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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Which RCS thrusters are you using? Only the Squad RCS thrusters and the two rescales of the Squad quad in RO are modularized (and this is done in RO, since it's a config--you need one of the RO preview builds from the second post).
  2. Ooh! Speaking of cameras...since you made Agena, you might as well make its most famous other use. Especially since you already made KH-10.
  3. Sorry, missed this. The latter. You must download the part packs yourself, the parts themselves are not included in RO, just the patches. Ah, sure. KATO engines was an old set of engine-changing configs of mine, it predated RftS (see sig). Though I don't mention KATO anywhere in the OP. When Chestburster and J_Davis are done with the stockalike configs I'll have an up-to-date list of what it supports; those which each RO supports are in the readme and will be on the OP of that thread on update.
  4. It offers pressurized tankage (if you're using an O-class engine, use this; combined, you can ignore ullage issues), it allows ElectricCharge to be placed in it, and it masses more (and holds less) than the equivalent regular tank. It is, however, as insulated as a cryo tank. NOTE: Other than holding less, you need Real Fuels to experience these differences.
  5. AdmiralTigerclaw: Nope, that was true of MFS 3.3. No longer true. I do, however, need to create a patch for BobCat's engines (until he updates them) to switch from LF to Kero. ChronicSilence: You're using an engine patch that isn't fully RF v4 compliant. My apologies; I missed that step when uploading MFSEngines.cfg; that has now been fixed and anyone using it should redownload it. If you're using RftSEngines, it's up to date. If you're using RealEngines, it will be by the end of the weekend. I have added the first three entries to the FAQ.
  6. They're about to be. Sorry. dlrk: yup, I rewrote all the descriptons for RftS engines. Will be up soon.
  7. Shckr57: use Modular Fuel Tanks. You will need to edit the TANK_DEFINITION though, but that's easy.
  8. So here's the lowdown. There are, right now, three sets of engine configs available for RF (which, as stated in OP, does not come with its own set of engine configs for chemical rocket engines; NTRs and B9 are supported out of the box). Each of these three is available in Post #2 of this thread. *One is the "stockalike" set. This set is from MFS 3.3 (though J_Davis and Chestburster are currently reworking it to use all the new goodies in RF v4). This tries not to change thrust or mass from what you're used to. This supports the most engines. Also, so as not to change mass, it comes out of the box setting RF for non-realistic mass mode (aka KSP-style mass mode), where engines mass 3.2x what they would in the real world and tanks about 4x. *One is the RealEngines set. This is by SFJackBauer, and it uses various models (from various parts packs) to represent real-world engines like the Merlin 1D, the SSME, the RS-27, Vulcain 2, RD-107, etc. Because Squad's engines don't look like real engines, they're not supported. RealEngines supports the least number of engines, but each one is lovingly set to be an exact 1:1 performance clone of a real engine, with as close a model as SFJackBauer could find or tweak. *One is the Reaching for the Stars set by me. It's a set of realistic engine configs: that is, a set of configs that mimic real-world performance but where no particular engine is a 100% copy of a real-world engine. It's designed for the universe I describe in my Mission Reports series (in sig--sadly unupdated in some time). Because I'm not constrained by needing to duplicate the look of realworld engines, RftSEngines does support Squad engines and many others. You can of course do what jrandom just described: use RealEngines, and then copy in any engine from RftSEngines that isn't modified by RealEngines. That takes some splicing though.
  9. Output_log would be nice. Also, what other mods? Are you using an autopilot? FAR?
  10. It's possibly (albeit not easy) to fly MJ ascents in FAR. I've done it since I installed FAR when I first started playing. 1. Set turn start to the altitude at which you reach 100m/s (less for high-TWR launches). That's, roughly, .2 if TWR>2, 1.0 if TWR = 1.5, or 1.5 if TWR = 1.2) 2. Set turn end and shape such that you stay on surface-prograde the whole way up, with a max deviation of ~3 degrees. It takes trial and error and is based on your TWR during ascent. Eventually you'll get a feel for it. IIRC with a 1.5TWR ignition stage and a small upper stage I had good success with a 1/40/40 ascent, 0 degrees final angle. (It's been a while since I've played without RSS).
  11. Also, if you do start changing NTRs, delete the cfgs that change them (Squad_modularEngines etc) or you'll hang on load because you're modifying them twice.
