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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Hallebumba: On what engines? Not all engines are supported by Realism Overhaul. Also, please follow the sticky HERE. TweakScale will be fixed for the next RF release.
  2. Raptor831: maxAtmosphereAltitude is meaningless; it's just for display when you click info on a body in TS/Map view. What actually matters is the scale height; the height of the atmosphere will be 13.81551 x the scale height--*no matter* the sea level pressure. Unless you specify a pressureCurve, as RSS does for all bodies. Also: simply increasing ranges for antennae across the board is dangerous; you should try to exclude parts with ModuleCommand, since a probe with a 150km range antenna should probably keep it.
  3. dreadicon: RF itself handles tanks. I have been away until today; I will be updating RF and DRE for B9 as soon as I can.
  4. Sure! And yes, it is mind-numbingly weird, but it's even in the stock fuel flow sticky in whatever stock gameplay forum it's in. It's just since stock tanks don't crossfeed *in*, you never notice.
  5. A wild documentation wiki has appeared! MM supports regular expressions.
  6. I have been away from my desktop since Friday evening. I will get to it when I can.
  7. Because it has a shedload of 8192x8192 textures, and *then* it has all the multiple-layer sources for them. Pixels ain't cheap.
  8. While it would be very cool, the only time I want to see NEEDS in caps is when discussing a ModuleManager :NEEDS[modName] block.
  9. Gah, it was the other X-nick plugin author! Oops. You know, I almost wrote "or xEvilReeperx" but I decided, foolishly, to guess and hope for the best. :]
  10. I feel like aerodynamics, while perhaps the most obvious area, is perhaps both sucking a bit too much air out of the room (heh), but also not the absolute best example. Let's consider two examples. 1. Temperature. Right now the *only* reason temperature matters (please correct me if I am wrong; I am unaware of anything else) is because if a part's temperature exceeds its maxTemp, it explodes. A few things produce temperature (not heat, heat is never tracked; *temperature*), notably engines. Would it really change gameplay for the worse if parts had sane maximum temperatures, and temperature production were proportionality scaled down? I doubt it, since the amount of time until an engine overheated could be made the same, etc. However, we would no longer have the silly situation of parts which have a higher temperature tolerance than berrylium (a heat shield material) has as its boiling point. 2. An even sillier example: In 99% of the code, g0 is treated as 9.81m/s^2. Fine; that's the usual approximation. However, when an engine module calculates how much fuel it needs (by dividing thrust by Isp and by g0), 9.82 is used. wut?
  11. In the OP, it says this is not compatible with DRE (yet). The OP is...not lying.
  12. Why not both? It sounds like you don't have things configured correctly.
  13. Well, a problem is that stock radial decouplers have crossfeed enabled in their cfg (!). Try disabling it for them and see if that helps.
  14. maccollo: I'll double-check Venus's atmosphere. cremasterstroke: talked to Sarbian; I need to release a fix that changes how loading works. Or you can go back to 2.3.1.
  15. Nope, current Overhaul is not available under Releases. Instead, go here: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul (or just go to the repo and select the Overhaul branch). Then click on either x64 release (if running KSP x64) or x86 Release (if using 32bit). Then click "View Raw" to download.
  16. 1. For number of RS-27s, using 3 the payload numbers exactly match what's in the wiki, and it has a sea level TWR (with no boosters or kick stage) of 1.2 with max LEO payload. I think triangular makes the most sense; should make for a slightly shorter vehicle and you don't have to worry about (maaaaybe) needing to bulge out the aft skirt around the engines. 2. Sorry, math fail; must have typed it wrong when I was converting, because I swear I got 11.28 instead of 11.48, for 3.5.
  17. It does, yes. It is enabled for procedural tanks.
  18. This suggestion will not help KSP Windows x64 users, since like 32bit (except more randomly) it is memory limited still, and will crash no matter what mod you add, if you add too many.
  19. (-X * Timewarp.fixedDeltaTime) is what you want (where X is units per second of UT), and you need to do this in OnFixedUpdate (which is done per tick) rather than OnUpdate, which is done per visual frame.
  20. Well, by default this isn't added to stackmount stock tanks, so it shouldn't be doing anything. Nor does it touch fuel lines. Screenshot?
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