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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. 1. Liquid oxide doesn't exist. Liquid Oxygen is at the top of the list; NitrousOxide is lower down. 2. There will be a bar on the right side of the window. Drag it up and down to scroll.
  2. or scale the model in the MODEL node, and then manually scale the attach nodes and any other positions in the cfg rather than relying on rescaleFactor for that.
  3. 1. Go to Realism Overhaul thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59207 2. Download Realism Overhaul from that thread. 3. Follow instructions at bottom of first post in that thread (immediately below where you click to download Realism Overhaul...) as to how to download and install RftSEngines.cfg EDIT: ninja'd. There should be a scrollbar on the right of the fuel listing. Drag it up and down. Agathorn: 9.3km/s expended to orbit, roughly. Means something like 9.5-9.6 vac dV, considering nozzle/atmosphere losses. Note that your liftoff TWR can be as low as 1.15 sea level TWR, and your upper stage TWR might be something like starts at 0.8 vacuum TWR, ends at 5 or something? KSP teaches you to over-TWR things...
  4. You can reference models with MODEL nodes, and even override their textures. like MODEL { model = /path/to/modelfile/from/rootofGameData/modelname_without_extension position = x, y, z // offset from 0,0,0 scale = Sx, Sy, Sz // scale, and yes non-uniform values are permitted rotation = degrees_around_x, y, z texture = orig_texture_name_without_extension, path/to/new/texture_without_extension texture = orig_texture_name_without_extension2, path/to/new/texture_without_extension2 //etc } NOTE: when you use scale inside MODEL, you need to set the scale outside the node and the rescaleFactor both = 1 (rather than the usual 1.0 and 1.25, or 0.01 and 1.25, or whatever). Then manually set all the nodes and offsets correctly. Like if: originally the part.cfg had mesh=blah, scale = 0.01, rescaleFactor = 1.25 (note, if scale is not specified, it defaults to 1, but if rescaleFactor is not specified it defaults to 1.25!) then you want a part that's 2x as large as it appeared, you do MODEL { //blah scale = 2.5, 2.5, 2.5 } scale = 1.0 rescaleFactor = 1.0 Now you modify the nodes, fxOffsets, anything else, to account for (1) going to 1.0 and 1.0 for scale and rescaleFactor, and (2) rescaling the model itself. Positions will be scaled as follows: original number * 0.01 * 0.8 * 2.5 (aka 0.01 for the change in scale, 1 / 1.25 for the change in rescaleFactor, and 2.5 for the scaling of the model). So do this for the first three numbers for each attach node, for fx offsets, for whatever. If you rescale non-uniformly, then apply correct number for each axis. regarding NPOT textures: Unity really doesn't like them. In addition to visual and performance issues, it will also rescale them and treat them in memory as next power of two, so your 1026x1026 textures will be stored in memory as 2048x2048. Which, as you can imagine, is bad news.
  5. Elokaynu, as the top of the opening post in *both* the MFT *and* the RF threads say, you need to use one *or* the other. In this case, you need to use Real Fuels. Nuke the ModularFuelTanks folder. Second, to use RPL you need RftSEngines. After you've installed Realism Overhaul v3, follow the instructions at the bottom of the Realism Overhaul OP: nuke the SFJBRealEngines folder, download RftSEngines.cfg, and stick it in the RealismOverhaul folder.
  6. Thanks! Will fix. Agathorn: I will try to make OP clearer about the choice between RealEngines and RftSEngines. AbeS: Allows gimballing for roll as well as pitch/yaw. Captain Party: They should be in this. No?
  7. FlowerChild: Huh! Thanks for the lead. Have to go to bed tonight; I'll dig into this tomorrow (and RftS gets pushed off another day...c'est la vie.)
  8. Sax Man Aeronautics: Nope, not my mod. Never used the GUI. Ask on the thread for that mod?
  9. Also, just O is considered pressure fed (and ullagesim set to false) in my Calcs.xls. U+ is basically the turbopump-fed version of O.
  10. You can easily edit MCSettings.cfg and add any resources and modules that aren't already in, and change prices to whatever is desired. In fact I kept posting pleas for people to do that (when I first added it to MCE) so more would be supported, but no one ever did (or at least never posted the results)...sad crowdsource-attempting panda.
  11. SWEET! I know you're down on requests, but: when you make the engines, can you make the bottom dome part of the tank rather than the engine? It'll make using the engine on other tanks/craft *much* simpler. Also, if it would be possible to, when you scale for KSP, scale in uniform? OK, back to fanboying. WOOHOO!
