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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @danfarnsy Sorry! Not what I meant at all! I mean let's work together on this. How about this: it goes on the KSP-RO group repo, and people (including those in this thread, to be clear!) interested on working on it (and who have the time) can do so. I was planning to get a few issues sorted, and I do have some long term ideas about background processing (I very nearly added some hooks in 1.1 but didn't have time ), but indeed I am, err, quite busy myself. I know @Thomas P. had expressed some interested as well on working on things, but he's quite busy too with Kopernicus and Spacedock. If you'd like to take point on this that would be awesome!
  2. @TaranisElsu had asked us to wait some before a formal handover, but he did reach out to us in the RO community about continuing TACLS (because we rely so heavily upon it). And we said sure! We'd be happy to, although sad to see him go. But I'm super happy to see people enthused about continuing this, and would love to talk with you all about it. This is, of course, not to say anything about preventing people who want to fork from forking. Open licenses are things. But if we're all interesting in working on this together (as I hope we are) I think some planning is in order.
  3. @MajorNr01 oh cool, I'll have to grab that. Github maybe?
  4. @Vaporized Steel this sounds like you have a bad RemoteTech install.
  5. v1.9.2 has been released to tide us over until the full, proper update. Thanks, @Ven, for letting us do this! Fixed an issue with drag modifiers. Fixed typos in ConnectedLivingSpace patches. Fixed Science Jr. radial attach node. Fixed missing IVA links. Added IVA placeholders. Resized docking ports to maintain the old sizing. Re-added the Mk1-2 pod model. Fixed LVN-2, Mini ISRU, and prop errors. Updated battery models and textures. Added mini RTG. Fix multi-cubic-strut parts' masses Fixed octagonal 0.625m adapter nodes. Updated science parts Fixed ModuleAnimateHeat references. Re-modeled size 0 tanks. Changed fairings on size 0 engines. Fixed Mk1 cargo bay's and inflatable hab's tech nodes. Remodeled cryogenic tanks. Tweaked extra tanks' resources / mass. Refresh for tanks, adapters, nosecones, radiators, and heat shields Added new dishes. Revisions to reaction wheels and girders. Added 3.75m reaction wheel. Community fixes for 1.1 thanks to peachoftree, lagcity613, Chimer4, NathanKell: reverted radiator, landing leg, and landing gear changes; removed reflections where broken; temporarily gimbal fix until remodel.
  6. I have found and fixed the long load time issue, pending @RadarManFromTheMoon's cross-checking it.
  7. @Enceos as of 1.1, KSP natively supports thrust curves! Please see here: EDIT: Nope, can't see here because the forum is hidden. When the thread exists again, see here:
  8. Great news! @Ven is hard at work on things! In the mean time I'm going to make a release based on everyone's fixes so far ( @peachoftree thanks so much for compiling them!) so CKAN etc can see it.
  9. Posted on the repo; it's definitely calling render twice for every proc part on the vessel...for every proc part on the vessel (2n^2). Probably not seen early on because there were few parts in testing, but even only 13 leads to 338 render cube calls and a multiple-minute hang on loading.
  10. @MarkusA380 request. If you are going to use cfg to store data, please store them in PluginData. The only time a cfg file should be outside a PluginData folder is if you want KSP to load it and put it in GameDatabase for you to reference (i.e. so MM can patch it before you see it). If you do have cfg files outside of PluginData folders, and you save to them, then MM will have to rebuild its cache every launch of KSP, and that is hellaciously slow.
  11. @Jacke SMURFF covers more mods, and to fix drag issues makes capsules really, really light. ROMini rescales parts uniformly so capsules etc are the size they should be for their mass.
  12. @sDaZe just to be clear, you _have_: 1. Changed all FOR[RealSolarSystem] to FOR[SSRSS] 2. Placed all files from the RealSolarSystem folder into your own folder 3. Recompiled and renamed the RealSolarSystem.dll plugin to something else 4. Offered attribution in the readme. Yes?
  13. @blackrack thank you, I will try that. And yes, I believe it's just the far cam for the last one. Is there any way to override those opaque flags on your end too?
  14. @QuietElite Since I have manged to dock a number of times in RO in 1.0.5, I am skeptical that docking is impossible. You might have an install issue or something though.
  15. @Starwaster ModuleEngineConfigs supports that kind of thing for backwards compatibility, but only that. If an engine doesn't have ModuleEngineConfigs then that isn't going to work. Instead you'll need to add the new syntax directly to the engine module. Further, that is not going to work in either case unless the engine module is ModuleEnginesRF. ETA: Also, note that RF does not support 'ignitor packs' or 'external ignitors' or all that KAS-related stuff. It just supports engines having limited ignitions, and ullage, and being pressure-fed.
  16. #HypeCaravel Or in this case, 4-engine-version-of-Energia.
  17. I _think_ there is a race condition at work here, because if I engage warp and then go back to 1x warp the slowdown stops. That's after loading, of course. Tomorrow I'll try profiling to see what the heck is going on.
  18. @nilof it's a simple modulemanager patch that gives stock (and lightly modded) parts realistic sizes, mass ratios, volumes, thrusts, etc. It's if you want RO performance parts without RO's complexity.
  19. @blackrack I'm testing out the current Scatterer and EVE (using RVE's configs for EVE but not for Scatterer) in RSS. And I've hit some...weirdness. My apologies if these are known issues; as you might imagine I've had my head buried quite a bit recently. But there do seem to be three (or maybe two, maybe the first and second images are linked) issues here. The first is that weird shadow-ray. It's only generated behind parts rendered on Camera 01 (when zoomed in, i.e. within Camera 00's clip distance, it doesn't appear). The second is the odd night-side stuff. The third is that procedural tanks and procedural fairings seem to get treated like they are the planet's surface. Is that to do with the opaque tag stuff?
  20. A preview of things to come: the Ivory launch vehicle is in testing. It will take human beings to the Moon's surface, and perhaps outside the Earth-Moon system. To LEO, it offers a massive 8x jump in capability over the Hyalite, a full hundred and seventy tons to LEO. The Ivory LV masses, all up, 2735t plus payload. It uses 4x RD-0120 engines burning for nine minutes as a core with 4x RD-170 strapons burning for 2m45s. With the power of hydrolox that is only about 3.5x the mass of the old Hyalites but 9x the payload--and with a Hawthorne upper stage (1x RD-0120) it can push even more. Our current lunar plans involve two-launch EOR: one launch will loft the lunar spacecraft and the second will launch a Hawthorne stage with docking capability. The lunar stack will capture into lunar orbit and descend using a crasher stage. It will land with the terminal landing stage (which will contain exploration supplies, the landing equipment, etc) and then will lift off with just the command and service modules. The service module will be a stretched, uprated variant of that flown on the prior lunar orbital missions. The spacecraft and mission will represent the ultimate evolution of the Dalmatian type.
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