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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @Zucal Mission patches would be good ( @soundnfury has made a couple so far IIRC? ) as would a "be right back" graphic for the stream. Beyond that, I would say sig banners for those who want them. Anybody else have ideas there?
  2. Trimmed videos are still processing, but for now you can watch a combined sim + flight of Mission 4 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5A9XhbsQ-k
  3. Yep, despite my Squadcasting last night just fine, and despite OBS claiming to be streaming correctly, Twitch never put me live. Same on both my personal stream and GFL's. That said, despite some issues the Spark-Clydesdale sim that tetryds flew ended very successfully, and the Flicker mission I flew later blew past our required altitude (75km) to pass the Kármán line! Woohoo! Our next scheduled mission is Sunday 8:30pm EDT (12:30am UTC Monday), June 12/13. If tetryds is available it will be another suborbital Flicker flight; if not we will be launching some rockets again! Lastly since we are now rolling in dough I am taking the opportunity to increase our research rate, sinking a goodly amount of that cash into R&D upgrades.
  4. Guess what? It's a surprise (not surprise) hold! We had another scheduling issue, so again this time I'll be flying, hopefully with better results than last time! Instead of another Spark mission (of which we finally had a good public copy thereof during the last hour) I'll be flying the Flicker.
  5. @WellItExplodedAgain ah, gotcha! It'd be best if you played a campaign yourself first to get more familiar. @Maxsimal same question? In other news, we are Go For Launch this evening! We are going to do an offline sim first at 6, then streaming at 7.
  6. @archenemy_6 don't use tweakscale. As for the plane itself, pic? With CoM and blue icon (KSP calls it Col) showing?
  7. @ProtoJeb21 if you drill down in the RSS Textures zip it has install instructions in its readme. Also I have no idea how KittopiaTech will interact with RSS, let alone if it even works on 1.1, so...I wouldn't recommend having it around.
  8. Go to the RO repo, click releases. Scroll down.
  9. Sim also had some issues, and it's getting late. We are SCRUBBING with a retry next weekend (and a sim midweek).
  10. Ah, yeah, I'll post last time's videos. We are ON HOLD for 1hr while we get everything set up (I got home later than I would have liked, and there was a small miscommunication)
  11. Second attempt also had an issue landing, and going by the footage and the log (regarding what parts died when) it appears there may have been something weird. The first part mentioned destroyed is the central tank, and it is impossible for that to hit the ground unless the nose, engine, or landing gear are destroyed first. Since in prior (sim) attempts these issues were not encountered, we are continuing to investigate.
  12. Welp. We had our first major failure. Erica Winkler lost track of sink rate and hit a bit hard. She is now hospitalized and I am hanging my head in shame. We are trying again. Mission 3B is going live now.
  13. We are currently aiming for a launch around 6:30pm EDT (10:30pm UTC) on Friday, June 3. I have not yet placed it in the title because it is tentative and depends on tets's internet cooperating, or various fallbacks.
  14. Quoted those who have not yet replied to the doodle. It has been relinked in discord. In other news: Our team is now large enough, and spread out enough across time zones, that we need to divide into subteams. That also means that those interested in being a part of this endeavor now have a chance to be. Please let us know if you're interested.
  15. Mission 3 is currently scheduled for Sometime This Friday/Weekend and is to be a supersonic record attempt. Craft: Note that we now have a wiki! @soundnfury began it and I have added further craft details to the Vehicles page. The vehicles shown above (Clydesdale and Spark) are detailed there.
  16. @DuoDex @EladDv @Fenisse @Frybert @goldenpeach @hypervelocity @SirKeplan @NecroBones @Ravenchant @soundnfury @tetryds please check Discord for the doodle poll and for notes on banners/logos that need response.
  17. @shoe7ess The V-2 used jet vanes in the exhaust to control the thrust vector. That is simulated ingame by using 4 thrust transforms, each with a very slight gimbal. Further, the V-2 did have attitude control generally, and therefore ingame has avionics to match. It is entirely in keeping with the technology of the time to have a large, controllable rocket. It's just very expensive (the avionics in particular) and very heavy / inefficient. @TrooperCooper yes, we don't support recycling etc yet.
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