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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @Torih sorry, I don't touch the stock side of PP (in fact I try not to touch it at all, but the issues it had made RO near-impossible to play, so I stepped in). If @RadarManFromTheMoon isn't around, maybe someone else could volunteer to fix that with a PR?
  2. It is not a good idea to use it except in 6.4x or larger rescales, no.
  3. Yes, it completely replaces the stock shock temperature calculations.
  4. I find that hard to believe because I've seen people using KER quite recently with RO, and we certainly do use ModuleEnginesRF. Unless KER just broke its engine handling recently?
  5. I don't believe so, this calculates the actual shock temperature instead of the gamey system KSP uses.
  6. To actually answer your question, yes, RCS thrusters work just like engines. They don't magically use more fuel at sea level than in space, and therefore (since they have lower Isp at sea level than in space) they produce less thrust at sea level than in space. That has been true since 1.0.5.
  7. Ok, so let's get started. Once we figure out a starting condition I'll make a new thread. My suggestion is to select the Hard preset, except leaving funding at 80% instead of 60%, and the usual RP-0 suggestion of fund losses at 100%. For location I suggest the Cape, although we might consider investing in setting up another launch site for polar launches. Thoughts?
  8. @cassmssn tweakscale-FAR bug. Remove tweakscale.
  9. If a ModuleFuelTank is added and basemass=-1 is not specified then RF (or MFT, we share this module) will set the mass, yes.
  10. No, this is not a known issue, and since RealHeat literally does nothing except change some heating values, it is not related to RealHeat.
  11. No idea about DMP. @Three_Pounds actually it's super simple. Your addition is just a simple MM patch: @KERBALRENAMER { Culture { // insert name = (new culture) and all the other culture stuff here } } You don't have to do anything to KR itself.
  12. @Nobody6 kOS bug. Should be fixed in next kOS release. For now uninstall kOS.
  13. @nablabla if you read the thread--I think it might even be in the OP somewhere, but else @eggrobin discussed it elsewhere--you'll find that it is in fact very very _hard_ to mix n match like that, and does not lead to consistent results either. It's a non-starter. Also I suggest you actually try the mod before assuming planets spin out of their orbits.
  14. @Three_Pounds hmm, I guess I'll figure out a neat MM way to handle that.
  15. @rsparkyc well huh. Learn something every day.
  16. You don't actually use SAS (by hitting T). In MJ's Attitude Adjustment window, where you control the PID, click the "Use SAS" radio button there.
  17. @sarbian you luuuuuurve this sort of stuff right? (NathanKell flees)
  18. @Temeter the RD-107 and RD-108 are already placed in the tree, you can just reference them. While sometimes guessing a number is the only course, we do try very, very hard not to do that. If engines aren't configured by RO, probably best to not place/price them in RP-0 yet. For miscellaneous structural parts that can be done, but engines are more or less worthless (or possibly insanely overpowered, it depends) if they've not been RO-ized.
  19. @Three_Pounds if you fork the repo and push your changes, you can then create a pull request which we can merge, and then it's in the mod for next release.
  20. @rsparkyc in MJ's Attitude window, select "Use Stock SAS" - that sometimes works better than MJ's own PID in 1.1.x. It is a known issue that MJ's PID has trouble in 1.1.x it didn't have in 1.0.5.
  21. @Enceos might you be willing to make Venproc textures matching Ven's Mk1 parts? I'm not aware of any nice gray PP textures for plane rather than rocket use...
  22. @Ravenchant you know RP-0 any better now? @EladDv and @ILikeIke you still in for kOSing? Also adding to the moderator tally, @NecroBones and @Frybert.
  23. With 1.1 (and RSS and RO and RP-0) all released, we're looking to actually get rolling on this! I'm going to go back through this and ping everyone who expressed interest, let's get things rolling.
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