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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @DMagic yep and a new print method in the interface, printBiggestTwo or something, should be added.
  2. @Nobody6 I have no such issue. I think you have a problem with your RealFuels installation. Make sure you have RF (and its dependencies, Community Resource Pack and Solver Engines) installed, and you do _not_ have Modular Fuel Tanks installed. @android65 as the changelog states, that should work fine.
  3. @DMagic what is the use case? Those methods, as I understand it, are internal methods used to calculate values for the display methods (the interface methods) and therefore shouldn't (and shouldn't need to be) used by anything else. @Svm420 We're eeeeeverywhere!
  4. @Marsu69 as @leudaimon says, the contracts and science modifiers are based on RSS, so you will not get lunar flybys or any planetary contracts, and the science of other bodies will not be correctly tuned. It would not be too difficult to convert RP-0 for use in 10x Kerbol, but someone would have to explicitly do that. The issue with the sounding rockets is a FAR bug that should be fixed soon; it is improperly adding the base mass of the wings on top of their calculated mass. You can replace your local RO's copy of this file with this updated one to work around it until the next FAR release. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/raw/e7e8b60e8dfc78c56727086ab60910e2931a3f16/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/B9_ProceduralParts/B9_Wings.cfg
  5. @linuxgurugamer I think you may have missed the followup posts. Also I was unaware KW Rocketry Redux added new cultures to Kerbal Renamer.
  6. Then I would guess what's going on is your reactors have a frame of high heat output which raises the vessel temp.
  7. @SkyKaptn please try to repro with *just* RSS, not using various other mods.
  8. @Dawnstar Mercury had a negative perigee on reentry. 80km is a workable perigee for spaceplanes, not early capsules.
  9. We should indeed! https://github.com/KSP-RO/GoForLaunch I am fine with starting at the Cape (I do prefer it a bit). Unless anyone objects, I will post up a new thread with our shiny new save at the Cape, difficulty as suggested above. Since I am able to play fairly reasonably on hard mode entirely (excepting fund loss at 100%), I feel 80% or 90% funds, but keeping 60% science etc, will be reasonable for us. We will then be faced with our first challenge: How to spend our upgrade points! We will presumably want to balance SPH and VAB upgrades...
  10. v11.2.0 Correct a bug in tank basemass calculation such that parts sometimes mass less than they should in flight. Thanks soundnfury for finding this! New UI skin thanks to Agathorn! Fix an issue with scaling down tanks during utilization changes. Round displayed available volume when below 1mL (no more -322 femtoliters).
  11. Just because the collider doesn't match the visuals doesn't mean you can't land though. I've not been having any landing gear trouble myself.
  12. @Enceos the two Mk1-related textures: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0uxlvivfm7yjqsz/Mk1A.png?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdi2omqrhdsw4h1/Mk1B.png?dl=1
  13. @Snjo! Great to see you! Actually, quite a number of the engine-related modules aren't needed anymore, I believe--we do natively support prop engines now, for example!
  14. @Nobody6 I don't know why that is occurring; it does not occur for me. Start removing non-required non-recommended RP-0 mods? Yes, there is a known issue with proc part icons. I believe in the latest version of Ven's Stock Revamp Ven went back to adding a second top node for many engines so there is an optional tankbutt. Just ignore it. Can anyone else confirm the Tiny Tim issue? I am not aware of anu problem with it. I really don't know why you are having wing issues. Again I suggest going back to just the mods marked 'required' or 'recommended' in the RP-0 ckan listing, perhaps in a fresh KSP install just to be sure. 8: RP-0 does not itself implement simulations so that would be a bug with the sim code.
  15. I'll check the RD-253 ingame. Regarding the RD-107/8, my SXT clones do work fine. As for the KW variant, it's possible it doesn't use the global engine configs yet...
  16. @Vaporized Steel sorry, dunno. We're on 1.1.2 now. @KSPNerd the chance is linearly proportional with someone volunteering to do so.
  17. You don't have enough of Firespitter. You need Firespitter's resources.
  18. RSS is not going to do that. My guess is the reactors spiking during high warp.
  19. @Epicolly compare the manual and the CKAN install. That should tell you what the difference is. @cassmssn to some extent that's a known issue, sorry.
  20. @Three_Pounds You can use MM to patch anything that a plugin (or stock KSP) loads from GameDatabase rather than directly by reading a file.
  21. @bulletmagnet578 You have Modular Fuel Tanks installed, as that window says. Please start fresh with a clean KSP and this time use CKAN.
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