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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. That tower looks awesome (as usual) frizzank!
  2. If you want *some* of what RO does--for example, battery and solar panel changes, heatshield changes, etc., then just delete what you don't want, and for things where you want some of the changes (pods) comment out the rescaleFactor lines and the @MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] stuff. If you don't want any of RO, um, don't use RO. For engines, what you probably want is the Stockalike config from Post 2 of RF thread. Make sure you delete any other engine config (like the folder GameData/SFJBRealEngines, which appears after installing RO).
  3. 123nick: Kosmos has engines with thrust frames but without those giant bottom-tenth-of-a-fuel-tank domes that are, in fact, bottom-tenths-of-fuel-tanks and thus not engines. Good on Kosmos. Um, m00f, I think you may be misunderstanding the point of this thread. It's for creating 1:1 scale and stat exact real engines, not engines for KSP that happen to look realisitc. Um...RSS users aren't typical. But yes, almost all engines are boattailed both to decrease drag and to sheild the engine equipment (especially from SRB exhaust; see how the Titan II's un-boattailed LR-87s were faired for Titan III and IV). Few rockets fair their engines away as much as V-2 and Redstone (aka V-2 Mk2), but most at least cover up the machinery. Indeed, offhand, I can't think of much other than Titan I/II where the engine isn't boattailed.
  4. Buddy431: 1. Download and install the *latest* RF, v4.2, from post 1 of this thread. 2. Download and place in GameData/RealFuels the *latest* StockEngines from post 2 of this thread. 3. Open GameData/RealFuels/RealSetting.cfg and find the line "useRealisticMass = true" and set "useRealisticMass = false" If that's still causing problems let me know.
  5. In GameData/ExsurgentEngineering/Plugins (since it's just a plugin, location shouldn't matter, but that's where B9 puts it...)
  6. Agathorn: very nice! So glad you're doing these. My eyes aren't as good as ferram--I only noticed int optical-illusion-inward-tuck, not the bands issue; but for the former even if you pop it out only a few mm that should be sufficient to destroy the illusion (and I rather doubt a Rao nozzle has any straight stretch anyway; might be an issue in the illustration?)
  7. Known issue: typo in the cfg. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451-0-23-Ferram-Aerospace-Research-v0-12-5-2-Aero-Fixes-For-Planes-Rockets-1-7-14?p=904850&viewfull=1#post904850
  8. Hah, this is wonderful. And it's totally perfect for an An-2, as you obviously well know.
  9. FAR *has* had changes for capsules, and most capsules work fine now. It *may* be a FAR issue, but it's doubtful. Do the nodes have the right sizes?
  10. Interesting. :] A note: when you set something to radially attach and it doesn't have a node_attach, it uses the part origin (0,0,0) as the place to attach. For most parts, that's in the center of the part. Hence your issue. If you want to enable radial attachment for that engine, add a node_attach with the same numbers as the node_stack_top
  11. Castun: Access Denied. Ferram: a hearty thanks for your labors.
  12. Actually, need to do both. Give it the opposite CoM offset as node offset. (Just CoM Offset won't work, since then you'll have a balanced rocket engine...that doesn't attach along the centerline. Same problem as before.)
  13. No problem! I (and so many others I'm sure!) am *super* happy you're doing this!
  14. Cool! Just a note that you might want to check and make sure the engine part doesn't have a ModuleEngineConfigs or ModuleHybridEngine present, and if so, don't do anything (since RF does its own thrust correction, and will also not have the same maxThrust you cached anyway). Oh, and to support procedural engines (like the solid motor in StretchySRB) you should store maxThrust *after* all parts have executed OnStart, else you'll store the wrong maxThrust.
  15. Best option: ask LazarusLuan to fix it and re-export. Temporary fix: change the first and third numbers for both node_stack_top and node_stack_bottom until the attach nodes *are* centered in the engine.
  16. For a vernier example: Captain_Party: Aw, thanks! :] Agathorn: I wouldn't go above, say, 20k for the part. Under that, who cares. And (for KSP!) it's much better to spend tris for detail than to spend normal map pixels; a 20k part with a 256x256 normal map is better for KSP than a 2k one with a 2048x2048. (As long as the collision mesh is low-poly!) Regarding what detail to add: I think you can get away with (in the RS-27A example) just modeling the two gold cylinders, the structural mounts, the rest you describe, and just making reasonably textured chunky turbopump assembly in the center. I think probably KW's engines are a decent level to shoot for, but if that's too much work, it's better to have the engine than not! That said I highly encourage you to create a dev thread in Addon-Dev forum so we can all ooh and ah and comment on your progress
  17. Well, FASA has Atlas verniers. And I've been using 24-77s as verniers (this is why in RftS they have a 20+ degree gimbal range). Could probably also use the LV-1R model as a vernier.
  18. TaranisElsu: note this means an update of your excellent post is necessary (since I changed how amount works). It now works as follows: If amount = full, then it will be set to maxAmount for the tank. If amount = some number, then it will be set to that number (and clamped so it's not more than the maxAmount). if amount = some number% (like 50%) then it will be set to maxAmount * this, so if amount = 50%, then the tank will start half-full.
  19. Ferram: that math was my suggestion/my idea of what to change it to, not what actually happens. What actually happens is I still use AncientGammoner's volume code, which is designed so that a stretchytank of the same size as a stock Rockomax tank will have the same unit capacity. I then multiply it by five. For right now, if you want to play around, you can edit the volume multipliers in stretchy's cfg in RealFuels. Maybe try 4.8 instead of 5?
  20. m_robber: known issue with RT2 (check the thread). Cilph is working on a fix, and there's a user-made patched dll that (mostly) fixes the issue. brooklyn666: two weeks is a long time where KSP mods are concerned. In fact, I dare say all of them are out of date. Also, the RPL thread had some old versions for a while (especially the minipack, which has been pulled)...so you should deifnitely nuke anything that came from the pack, and redownload fresh; and check the readmes to see if the mod really is the most up-to-date version (RSS won't have changed, but RF and DRE were updated in the last week, and RftSEngines was updated *yesterday*). And thanks! I take it it *is* finally working now? Captain_Party: um, that's the *point* of Stockalike engine configs, as it says in the description right by the download: they don't change thrust. So, since even those massive 5m engines from NovaPunch only have like 3000 thrust or so max, well, that's as much as you'll get. At this point I *highly* encourage you to just use the Calcs spreadsheet (post #2 of RealFuels thread) and make your own configs. Then they will be exactly as you want them. EDIT: didn't notice next page. Captain_Party: Open search-replace. Put this in the "Find" box: throttle = Put this in the "Replace" box: throttle = 0 // HoneyFox: Ooh, cool! Will try it out.
  21. Those are clearly from ksp.log, not KSP_Data/output_log.txt, as sarbian requested. The latter are from ExsurgentEngineering (B9) anyway.
  22. While I heartily agree with you about the Oxford [serial] comma, it's not actually incorrect to not use it (alas).
  23. tryder: You've been not following the directions, and trying to install a pack for KSP 0.22 on KSP 0.23. So. Start with a *clean* install of KSP. Next, carefully follow the instructions in the current first post of this thread. Then see if it works. If not, post.
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