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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It should be tidally locked, yes. First I've heard it wasnt'. Weird. I'll investigate.
  2. I would rather think another difference would be no LOX tank
  3. Motokid600: since SRBs won't eat fuel outside their own part AFAIK, there's really no point in making other solid fuel tanks. Thus swamp_ig removed the ability to set non-SRB stretchies to solidfuel mode, and instead added structural tanks.
  4. On the other hand, it also breaks scaling stretchy tanks. Starwater, HoneyFox: Yeah, until (a) they put it back the way it was (hah), or ( Majiir or whoever finishes the stock resource transfer replacement system, then I guess we're stuck lowering the density and upping the units. That's one reason why I was very glad I went with liters rather than m^3 btw; if I'd gone with m^3 then RCS would fail to work.
  5. GoldForest: Nova was actually the name for the inhouse Saturn-like booster NASA was developing while Von Braun's ABMA team was developing Saturn ("the one after Jupiter"). They had the same performance. When Saturn was picked, Nova then became the name for post-Saturn megaboosters. An interesting note about that picture: note how LOR clearly hadn't won yet; the Apollo CSM is shown in direct ascent configuration with its retrograde / landing stage below it. It may also be back when they were still planning to put a Centaur on top of the S-IVB and below the CSM. That reminds me Frizzank. How about this: why not embrace FASA's "might have been" side and do *alternate* Apollos instead? The GE Apollo D-2 ("America's Soyuz") and Martin M410 are both really amazing Apollos, each of which would probably have been better, long term, than the (essentially) Max Faget's-word-is-law one we got. GE Apollo D-2. Martin M-410. (Right side: Lunar landing variant with retrograde / landing stage below the service module. Note that the front isn't a capsule, it's a lifting body:
  6. pizzaoverhead, a request if I might? Instead of hardcoding for MonoPropellant, can you instead use this.resourceName? Since RealFuels may change the RCS module's fuel type. (In the latest prerelease of Real Fuels I have working support for getting around the fact you replace ModuleRCS with your own module, so at least nothing crashes, but your module only plays light/sound when Monoprop is being used as the fuel because you check for that rather than the module's actual specified resource.)
  7. No, it rescales the Kerbol system up 10x. So everything is in the proportional orbit it used to be, Jool is stll Jool, Eeloo is still a frozen rock out in the far system, Eve has a moon...just everything is 10x as big (planets, orbits) as stock KSP. It's like if you want RSS-like scales without playing in the human universe.
  8. OH. DUH. It's the 1e-5 curse. No resource request for <1e-5 units of a resource will ever complete, it will return "sorry, no resource" and fail. So the generator will fail since it uses so little nuc fuel. Blah.
  9. Oh. Woops. Sorry.... Yeah, my near-term project once the immediate bugs are sorted out in RF/RO/etc is to give RSS an actual update: fix the scaledspace meshes, add support for moving the flatten pqsmod, add heightmap swapping, etc.
  10. regex: some background. The real way to fix it would be for me to sit down and get the MeshWrapper to work so the scaledspace mesh is rejiggered to match the PQS for each body. Until then you get a problem where the PQS and scaledspace mesh don't match because the PQS has its radius scaled up but one generally wishes to keep max height above sea level the same (or, at most 1.5x or so for Earth), whereas the scaledspace mesh, as a uniform mesh, has a single scale factor. Example, Kerbin. Starts with radius 600, max height ASL 8km. Scale radius to 6371, max height ASL to (roughly) 15km. While you might think that's a 10.6x increase, a *real* 10.6x increase would mean max height ASL would be 85km....and that's exactly what happens when you scale up the scaledspace mesh by 10.6x, which you have to do for obvious reasons. To save on processing, KSP fades out the PQS and fades in the scaledspace mesh at a certain altitude (defined by those parameters, the ScaledSpaceFader object and the PQSMod that handles fading the PQS). When it does that in RSS, since the meshes no longer align, there are holes (this lead to the whole "double mun!!!" problem early on). I thus (with help from MedievalNerd and yargnit) hand-tweaked Kerbin's fader parameters to get the best-looking LKO I could, balancing not wanting double terrain, with not wanting the transition to be jarring, and wanting the least blurriness (sometimes PQS looks better, sometimes scaledspace looks better even limited to 8192x4096 textures). RSS is designed such that if you *don't* specify any of the SSF or PQSfade/Secfade/deactivate parameters, things will probably work. They're there for if you want to hand-tweak if you notice a problem.
  11. dlrk: ah, ok, checked the file (was made by SFJackBauer) and it says 4 tons for the mk5, which "sounds right." Regarding water landings: I don't actually know anything about water landings etc in KSP You might check in on the boats thread, or Firespitter which did seaplanes IIRC?
  12. Already been talking with Nothke.
  13. Captain_Party: as regex says it's wonky. The way it works is it's a vector from the center of the planet to where on the surface KSC will be placed (IIRC). You definitely need to move the flat area, and you might also have to mess with the various conform-to-terrain options for the PQSCity that is KSC.
  14. dlrk: Ah, if you're using Mk5 (with what, 3 crew? 5 crew?) then you want way more than 1.5t. I thought you were using the S2 cockpit, sorry, since you were talking about S2 LFO tank. Same with the crew compartment or the cargo bay if they're larger than the S2 fuselage I'd say. I realized I actually undercounted more than I thought. Might be the full 50kg after all. But anyway, for a "future" spaceplane, 30 sounds good for structural parts. But the check also should be, IMO, build a spaceplane, check it size, compare its dry mass to shuttle / X-33* / etc. *note: X-33 will be quite light since no crew and crew compartment and associated systems. I do indeed!
