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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It's an award for the best tech teaching tool! We're very happy KSP is under consideration and has won numerous prior rounds. From the page: Vote in the Tech Tool Tourney for your favorite edtech game! What is the best game-based tool for learning? In the spirit of March Madness, join us for the Tech Tool Tourney hosted by Common Sense Graphite and KQED MindShift. This 32-game bracket-style competition is a teacher-fueled smackdown of learning games thoroughly vetted by Graphite. Your votes determine the winners of each round! If you aren't familiar with a game, take a look at the Graphite review to learn more, or download it and give it a whirl. Be sure to return for each round of voting, then find out who takes the trophy on April 5. Please check out the tournament, and if you think KSP deserves the win, vote for us here!
  2. Apparently CKAN is still broken. I suggest you take this to the CKAN thread and report you are still getting 1.1 mods on a 1.0.5. install.
  3. No. That means I have to fix 1.1 itself, not my mods.
  4. I would suggest that you may well not want to support it, and that engine makers should use the average thrust (total impulse divided by time) as the 'maxThrust' of their engine so info-mod burn times will be correct. @Padishar The algorithm is basically this: ratio = 1 for each propellant: if propellant has ignoreForThrustCurve, then skip else ratio = min(ratio, propellant.totalAmount / propellant.totalCapacity) flow multiplier *= thrustCurve.Evaluate(ratio) And yes, if you tweak an SRB to have < full resource, the thrust curve will start out at say key .5; I'm open to suggestions if you'd rather I take a different approach. useGimbalResponseSpeed = true gimbalResponseSpeed = (whatever) the speed is used in a lerp(existing, desired, speed * fixedDeltaTime)
  5. 1. Yup. By default it uses the min ratio of (total amount / total capacity) across all propellants. Propellants can be ignored by adding ignoreForThrustCurve = true in the PROPELLANT node. 2. Used like this. In the module, add: transformMultipliers { trf0 = ratio_for_first_transform trf1 = ratio_for_second_trasnform ...etc. } The ratios must add up to 1; in fact for an engine with n+1 trasnforms, trf(n) is ignored and is calculated by doing 1 - (sum of other trf valuse). So you'd do, for the Mammoth: transformMultipliers { trf0 = 0.2 trf1 = 0.2 trf2 = 0.3 } and the 4th transform (trf3) can even be left out; it will be 1 - (0.2 + 0.2 + 0.3). 3. ModuleGimbal requires gimbal transforms to align Z with the thrust axis. An engine will rotate its gimbal a maximum of gimbalRangeXP degrees forward around X, gimbalRangeXN degrees backwards around X, and same for YP and YN. You can just specify gimbalRangeXP and gimbalRangeYP if the ranges are symmetric, or just gimbalRange if they are equal across XP, XN, YP, and YN.
  6. @Table I appreciate you're eager, but please try to give mod makers time. Poking isn't going to help, quite the reverse.
  7. One thread is untenable. I have moved this to the new section and am locking it. Please create threads to discuss specific aspects. @sarbian let me know if you need to edit.
  8. Gimbals should be aligned (for a traditional stackmount engine) so that +Z is part -Y. X and Y should be along the part's X and Z axes then.
  9. @Youen B9 spaceplane parts are fine IIRC, but yeah, you should use the B9 Proc Wings.
  10. @nightingale Odd. I could have sworn I saw this regularly, but on checking some of our contracts do lack that field. I'll add it where it's missing and report back.
  11. Are you using the spaceplane wings or the early and/or supersonic ones? The spaceplane wings are rated for LEO reentries, the others not so much. What was your wing loading? I've done low-wing-loading reentries even with ~1600 K max temp parts, not the 2600-2800 that those parts should have. I think @ferram4 may have done higher wing loading once or twice?
  12. Relatedly, if possible I would like to force a contract to use an agency; other agents are picked despite that agent being the set agent for the contract. Is doing so possible? It's low priority so I've never remembered to ask before....
  13. @e-dog no, because @taniwha is putting the relevant bits in 1.1 itself. Also, great to see you!
  14. Dev weighing in here. The response to the pre-release has been...enthusiastic to say the least. That means the forum for it is filling up incredibly fast, and the forum is also far less useful for tracking, categorizing, prioritizing, and otherwise wrangling bugs than the tracker is. For that reason, discrete bug reports should go on the tracker, and the tracker alone, as otherwise they will drown out all other threads in the forum. Generally discussion of broader issues people have had (like wheels, or the new contract weighting, or the serious Linux-specific issues) is fine for the 1.1 forum, as is discussion of new features, but in order for that even to be possible, the forum needs to not be drowned out with (often-duplicated) bug reports.
  15. No worries, and thanks for the kind words as well. @regex is right that I was specifically addressing those who tend to believe that a feature is missing not because it's hard (and there are other super-pressing things to do too) but because we Just Don't Care Enough (and aren't sufficiently solution-focused). I am perfectly fine with people posting about what they feel are critical missing features (and I certainly myself would never want to play without dV info). However, when one shifts from critiquing to suggesting, there the difficulty of implementing the suggestion has to matter, to at least be acknowledged, and when it's flat-out ignored even when those most experienced in making such things chime in, that raises my hackles (especially when it's a suggestion I agree with!).
  16. Yeah, I encourage anyone who thinks it's super easy to, like, actually write it and prove it. Because there's definitely thousands of lines of C# involved, and many tears.
  17. You could just nuke that plugin. It's useless if you don't have a steam controller. Not sure why it's causing issues though.
  18. @Fearless Son STEP forward and be recognized.
  19. This will get updated yes. But not any time soon, too busy _fixing_ 1.1.
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