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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. scottholio: thanks, fixed. v4.3 = \/ *Now engine heat dissipation and engine heat production are proportional to techlevel (in particular, heatProduction *= TLMassMultiplier and part.heatDissipation /= TLMassMultiplier. *Fixed issues in loading code (when instantiating an engine). *StretchyTanks will rescale upwards slightly better. Making them smaller still provokes rounding errors, however. *Fixed big bug with useRealisticMass (mass multiplier was never used!). *Non-SM, Non-RCS tanks can no longer hold monopropellant. *Pressurized tanks (i.e. SM) now properly note they are pressurized. *Fixed issue with TL0 Isp. It was too low (due to my having created techlevels before I added alcohol, and stupidly used alcohol/LOx Isp for TL0 kerolox Isp). This means, however, that upgrading TL0 engines no longer delivers quite the increase in thrust it used to. *Lowered U+ TWR slightly to better accord with real turbopump-fed vacuum engines. Starwaster: it applies only to ALL_VESSEL resources, like ElectricCharge (but not the nuclear*). Note: I have no idea what happens in warp (it may be the request is multiplied by deltatime, and in warp deltatime is high, so even a <1e-5 rate for EC becomes >1-e5 during warp). Buddy431: Luna 1?
  2. Thanks! Will fix those engines, although they never should have been in RO anyway, they were stuff I made for MedievalNerd, stuck there, and forgot about The negative ignitions thing is by design. As the Calcs docs say, "Ignitions: Number of ignitions available to the engine. If >0, that many. If 0, unlimited. If <0, engine will have (current TL - this) ignitions, with a minimum of 1." Note this is converted by RF, when feeding data to EngineIgnitor, to the appropriate number (or -1 if unlimited). Dragon01: Checking. Agathorn: uh, hasn't happened to me, but I don't really play much... EDIT: Updated link to RftSEngines since I finally made a little pack of changes for RftS. It also includes a change I should have made a while ago: swapping the LR29 and LR37's stats (more or less).
  3. #2 is intentional. Just like how larger static tanks unlock later, larger diameters for procedural tanks unlock later. You can find the R&Dnodes and maxdiameters in the tech.cfg file in StretchyTanks/Parts. I heartily second #1--making all pfairing parts available from the start.
  4. Sounds good to me! One suggestion/request/something: make the part itself procedurally rescalable. Oh, and make the node sizes depend on the amount of space available to them, so if you have 4 nodes on a 2.5m part, the nodes are size 1; if 4 on a 5m part, they're size 2, etc.* *also add a "rescale by 0.8" option for the nodes, since RO uses 1m/2m/3m/etc as sizes for its nodes rather than 1.25/2.5/3.75
  5. Wow, y'all are super kind. Anyway, in preparation for resuming this I have slightly changed the OP (retcons! tweaks!) including adding a link to new Armbrust screenshots, and edited the following posts to update to the current state of the KSP modding world. Also I have put up a link to my RftS pack (see post 3) and added a link to the Armbrust so you can play with it yourself. I will endeavor to post links for all craft I make. Post 2 coming soon--screenshots done, have to finish writing. Sneak preview: the Wren sounding rocket on its Fat Albert booster.
  6. Cool! ModuleGenerator is broken under warp (and other a bunch of other things). Should look into one of the generator replacement modules, I guess?
  7. Here's a page on the S-3D (slight forerunner of the RS-27): http://heroicrelics.org/info/s-3d/s-3d-overview.html
  8. Looks great! Let me know if you need a hand with the RealFuels config.
  9. Buddy431: No problem, thanks for reporting! I'll check. Does it still work in flight though?
  10. ....and yet another bug reported and fixed, thanks! I have reuploaded StockEngines again with the miscreant NERVA removed. You can add the part back now. You're most welcome!
  11. Buddy431: Here, try this pre-release. It's been working for me so far. See if it fixes your useRealisticMass issues (along with the fixed StockEngines I uploaded) https://www.dropbox.com/s/6a48ss73xxxop24/RealFuels_v4_3_pre2.zip
  12. Redownload FASA patch from 2nd post. There was a slight issue with the mixtures, you'd have to fly an even more optimal ascent than usual. Here's a craft file for you too: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7dqv6vyko7hiyui/Gemini-Titan%20II%20GLV.craft Anyway, I just verified that I can get into a 510x170 orbit with, oh, probably 100m/s left in the upper stage. I flew this ascent in MJ: orbital height 500km, ascent path: start 1.3km, end 120km, end 0 degrees, shape 45. Stage at first stage burnout; MJ will shut off the engine. Stage to separate Gemini, then use RCS to tweak orbit as desired. Remember, Titan II was *barely* enough to launch Gemini; that's why, among other reasons, they went with ejection seats rather than an LES--no mass budget.
  13. Correct. Most gas generator engines (of that period) just exhausted the gas. Viz. the *giant* stovepipe-like exhaust on early Atlas models. Regenerative cooling of the nozzle isn't even done with turbopump generator exhaust IIRC, it's (liquid) fuel.
  14. If you mean the big exhaust pipe, that's for the gas generator. Or am I misinterpreting what pipe you mean? Edit: NoMrBond, since e-dog added the procedural interstage, you don't have to go through all that work anymore. It'll do it for you, with custom-height fairings.
  15. There is, I think; I think it's determined by lowerCameraVsSmaDistance (and upperCa....). I have to try out different values to find what's right. Though AbeS is right it's a known issue in the current build of RSS.
  16. Also, a bug report for a version that isn't the current dev version is nearly useless, since sarbian won't know if some change he made has fixed it.
  17. PQS? You have my interest. Any changelog or commit history? The commit history even in that branch seem to date only to December, unless I'm using git wrong.
  18. The dev version *is* MJ. What do you think the last "official" release of MJ was? The dev version that was current when .23 was released. Use dev versions.
  19. Buddy431: My apologies! There was *both* a bug in my exporter *and* a bug in RF. I will test out my fix and upload RF v4.3. Thanks for finding this!
  20. Yup, I'm (1) using an upside-down interstage sometimes, and sometimes (2) clipping a girder inside a tank (bottom node of girder to bottom node of tank) and attaching top node of engine to top node of girder. Ferram used empty conical stretchy tanks with option 2, IIRC.
  21. I believe in v8.1 you can no longer put solid fuel in a non-StretchySRB part. In prior versions you could, and it was indeed useless. The node issue I know about, and have been working on, but it's been stubbornly resisting me. I may have to add a special method just to get around it...
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