  12. YOU MADE THE ENGINE BELLS RIGHT. I love you forever. Also, do please keep that 1:1 LM and IVA around, since I'd have to end up doing serious work rescaling it back to 1:1 anyway.
  13. YANFRET: very nice! And impressive you're getting permission, I've been holding off commenting until you did. Note that KSP doesn't care what a texture's extension is once loaded, so as long as you (a) ensure that the file is placed in the same location as the one you're replacing, and ( has the same name before the extension, and © delete the original file, you can replace MBMs with png/tga to your heart's content with no mu changes necessary. For example find the pod folder, delete model001.mbm, add to the folder model001.png, PROFIT.
  14. Sax Man Aeronautics: huh. Have you checked in Alt-N, the cloud editor GUI? UNSA: You're not ungrateful, no worries. And though you mention not liking to play with CFG files, well, all you need to do is change some values in RealSolarSystem.cfg and you'll have exactly that. Which mods don't work btw? I'm always trying to add support in Realism Overhaul... Re: kerbals. Starwaster, you're wrong pal. At one point I was considering doing it myself, but then I lacked for time. If I get time, I'll see, unless (hopefully) someone beats me to it.
  15. 2 is correct. What holds the part(s) on the top01 node (the node that floats) are joints between the fairing sides and the part(s), not a joint between the interstage base and the part(s). The decoupler on the interstage doesn't break those joints; only detaching the fairings will break those joints. (There is an issue where KJR, since it uses the same mechanism for joint stiffening, *will* break those joints if you decouple the interstage base. That's against e-dog's design, but we've been requesting that feature for months, so ferram is leaving it as is...)
  16. Weird issue, just discovered last night, with KM_Gimbal. My roll controls flip midway through launch (that is, engines gimbal in reverse direction under roll command). Haven't narrowed down why yet, but if anyone else has experienced this...?
  17. velusip: I thought wildcards only worked for the root confignode, which is why I didn't adjust RAPIER heat production in the cfg, only automatically. Heck, just using @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX,0] and ,1 should work too but that didn't work for me either. I'll bug Sarbian
  18. So, alas SFJackBauer has been quite busy so the full version of RealEngines isn't up yet, but I was sent a copy that they said I could release if necessary (all that's really lacking is EngineIgnitor configs). I'll release a v3.1 as soon as I get those, and hopefully also the complete(-ish) FASA patch. A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this round! Changelog: v3 -- \/ *Switched to SFJackBauer's RealEngines. Added partial B9, CSS, and ISS support from that pack. *Sum Dum Heavy Industries Service Module support *Added modular RCS support to KW, AIES, and RLA *KW battery support *Added rescaled KW fairings with realistic masses *Finished the Squad pods (lander cans, cupola) *Added by redde: Fustek station parts rescaling (for 0.03.5a) *Added by jrandom: realchutes patch, ALCOR rescale, Nothke's Service Components rescale, additional fairing rings. *Added by amo28: NFPP solar panel support *Added by SRFirefox: Hitchhiker and Lab rescale *Added by dlrk: 2M Clamp-O-Tron and Shielded Clamp-O-Tron
  19. dlrk: Heh, wish I'd had a chance to play this game. :} For spaceplanes in RSS, your best bet is to up the reflectivity of the heatshields that get added to body parts, and add similar reflectivity-based shields for the wings, just use direction = 0, 0, 0 rather than a set direction. GavinZac: try a part where there's obviously an up, down, left, and right. Pretty sure it'll get rotated even in mirror mode. Obviously only applies to surface-attach mirroring, stack-attach no mirroring is necessary... Maybe they've finally fixed it?
  20. I have an old FASA-Real-Gemini patch but it's outdated. I'm working on an update to cover all FASA, with some help from Dragon01. It's nearly there. (It does keep getting set back because frizzank adds new stuff at warp speed )
  21. draeath: yabut your payment processor software's users aren't 14. [Then again, 14 year olds may well be mature (maturity isn't necessarily a function of temporal age!) and also may well be more mature than your software's users. ] I do want to make a serious point of this, however: it's worth noting that a game's user base is going to be rather different than a business application, and while the KSP community as a whole is much nicer, more patient, etc., than many games', that's still an issue. If we'd had this discussion four months ago (when it'd been years since I'd last done modding) I'd be all for the cfg override. But having seen exactly what folks can get up to when they try to install and/or use mods--or worse, as ferram says, when (well-intentioned) others try to "help" them, including using instructions that broke six months ago...nope.
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