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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. frizzank: shouldn't be hard to make a plugin that toggles lights based on if crew aboard >0 (if that's what you mean) or whatever other check you want.
  2. Weird. Are you sure you don't have a ModularFuelTanks folder lurking in GameData? (LiquidFuel will appear, it's just not used by any RF-compliant engine. The fact that Kerosene, alcohol, etc., are missing, though...)
  3. Shad0wCatcher: are you using any kind of patch for B9? Either general (like RF) or something for .23 compatibility?
  4. Sweet! Few questions if I might: 1. Have you removed all reaction wheels (unless SpaceX actually uses them, but if so they probably have like 0.001 torque max) 2. Is ElectricCharge used as kJ, with EC rates in kW? (for example, a 3kWh battery, aka 10,800kJ battery, would be stored as maxAmount = 10800 EC, and a system that used 485W would have rate 0.485 EC) 3. If SpaceX uses biprop RCS, you can add two ModuleRCS (hattip: stupid_chris) one set for each fuel, to replicate biprop RCS. If they use monoprop RCS, never mind. (Use correct Isp for both modules; use thrusterPower * volumePercent for each, where volumePercent = percent of total mixture by volume for that propellant). See my latest FASA.cfg for examples. 4. Do the part masses for F9 and F9H match what's been released? Do all parts of Dragon sum to the latest released dry mass for Dragon? (I ask because I notice for a lot of parts you're not touching mass, only rescaleFactor...)
  5. Woohoo! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for non-trapezoidal wings.
  6. 1. Flip the whole capsule upside-down in VAB (airflow comes from top of VAB) 2. Ensure CoM is in front of aerodynamic center. (3. check the flight analysis tab for Cm at high mach--but step 2 should ensure stability) That doesn't mean it will *orient* to that attitude if it starts far from it, but it should ensure it will be stable *in* that attitude.
  7. Scripto23: cool! Will do. I'll look at it, maxTechLevel *should* work. I fixed a bug in v4 or v4.1 or something regarding that, too. I use ECLSS, so yeah, TAC resource amounts would cause trouble for me. Then again, my using ECLSS in FASA configs causes trouble for others. The issue at heart is that if you're trying to match a given spacecraft's dry mass, you have to know exactly the mass of the life support mod's supplies. sirklick: weird! Yeah, please do, I'll check it out.
  8. Agathorn: Ah, yeah, I hadn't noticed their lack because I've been running with a modulemanager cfg that adds SPUs to AIES probes since the day RT2 came out...I store it in the RT2 folder, and on the presumption that others did too I didn't want to risk a second copy in RO. But now that we have the % operator it's safe. The partial support meant (1) that I haven't touched the other crewed AIES pod and (2) I hadn't worked over the probes. In particular they're lacking the reaction wheel nerfing (I think on next release I may just delete the wheels in probes/pods rather than nerfing them), per-pod battery configs, and rescaling, in part because I didn't have time to sit down and figure out what size/mass made sense for them. I mean, the big cube is obviously a Block II GPS bus, but not sure about the rest. What sizes / masses do you think appropriate? Regarding the engine. The "going into the fueltank" thing is a trick SFJackBauer devised to get around the issue that most KSP engine models are actually engines + giant fuel tank butts, basically. (Look up pictures of rocket engines. At most they have a turbopump etc at the top, or a set-of-girders thrust structure. Not a fuel tank cap.) Which is bad if you, for instance, want to use the engine on a different-sized fuel tank. Can't do anything about using an engine with a giant honking dome on a *smaller* tank, but for bigger tanks SFJackBauer devised this system where the unsightly dome is hidden inside the fueltank. No idea why the bottom stacknode is moved too, though. Maybe SFJackBauer flipped a sign?
  9. dlrk: doh! I forgot to switch that stuff to Kerosene. Sorry. You'll just get 1g/cc JP-1 instead of 0.81g/cc, so like super-Syntin. It'll be fixed in next RF, and you can do it yourself for now (swap LF to Kerosene). Elokaynu: I just verified on my 1280x800 laptop. Scrolling is fine. I'm still thinking at this point you may not be grabbing the scrollbar in the right place, because plenty of people have been using RF (and before it MFS) for months on small screens and scrolling fine. When you load it up, you will see a "popout" / embossed button-like thing, in a long black trough. The embossed top part is the scroll bar. Put your pointer's tip right in the middle of *that*, and drag it downwards. Scripto23: Would it be OK if I added that Laztek patch to next RO? pingopete: your links don't work. You need to share those pictures and use the sharing link, not the private link. sirklick: What do you mean by "staging failure"?
  10. Javaii: create a new CFG file somewhere in GameData. Call it whatever you like.cfg Put this in it, where METHANE is whatever your Liquid Methane resource's name is. @TANK_DEFINITION[Default] { TANK { name = METHANE amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 } } Presto. Now you'll be able to remove LF and add Methane to all your type-Default tanks (most all LFO tanks).
