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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. You might think so. But e.g. the first Agenas weren't restarable IIRC and D and GATV were only qualified for 16 ignitions.
  2. HoneyFox: good point. rbray was planning this too at some point. I ought to send a PM I guess Airblader: cool!
  3. J_Davis: I don't offhand recall a single landing engine (other than USAF's proposed use of RL-10 in this capacity) that wasn't pressure-fed, and most pressure-fed engines can IMO be set to unlimited ignitions. Speaking of this stuff--anyone got any ideas on a good way to model residuals? Elokaynu: Ok. Now, load KSP, try to scroll the RF window (by dragging the bar downards), and then quit. Then upload your ksp/KSP_Data/output_log.txt file.
  4. Sounds like I need to add a FAQ Agathorn: Yes. Please. Silpion: Yep, here would be the place. Also, the second isn't in real engines; it's all my error. Fixed for next RO.
  5. Scripto23: 1. Ah. 2. That sounds about right (4 and 2/3 kWh--about what Gemini had. And Gemini had cells; Dragon has solar). Yup, 5kW peak means 2.5EC/s each! 3. At the moment the only way is to add dual RCS modules. You figure out the ratio you'd use via the volume calculator (let's say 0.4 MMH and 0.6 NTO for simplicity), and say the Dracos are 100N. So you create one ModuleRCS of power=0.04 and resourceName=MMH, and one with power=0.06 and resourceName=NTO. Set both modules' atmosphereCurves to the appropriate Draco Isp. 4. Ah, cool! No worries, so much of htis is hope and guesswork... :} Elokaynu: Huh. Don't know what to tell you at this point. I really can't take on totally redesigning the RF interface right now though. Is that the *only* window, including the only window using that skin (MJ uses that skin, try opening MJ windows that require scrolling, like the Custom Window Editor window), where scrolling doesn't work? Also, make *sure* you don't have any ModularFuelTanks.dll anywhere in GameData, and you only have 1 RealFuels.dll in anywhere GameData. And post your KSP_win/KSP_Data/output_log.txt somewhere. djnattyd: Since I'm now on board with that project and writing support for it into RealFuels...yes.
  6. Try replacing the dll in GameData/StretchyTanks/Plugins with this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/27hcnol49pxfsxz/StretchyTanks.dll See if that fixes the issue.
  7. You could just make your own particle system directly via Unity (I know it's possible since Majiir does it--check out the recently released particle mod of his). Not sure how the FX in ModuleEnginesFX work; that's like a "half custom" system. Haven't dug into it more, but I likely will soon. EDIT: Linky. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65364-OpenParticleEmitter-Kethane-derived-alternate-particles-module
  8. frizzank: not part.name, part.title. That doesn't break saves (that's one reason why Ferram uses part title, not part name). In fact if you spelled out Payload Launch Fairing for the walls and nose, rather than abbreviating it, that would work. Also: props on the shuttle. In point of fact that last pic looks like some of the concept art for Shuttle Agena (Lockheed's proposal to make a Shuttle-compatible Agena, like was done for IUS).
  9. I added that, IIRC. NOT and OR. They're not nestable though, they work like submission goals (the NOT or OR must be root, under which can only be regular goals).
  10. Most Addon Releases are...in the Addon Releases forum. Spaceport is essentially broken; lots of us don't put our mods on it.
  11. It scales the node parameters (and *perhaps* also the fx offsets? Dunno. Let's hope so.) Think of it this way: rescaleFactor scales everything scale inside MODEL node scales everything in mu but nothing in cfg scale outside MODEL scales everything in cfg but nothing in mu BelgarionNL: sounds like a bug in UbioZur's tool then, if it's not properly reading transforms?
  12. lunait: attached, yes, but...just try out Deadly Reentry if you haven't yet. You'll get what I mean. There's two things: *looking* like a gas giant, and actually adding pressure damage. For the former, removing PQS will work. For the latter, it's as we discussed: AFAIK no built-in pressure damage.