  12. Wow, that was a hilarious grammar typo, since it was only weird, not wrong/non-understandable. Anyway, uploaded. Now fully supports Type N (it will write the alternator, generator, and resources, based on thrust and Starwaster's values).
  13. Definitely a crowd-sourced project. Great you're both willing to work on it! I will my Calcs upload with support for NTR. It will include adding nuclearFuel with a tiny ratio as a propellant, and Starwaster's alternator and generator values and nuclearFuel supply.
  14. The largest Griffon (LR88-4) is supposed to be a quad mount of the Maverick V (LR88). Note that with superstretchy tanks you can make your tanks as big as you like, and with procedural interstages you can make your interstage fit. Saturn V and N1 were both >10m diamater. The LR88 is designed to be the American SHLLV engine mount for their 10m stack, the Matriarch (Dux) is the British one (modeled loosely on the N1 first stage), and the NP1 M-50 5x mount (aka F-1alikes) is designed to be the German. The Russians can use multiple RD-170s from BobCat. This sheet shows all the sizes (and stats) for RftS Engines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dseuvm4f6m8v4no/Calcs.xls
  15. 1. Oops. Also, I thought you were planning to add all the engines from MFS3.3? (And any other engines that should be there...) 2. Ah, I didn't think you were touching the NTRs. Um. Not sure it's quite set up for them. Let me check.
  16. Ah, yeah. You have to fill down again both there and in EngineOut whenever you insert or remove rows. (That's the first thing the Docs page says, IIRC). Unless the one I uploaded was already doing that? <blush>
  17. Why don't you explain your idea more fully? Then maybe someone will be interested enough to start work on it with you. Many good mods start with a nice idea.
  18. dlrk: thanks! And yes, RftS Engines will certainly still be available and updated. It's what I myself use after all. No guarantees that it'll stay save-compatible however...(I may change engine thrusts and modes etc. off and on When I Get A Better Idea )
  19. It only matters if the output column on Engines has errors. The others are expected to sometimes have errors (if you specify <3 mixtures, for example, or if there isn't a valid engine on that line)
  20. You can't on-rails warp when pressure > 0. That's hardcoded, for good reason.
  21. I wasn't suggesting messing with expansion coefficients per se, just taking note of broad strokes (L->L+/A->U->U+/O) in increasing expansion ratio, and using that to figure optimal mixtures (which you're doing). Although...going by that chart comparing mixture ratio and expansion, looks like at least for hydrolox larger expansion ratios do better with leaner mixtures!
  22. hippomormor: the maximum stretch width is technode-dependent. After you research more rocketry nodes, try placing them in the VAB again and stretching them wider. katalex-3: There is a Known Issue (as posted at the top of the OP) about the sea-level stretchy SRB nozzle. Until Tiberion and I work out a fix, use the workaround mentioned. planeguy868: Cool! Will add to OP.
  23. dlrk: (Inhibited) Red Fuming Nitric Acid was an early storable oxidizer. Slightly more stable than dinitrogen tetroxide, but worse performance. Often used with an amine or a mixture of amines (TONKA-250, Aniline, etc.) or with UDMH. Dragon01, nope, Vostok used *Nitrous Oxide* (or thus has said every source I've seen, and the source's asmi's seen in Russian). For fuel it used TG-02, the Russian name for TONKA-250, a mixture of amines. Nitric Acid was first an American storable, notably used on the WAC Corporal (Frank Malina's / JPL's early sounding rocket) with Aniline, another amine. According to everything I've seen MMH actually has slightly worse specific impulse than AZ50, but it's enough denser that on balance you get better performance. J_Davis: I suggest NTO/UDMH, hydrolox, and either KHP, or HZ as monopropellant, as your three for O. For optimal mixtures I use this: http://www.thespacerace.com/forum/index.php?topic=2583.0 (check out Bob Braeunig's post midway down). But note that real engines almost never use the "optimal" mixture rate because it isn't, in practice. You should also definitely look at this page: http://alternatewars.com/BBOW/Space/Propellants.htm and note how expansion ratio changes optimal mixture ratio. Other pages to look at (from Bob Braeunig again): http://www.braeunig.us/space/propel.htm and http://www.braeunig.us/space/propuls.htm
  24. 1. Download DRECv4.1 2. Extract the archive to ksp/GameData 3. profit!!!
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