  15. Uh...weird. I've never had trouble. I will try a 150km orbit with I think a 60km perigee (that's what I usually shoot for, if not 40, when that low) and report back. AH! Yup, Ferram nailed it, I just advised you wrong. If you don't want the rescale, comment out the rescaleFactor lines in Pods_Squad.cfg.
  16. No, the issue there is frizzank thought transtage was the name of a type of stage rather than a particular stage, and thus called his model of the Transtage the Centaur instead. The name was fixed for the Transtage, but not for the small extra tank ("Centaur CSM") that he made to go with it. Centaur is a rather different beast. It *is* possible to make one with real Centaur performance: use a stretchy tank of balloon cryo mode, fill it with LH2/LOx, and stick two RL-10s (from SFJackBauer's RealEngines patch) on it. This is more or less like what a Centaur that would have been used as TLI stage for Gemini would have looked like (minus the GTV docking adapter they'd have stuff on the front): Here's the modified Centaur (with GATV docking adapter on the front) with Gemini: EDIT: Frizzank: It works in KSP because it takes a quarter of the deltaV, so a Transtage works for that. And yes, I know you're not making a Centaur, and that's fine, not saying you should.
  17. Aazard: The mods MS18 requires are, AFAIK, all updated for .23, and treeloader still works on .23, so MS18 is playable. MS19 is coming soon though. That said, I Am Not MedievalNerd Agathorn: cool! Returning...yikes. Hope you have good shielding and reenter right over KSC
  18. dlrk: cool! I see how you're working the "materials" angle now and it makes good sense! There's a problem, though, I'm sorry to say: so much of the space shuttle is actually its cargo bay, i.e. open space. It's also hard for me to believe that you can get a 2.2% structural coefficient kerolox (4.4 hydrolox) for that tank when rocket stages can barely reach that and they're not stresed/shielded for reentry. (If treated as a normal tank of 24.7m^3, its basemass would be .247t by RF, which yields 2.4%/4.8%). If I had to make a wild guess I'd suggest doubling it. In fact, from a rough guesstimate of the shuttle's fuselage density (excluding payload bay) I get more like 30kg/m^3. Take ~2/5 fuselage length, take fuselage diameter, treat as cylinder, get 50kg/m^3; say 3/5 the mass is in the fuselage (probably more, so undershooting) and get 30kg/m^3. But, we all know the shuttle was not the best design ever, *and* much of that was from the SSMEs and crew section, so probably ~400kg for your part is fine. Maybe 600kg if you're feeling ungenerous. Crew life support, pressurization, etc., is actually quite heavy: Compare a 2m section of Titan tank with, for example, the Gemini capsule. I'd suggest something on the order of a ton or so for the cargo section (since there's no pressure vessels inside it to give structural support) and maybe 1.5t for the crew module at the least. S2 is, what, one-person? If it's 3, then 3+t begins to sound right. Heck, I'd bet money the nose of an F-22 is at least a ton, and it doesn't have the kind of heatshielding a spaceplane needs. One good thing to check against is current large fighter aircraft. If your spaceplane's dry mass, if it's F-22-sized, is less than 15 tons (F-22: 20t), worry. brooklyn666: 1. They are indeed properly sized. It is only KSP that sizes them wrong. (Example: J-2X, nozzle diameter 3 meters. SFJB rescaled the engine being used as a J-2X to have nozzle size 3m). I haven't made any rescales of partmods' tanks becuase, well, yeah. Stretchy. And to make real rockets you'll like need 2.4m tanks, 6.6m tanks, and maybe a few 10.2m tanks. Oh, and 3.05m (120 inch) tanks for those pesky Americans. That said, rescales are easy if parts don't use MODEL nodes. Change rescaleFactor as desired, change volume (in the RealFuels patch) to oldVolume * [(newRescaleFactor / oldRescaleFactor) cubed] 2. Update FAR. You're running a *very* old version. sirklick: use RftSEngines instead. Follow instructions immediately below download link for RO. What you're missing is that RealEngines only replicates, err, real engines. Since Squad engines don't look anything like real engines, they're not supported by RealEngines.
  19. Ratzap: sorry, I missed your post at the bottom of the previous page. I was replying to Rybec, the post immediately above mine (hence why I thought I didn't need to call out to whom I was responding). As for you and KIDS...yeah, it's definitely an issue. KIDS sees the original thrust of the engine from the cfg, not the procedural thrust it's set to. Try flying without thrust correction, see if that fixes it. If not, either I need to add some extra stuff for KIDS compatibility or Ferram needs to apply his KIDS changes *after* onStart finishes for each PartModule, *and* not rely on module pointers for knowing what's correct and what's not. Regarding fixed-measurements GUI. Two very kind contributors, swamp_ig and cbjamo, have both expressed an interest in adding that. So it's hopefully coming in the not-too-distant future.
  20. It's the *first* relay that's the problem... Agathorn, try launching a few satellites into LEO first, then launching your geostationary one when the others are near to overhead. They'll relay KSC's signal to you as you complete your geostationary injection burn.
  21. foamyesque, try deleting the trailing two 0s from each line and see if that helps.
  22. Ah, sorry, from the way you phrased it (the heatshield at one temperature, the pod at another and "behind it") I thought you had a separate shield. Yep, RO is basically just a set of CFG edits and cfg-based "new" parts. It depends on other mods already being installed but doesn't include its own. You're most welcome!
  23. In this case Gemini-Agena. Frizzank isn't making a Centaur... You could do lunar orbit Gemini with twin Agenas, actually, EOR. For a free return lunar flyby, even Transtage is enough. http://falsesteps.wordpress.com/2012/11/17/gemini-lunar-flyby-always-the-bridesmaid/
  24. Well, the plan did call for four. What's another 2? I'm sure Tom Paine would find a use for them, he shoehorned everything *else* crazy into IPP.
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