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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @regex has done his part I just need to release stuff
  2. @rolls you are either playing on 1.1 with 1.0.5 mods, or using the x64 hack in 1.0.5. Or you have a very screwed up install.
  3. As a modder I fully support this idea. As a friend of CKAN, I also do.
  4. @PTNLemay It looks like you have an additional heat shield attached. Remove it, the capsule has a built in heat shield. Also try a 200km apogee, not 300km. Finally, I believe @Starwaster noticed an issue in the latest DRE regarding g-force limits, and you may be hitting that. Regarding tanks: you need to change the tank type of the procedural tank to Fuselage or ServiceModule in order to add highly-pressurized propellants. Right-click on the tank you've placed and change its type. The mod that creates the launch sites is KSCSwitcher. However the colored dots are from RemoteTech groundstations, and you need those for comms; they will exist even after you remove KSCSwitcher.
  5. @ferram4 actually I thought you _had_ removed that exclusion, per our IRC discussion. Or was that only for B9 pwings?
  6. I am a bit hazy myself, but I believe the progression was something like this: Vanguard: rather low reliability -> Able I -> Able II (higher reliability, lighter) -> Delta series (higher-yet reliability, but somewhat lower Isp to start with). I have no idea why the -118 (for Delta A) had such a low Isp compared to the others.
  7. Stuff in GameData can be derived from just fine. Publicly released shaders can also presumably be derived from, though I don't want to speak canonically.
  8. @nightingale that makes sense, yes. As to the original question, I would tend towards showing the vessel that meets the VPG. That's the thing that matters, after all...
  9. @nightingale uh...so Le Station is actually the capsule, and the station (still in orbit) is named something different?
  10. @Maxsimal it already has such a mode. Mechjeb->settings->RO support.
  11. I, uh, think I know why I broke it <blush> EDIT: _How_ I broke it. Obviously I didn't intend to change the flow mode, but I did swap flowstate over to a property. Which is fine, because PartResoruce loads from confignode. Except for EVA kerbals, which load from prefab, which use Unity prefab deserialization which borks there. So the old flowstate is being reset.
  12. I can't really devote time to _doing_ this per se, but if you have questions, poke me.
  13. I believe that is an update check (i.e. "is there an updated version of KSP").
  14. @leudaimon in particular, due to a metadata issue the for-1.1 version of Modular Flight Integrator was installed for 1.0.5.
  15. @numerobis orbital velocity doesn't matter, surface velocity does. You need the velocity with respect to the air around you, not the planet's position.
  16. Are you using them natively or with a Control Manager config that binds them all to one virtual joystick?
  17. @numerobis square root of denisty, cube of speed. Note however that if you're going too fast in too high density air you'll hit turbulent flow and jack up the convection by a factor of up to 100x, so don't take too much advantage of that sqrt.
  18. It'll be out when it's ready. As Red says, we often have other commitments. In my case, my other commitment has been (and is) "make KSP work." Doesn't look like too long a wait, but I don't feel right giving an estimate.
  19. the issue is the decoupler not the fairings.
  20. @regex I believe it does not, but back up just in case. However, I did notice some people had issues in the last few pre updates where steam did not fully update, so remember to Verify Local Files after any update now...
  21. When 1.1 is released, yes, you will need to switch back to the main branch on steam.
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