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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. You need a set of engine configs. Either use the "stock" engine configs from MFS3.3, or the RftS ones from Realism Overhaul (hence why I post that link along with RF, above), or SFJackBauer's RealEngines pack (available near the end of the RO thread).
  2. jrandom: no, it didn't. Darnit, panels are becoming my bane. I'll check in geostationary and see if I get the issue too.
  3. Buddy431, thanks for the catch. It's supposed to do the multiplication only if the useRealisticMass line is both present and false. However it now defaults to doing the multiplication. Will fix.
  4. Thanks for the logs. I'll go through them tomorrow (I hope). Ferram: Darnit, I thought I fixed that bug! Tested and got no repeats of it since I switched to invoking the method (per your help) rather than sendmessaging. .craft? Glad the rest seems solid enough.
  5. Ok, let's try again. Not sure what explanation you're looking for here, but here's my try: in the default range model, two nodes are in range if and only if both have antennae (whether omni or dish-and-targeting-the-other-or-nearby-planet) that have range > the distance between the nodes. In my range model, what determines whether two nodes are in range is whether (range_of_weaker_antenna + squareroot(range_of_weaker_antenna times range_of_stronger_antenna)) > distance between the nodes
  6. The biggest practical change is electricity overhaul: 1 ElectricCharge per second = 1 kilowatt. Thus batteries, solar panels, RTGs, and pod/probe EC draw are changed (batteries are set at 320,000EC per ton). Also includes changes to heat shields so they work in RSS.
  7. HoneyFox: Weird. Delete your MFT and ST folders and (re)grab the latest pre (should be v4p10 and v8p1 respectively), http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52780-Modular-Fuel-System-Continued-v3-3?p=865815&viewfull=1#post865815 Sounds like dual modules on the tanks, from an older prerelease of Stretchy (like, the original v8p0 I posted).
  8. Ah, ok. There is/was an issue that I encountered where stretchy tanks would reset their shape (with no message as to why), depending on the module order (MFS/ST) in the craft file. The order changed a few times in development; that's one reason for the bloodcurdling "your save will DIE" warnings (the other being the switch from 5l to 1l per KSP unit). All it took to get them to work was swapping the module order (MFS above ST to MFS below ST, or vice versa) for the former, though the latter takes actual editing. evilphish, are you using stretchies?
  9. evilphish: I asked for output_log.txt. It's in ksp/KSP_Data. ksp.log doesn't really tell us anything. Also, please zip before you upload. eggrobin: Stretchy doesn't hardcode its keys... [KSPField] public string stretchKey = "r"; [KSPField] public string radialKey = "f"; [KSPField] public string tankTypeKey = "g"; [KSPField] public string textureKey = "t"; // and conic tanks: [KSPField] public string topRadKey="y"; [KSPField] public string shapeKey="b"; That means you can add stretchKey = q (or whatever key), and same for the others, to your MODULE {name = StretchyTanks or name = StretchyConicTank} in each stretchy tank part.cfg, and have stretchy use that key. You can even do it with a MM patch @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[StretchyTanks]] { @MODULE[StretchyTanks] { %keyWhatever = desiredKey // and the others } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[StretchyConicTank]] { @MODULE[StretchyConicTank] { %keyWhatever = desiredKey // and the others } } SFJackBauer: Thanks! Actually, RL-10 was designed as deeply throttable (it was designed for USAF Project Lunex moon landing as the descent/ascent engine), and modern Centaurs can get them down to 10% IIRC. But yeah, it's very surprising how few are throttleable. Presumably because there can be precision cutoffs. That's the reason (and because upper stages presumably have RCS for fine changes) why they don't and lower stage engines do I guess--you really can't use RCS to correct for overGing on ascent. :] Makes sense what you're doing with RE! I've been bundling RftS Engines with RO pre so far because (as I said here or there or somewhere) it's what I had on hand to show off the new RealFuels features. DasBananenbrot: It should work. I made sure that I'm properly reading global multipliers now, and ferram's setting them in KIDS now. jrandom: Speaking of LMDE correction burns, you can try doing your own here: http://apollo.spaceborn.dk/dsky-sim.html Spartan125: As yet I don't lock tweakables, so yes, you can use the new throttle limiter tweakable (even in flight, IIRC).
  10. FYI, per that thread it was because FlyingRaptorJesus was using a non-updated-for-23 plugin. Fred9001: It's called "Heatshield for the Mk1-2 pod"
  11. Do the fix, then follow the docs in the MC Settings file to do costAdd for the Module MechJebCore (add a MechJebCore node. So in the MODULECOST or whatever node, add MechJebCore { costAdd = x } where x is how much you want the MJ module to cost (on top of the base cost of the part, 1k you say).
  12. SFJackBauer, make sure your @PARTs are :Final, and also include a !MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs] {} for each @PART before you do your MODULE {}, to account for the eventuality that there's an existing config. That should make a good safeguard. Great to see the next version of RE out--can't wait to try it.
  13. I do if(!engine.EngineIgnited) engine.DeactivateRunningFX(); // fix for SQUAD bug which is insufficient. jrandom: obviously you get to pick. RO default will be SFJB's RealEngines, but I'll obviously still offer RftSEngines as an alternative, since I'll be using them myself and what's the point of making and not sharing? So if you like those engines, and/or the Reaching for the Stars-verse, then...