  13. Mystique: the only consequence IIRC is heat increase. For xenon, use Modular Fuel Tanks. Or just take the plunge and use Real Fuels.
  14. In addition change the scale outside of the nodes from scale = 1.0 to scale = 0.666667
  15. Correct. SFJB added them to the _stats file but not the rescale. As long as only one cfg is modifying those engines it should be fine.
  16. Wait, why are they not :Final... Yeah, dunno why that got changed. SFJackBauer is super busy in real life at the moment, so we'll ask when that abates. :] Also, huh. Thought Sarbian said he fixed that. Maybe not yet? Rescaling: the safest is just leave scale at 1.0, rescaleFactor at 1.0, and manually scale nodes/fx/etc, and in the MODEL node(s) use appropriate x,y,z multipliers. Next safest is either to leave rescaleFactor at 1.0 and change scale in the node and scale outside the node (like I mostly do in FASA), but that doesn't always work; or (if part won't be used as root) set rescaleFactor to x and scale to 1.0 and scale inside the node to 1/x, 1/x, 1/x (rescaleFactor is applied twice to meshes when using MODEL nodes*); though you can again do nonuniform scale. *per Greys. The exception is if the part is a root part *and* you revert to launch. Then it's only applied once, and things break.
  17. Which engine? And yeah, IIRC Sarbian fixed MM so that database reload *will* force MM reload now, if you're using the latest MM. (Database reload->go to spacecenter? or mainmenu? and do Alt-F12, database, reload. Won't work inside VAB...) There's no specific thread for RE, it was all done within this thread.
  18. Ouch, that was stupid of me. Thanks, TomatoSoup! I've updated the file in post #2 rhoark: Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64118-0-23-Real-Fuels-v4-2-1-13-14?p=893650&viewfull=1#post893650 Note that you will have to delete the existing NTR configs in RealFuels/ before using it. But since TomatoSoup found the error in MFS3.3 configs before I did, you could also just redownload that...
  19. Laugh? Good gracious no. That's exactly the thing I went through for like 3 days trying to nail this stuff down. Eventually I got a pdf that traced cell evolution, lemme see if I can find it. (It was that, plus checking actual craft [Vanguard, Telstar, Ranger, ATV) as you were doing--and MedievalNerd did a *lot* of it too, hence why it's a joint-credit pack ) EDIT: some of this was on the Dev forum's version of the RO thread btw. That whole thing is well worth a look too.
  20. That's on my list from when Nothke recruited me, yeah It actually meshes really well with what RF is already doing.
  21. fatcargo, like I said: I know the bug, I know what causes it, I'm working on it. If you just hold f or r to rescale the tank slightly, then rescale it back, the nodes pop back. It's because when KSP clones objects it doesn't quite copy everything (i.e. it doesn't copy node position, or (on MFT/RF side) tank contents).
  22. I meant something to check the current pressure (which for obvious reasons *is* dependent on the CB's stats like staticPressureASL, atmosphereMultiplier, etc) and if > some maximum, break the part. Like how DRE handles reentry heat.
  23. 1EC = 1kJ. 1EC per second = 1kW. Mass was eyeballed to be like a silver-oxide battery circa 1966 (Ranger 6 had info. I used it.) I have no idea about density--it's probably *way* too low. Solar panels range from ~80W/m^2 to 180, IIRC, depending on year. Mass is guesstimate based on the kg/m^2 of the solar cells + backing + folding/tracking mechanism. If you have better numbers on mass, do please use them (and let me know!) AIES panels were done, yes (SolarPanels_AIES.cfg)--they ranged from 80 to 110W/m^2.
  24. Also, confirming the issue with the LR-91 mini is that its fxoffset is set to 25, not 0.25 EDIT: also duplicate textures for Gemini Pod and WingGemini (both png and tga)
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