and download the latest Toolbar mod before reporting it!
  13. Cool. Will be watching the forums for your presence (as well as all the other contributors that make all this possible). Keep up the good work!
  14. Cool. I'm also watching Procedural Parts very closely. Just waiting for it to exit [WIP] status. If I understand correctly, everything from here on will finally be in Procedural Parts?
  15. Is there a way to combine the mod to one download/module? It would autodetect all the resource storage parts and make them procedural (I know this is a pipe dream), but I'm wondering if it's possible at all.
  16. Good job! Now I can use Novapunch's winglets with FAR again
  17. I understand RCS being in Control, but the RCS tank is not a control system. It's a monoprop. I see it in Control though.
  18. Hey Tiberion, Is there a reason why NP's RCS Tank is in Control rather than Propulsion (as I see all other Squad's RCS Tank in Propulsion). Just a quirk I noticed
  19. Yeah, I realized that and forgot to edit my post. Just a minor setback.
  20. One problem I'm having with the Biome Display when using the map is that the overlay conflicts with Kethane's info overlay. I'm not sure if it can be shifted up or down a bit so that it won't overlap Kethane's info display.
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