  11. Sparker: Holy smokes that's weird. I'll have to try to replicate. acc, fatcargo: yup, know about the node bug, working on it. acc: are you sure you nuked stretchy folder and installed v8.1 fresh? Are you using MFT or RF or anything else that does things to fuels? That should have been fixed in 8.1.
  12. Because spaces are Bad News and Shouldn't Be Used for partnames? (In particular, spaces in partnames break all sorts of things, most importantly ModuleManager)
  13. What you neglect to add is "and I'm using Real Fuels" In the part.cfg, increase the SolidFuel amount by 4.21x what it used to be.
  14. The reason this breaks with DRE is because the modulemanager patch in DRE expects ModuleEngines, not ModuleEnginesFX. To fix this for now, for each engine that this modifies, find its entry in DeadlyReentry.cfg and 1. change @PART[whatever] to @PART[whatever]:Final 2. Right below, change @MODULE[ModuleEngines] to @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] Note that what *really* won't work with this is Real Fuels. In fact, Bad Things could happen if you try to run them both together.
  15. I haven't looked into that myself--do you usually break apart at a certain altitude for Jool? I thought I'd seen pics of people "landed" on Jool so thought not. I also didn't see any likely variable for that in CelestialBody when I was first writing RSS. What you might want to do is write a partmodule that checks vessel's pressure outside, and starts breaking parts if pressure gets too high (maybe hook into crashTolerance as a hack for determining how strong parts are). The Deadly Reentry source would be a great place to start--in fact, maybe it should just be added as a third check (beyond heat and G force) in the DRE main loop...
  16. If you want to play this sort of thing (RPL, RF, RO, etc) on stock KSP there's two routes: 1. Use KIDS to rescale Isp to "Raw real" aka 0.33333x, 0.33333x. This will let you play in the stock KSP solar system, but you will still need rockets as big as you would for RSS. 2. OR, open RealFuels/RealSettings.cfg and find the line useRealisticMass = true then change the true to false that will give your engines and tanks the same weight they would in stock KSP, so you will need (roughly!) stock-sized rockets. EDIT: for correctness. Use RealSettings.cfg.
  17. There is. asmi wrote a plugin for BobCat's new Soyuz capsule to do that. MrTheBull: wowsers. Pretty indeed!
  18. the welding topic? Anyway, I say again: what is different about KW? You have to actually, like, *explain* what's different, because I see no difference, and have had no trouble scaling KW parts.
  19. Starwaster: Huh. Weird. Maybe ModuleGenerator is more broken than I'm aware? Hyratel: Doesn't require it at all. Elokaynu, ssgavin1250: what OS? What other mods? I run this on my 1280x800 laptop with no issues, so it *is* possible to scroll... Agathorn: Dangit, I thought we fixed that... rhoark: Try J_Davis's new stockalike config? Also, try just grabbing RftSEngines (without Realism Overhaul, just grab the cfg, and remove your current stockalike config) and see if those configs appear for stock engines? Maybe something in 4.2 broke it?
  20. Starwaster: well, you'd have to mod the PQSMods that Duna has, and change their frequency, deformity, etc. That's how you change terrain for PQS bodies. Try adding PQSMod_VertexHeightMap, PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute, and PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 (that one's harder because Duna has 3; I don't think I have a way of distinguishing between them yet in RSS so any value changes will apply to all three I think) nodes to the Duna node in RSS.cfg. Look at how I deal with those in Kerbin's node for examples. Shukinen: While this is more fitting for the RO thread, I'll answer here. If you're using Realism Overhaul with SFJackBauer's RealEngines, then engine-proxies (KSP engines that look close enough to real counterparts) are scaled to their size in real life. So a J-2X with a 3m bell is scaled so it has a 3m bell ingame. What makes this a problem is that, following Squad's annoying practice, most modders (and most all Squad engines, whence the practice arose) don't just include the engine (which ends at that industrial-tube-looking thing) but *also* the whole bottom part of the tank (the giant dome). IRL tanks, as pressure vessels, end in domes; in KSP tanks are cut off and the dome is considered part of the engine. That means that rather having an engine with a nice small top you could mount to any stage, you get the giant awful domes that are often larger than the engine itself and limit what it fits well with. Anyway, rant over. The point is, if you're using Realism Overhaul, two things are true. 1. Most parts are rescaled to a 0.5m/1m/2m/3m/etc system, except tanks (because presumably you'll be using StretchyTanks) 2. You're thus probably using either SFJackBauer's RealEngines (the default in Realism Overhaul), which leads to the problem I mention at the top, or you're using my RftSEngines, which obeys the 0.5m/1m/2m/etc rule (mostly). That's why I include rescaled fairings in RO, to fit most stage sizes. TL;DR yes this is working as designed; use stretchies. Or scale the tanks you like to the sizes you want (new volume should = old volume * (new diamater / old diameter)^3
  21. For now, edit the RT2 settings file (in the RT2 folder) and set the range multiplier to 10 and (if using RO) the consumption multiplier to 0.05
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