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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Nope, unity does max out at 8192x8192. There was a long discussion of that in the Universe Replacer thread. That said, paging texture support is planned, just won't be able to get to it for a while. Ralathon: Impressive! dlrk: you did check its stats in the VAB, right? .14EC/s is what it should be providing. That's 140 watts, which is pretty darn good for a ~1m^2 panel.
  2. Yup. I need to modify the DRE decouplers to have opposite offset mass such that it all works out.
  3. Read have read: Raycasting works off collision detection IIRC, and KW fairings, unlike procedural fairings, don't really have colliders.
  4. Boamere: see my post on the last page or the giant Known Issue at the top of the OP. I'm working on this with Tiberion.
  5. Check out Realism Overhaul in my sig. The second post is a modlist for RSS. Note that Realism Overhaul itself is only .22, but there's a prerelease of it in the second post of the Real Fuels thread (apologies for disorganization; I hope to release .23 Realism Overhaul in the next few days) dlrk: sarbian is working on FAR compatibility for MJ. For now the approved method is quicksave, try, quickload, repeat. Razorcane: yeah, that's fine. In some ways, better shows the size of the rocket, if the pod isn't rescaled.
  6. Razorcane: just lots of pretty pictures to show off the mod, basically. And get a sense of the size rocket you need to push a (part-fueled like real life, presumably) CSM stack into LEO. HoneyFox: IIRC (ask asmi, he knows about this more than I) they loft the thing super high and circularize well after apogee.
  7. Pods are slightly differently sized--there was much discussion of this in the RealChutes thread. The tops of the pods are like only about 80-90% as wide as they "should" be for their stack size. Bases...Mk1 base is slightly wider than 2m, Mk1-2 base is about 3.9m. Anyhow...
  8. Razorcane: Dang, nice! Do you have a full album of that Apollo-Skylab mission? I want to put it in the OP.
  9. Ferram: thanks! Frostiken: the only reason the designated-size stretchies exist is *precisely* so that they're fixed width. I have considered removing them all, though, and just using superstretchies.
  10. There's a collider issue with the non-vac SRB nozzle. I need to talk to Tiberion about it, but for now, use clamps to make sure none of the sea-level nozzles start in contact with the ground. Or put a decoupler under them, that works too.
  11. Dang. RF supports modular RCS, and Realism Overhaul defaults RCS to hydrazine.
  12. Because TT never switched to 0.20 syntax for parts.
  13. Is there a release to showcase? No? Then it goes in Dev. (Project showcase means *released* project showcase, as has been established for years.) Kingofawesome13, those are some neat ideas (although, as mentioned, a good number of them are already in Vis Enhancements). Good luck!
  14. RSS cfg files are pretty much backwards and forwards compatible from the day I added cfg reading, so yes.
  15. Starwaster: doesn't MM support checking a minimum for a value? Then you could have a config for RESOURCE ablative > 1000, one for >500, and one for >100, and one for just having the resource. (You'd do it in the opposite order, for correct order of operations). That'll determine what loss_rate and dissipation values to apply. You want max loss_rate * max dissipation ~= 96,000 for [quite] safe RSS reentries, probably even lunar reentries, but obviously you want some variation, so weaker shields would have lower values and lunar or interplanetary shields would have higher. That will give you your effective temperature loss multiplier. Amount of ablative shielding determines how long you can keep that up; a loss_rate of 66% to 100% of your resource quantity is what's used curently (the small shield at 100%, the 3.75 at less than 66%) Niels, first of all looks like you're using an outdated version of RSS. Are you sure all your mods are up to date? kiwiak: remove half your mods. If problem goes away, add half of what you removed back. If problem persists, remove half of what remains. Repeat until found. Binary search.
  16. Ferram: thanks much! Very helpful. AdmiralTigerclaw: I have my ideas, now. And yes, limited throttling is intentional, as is (for SFJackBauer's RealEngines) not all engines being RF-enabled.
  17. OK, I'll check why it's not respecting tweakables. AbeS is right that since I only ever use RF, I don't notice how stretchies work without it <blush> Hey, at least in v8 stretchies still *work* without MFT or RF...oy.
  18. Real Fuels also reworks engines (and, to a lesser extent, RCS) quite drastically, and uses realworld SI units.
  19. RSS will do half what you want, and commented out is the way to do the other half, IIRC.
  20. Will check. Kaa253, why on earth are you deleting things other than the DLL in your MFT install!? That's like installing Windows and deleting anything that's not a DLL!
  21. Cool! ....Please tell me dV/burntime respects resourceName for RCS
  22. The O2 tanks (and CO2 tanks) should have roughly 1000x the resources they do now. Simple cfg edit.
  23. Have you considered spending half the time you've used complaining, changing things to your taste? All it takes is opening a file in notepad and deleting some numbers and adding some others.
  24. You think ablative material is free? It's something applied to the capsule, a separate resource, ergo it costs. Oxygen should cost almost nothing. LOx? That costs money. But feel free to tune the costs to taste. They're all exposed in MCSettings.cfg
  25. Thanks, that does narrow it down. Instead of grabbing the whole package then, grab SFJackBauer's RealEngines pack alone here and copy over only realengines_stats.cfg. That will not rescale anything. (And, obvs, delete your old MFS3.3 engines cfg.) EDIT: Zander: jets do that, so we should be able to enable it for engines.
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