  14. First: Sorry, folks. Did my best to get this stuff finalized before Christmas and my trip, but apparently there are still some bugs. I make no promises as to if I'll have any dev time until Friday or Saturday at the earliest: sorry, family holiday times comes first. :] (I am on my laptop and/or just phone, until then) HoneyFox: Yeah, manual serialization is sometimes necessary. That's also an issue with parts cloned when switching symmetry modes, as only some (semi-randomly!?) fields get copied. I suggest we take this to Dev though. jrandom: I certainly *plan* to support aerospace stuff, yes, and originally that was going to be one of the big parts of the v4 update (hence velocityCurve support in techlevels) but, well, .23 broke so much that I've been scrambling. So until this is done I really can't help you much I'm sorry to say. Heh, engine cutoffs. Over on the EI thread, people were complaining that setting 0% throttle *did* cut off engines. Can't win. :] I can probably add an option that if throttle goes to 0 (or you press x?), deactivate all active engines, but it'll be a pain to reactivate them, since I won't know which to activate when you throttle up again. Also, given that a number of engines will be non-restartable, are you sure that's what you want? (That said, it's a bit more an issue for Realism Overhaul than RealFuels; RF just supports >0 minThrust, it doesn't mandate it.) Re: Engine FX. As mentioned on the RO thread, that's a stock bug that I tried to fix in MFS but evidently didn't (it was 5am). It'll be fixed when I get a chance; HoneyFox has working code and I'll compare it to mine. evilphish: WEIRD. Ok, does anyone else get this? Can I have output_log.txt? Are you sure it's MFS's fault? walkinator: You're clearly using Realism Overhaul. The guidance units (and many other parts) are rescaled to fit the .5m/1m/2m/3m/etc sizes of RO. For instance the Octo2 is really tiny, the HECS is about 1m in diameter, the two manned pods are 1m/2m and 2m/4m respectively, etc. Engines do clearly specify their min throttle setting when they show you the rest of their techlevel info (action editor->click on engine. Set desired Techlevel, read stats). RealFuels implements a techlevel system for engines, where one part can have many different collections of stats (techlevels). I will check out the symmetry bug when I can. Can anyone else confirm? jrandom: I will see about zeroing thrust when engine is deactivated.
  15. Re: N2O/Amines. Ah, I see the problem. Representing N2O as a gas at STP means its density is miniscule, which makes the ratio too much for my spreadsheet. I'll fix. Re: engine FX. As asmi said, it's a stock bug we both reported. For now, HoneyFox points the way to the fix (which, FYI, I thought I had in ModularEngines, but I must not be doing it quite right). Re: RealEngines. Dragon01, I've said before in this very thread that they will be the standard engine selection. I just don't have an updated one from SFJackBauer, hence why the prerelease has been using RftS Engines to show off the new RealFuelsv4 features.
  16. This is because, as has been stated many times on this thread, Kerbin is a pipsqueak of a planet, only a third the size of the Moon. If you want challenging reentry, I suggest you use the custom settings (and heatshields) FlowerChild made for Better Than Starting Manned. Or just move up to Real Solar System and reenter Earth's atmosphere. ====== Regarding B9: Haven't experienced any problems there, but I don't use B9 much. Anyone else get this? Logs?
  17. NovaSilisko: I think just being able to load KSP and select a save to have it toggled would be enough of an advantage, rather than having to install or uninstall the mod to switch. In fact, I might well implement that for RSS at some point. As for AtmosphereFromGround, I direct your attention here: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/Plugins/RealSolarSystem/RealSolarSystem.cs#L1156 First, the change in .23. As part of Mu's optimization (I assume) the things we change are no longer pushed to the shader every frame, so whereas before all it took was pushing new info to the AFG object tied to the CelestialBody, now you also have to force it to update the shader. In particular, you have to set, for the CB's AFG, afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = true in order for it to push the changes. You can then set it back to false (or whatever it's original value was) sometime later. The values Starwaster and I have been able to puzzle out: outerRadius defaults to the CB.radius * 1.025 * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor (i.e. 1.025x the size of the scaledspace mesh). innerRadius = 0.975 * outerRadius scale is something like 1 divided by the difference between the radii? scaleDepth seems to usually be -0.25 scaleOverScaleDepth seems obvious doScale seems to make the afg's transform.localScale be scaled. again by that 1.025 multiplier wavelength changes the color of the atmosphere. invWavelength seems computed from wavelength I haven't tested the various K parameters. Seem to deal with the sunlight color. (tested by setting the DEBUG flag and seeing what happens to get the defaults--looks like whatever's doing the atmosphere updating will clobber most of the above changes except for wavelength, alas.) TL;DR: set the debug flag, change wavelength as desired (along with the sun-related params--but do those for all planets, I think, as you don't want different suns!), and some time later unset the debug flag. The rest seems handled automatically.
  18. Uh, that's what deactivate engine is for. Bind toggle engine to an action Group in vab. Then shut off engine when done burning and turn it on again for next burn. Heck, before engine ignitor is fully in RO you even get unlimited restarts!
  19. HoneyFox: I think I've fixed your null (although I hadn't encountered it myself, I think I see where...) MFT v4 pre10: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ch8sw3iqtzv9dt7/ModularFuelTanks_v4_pre10.zip OR RF v4 pre10: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g49soc45iraz5ji/RealFuels_v4_pre10.zip unchanged since pre9: RO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt5f90v47cqpwfx/RealismOverhaul_v3pre2.zip Note that in RF/RO engine throttles are limited (by type, techlevel, and the individual engine). Some can't throttle at all, some can throttle deeply; most U and L don't get any throttling until TL4 or so. As before, note that stock RCS is (a) modular and ( defaults to hydrazine, which is *not* ALL_VESSEL. Link to stretchy pre for use with these: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rcemfqzq1ci4tnw/StretchySRB_v8pre1.zip ======= Regarding throttling. Yes, working as designed. Note the "some can't throttle at all" part. When you're configuring an engine (on the action editor screen), do note what it says min throttle is. Deredere: Yes, you can. Although if you're using RF, you already have altered things pretty severely (mass ratios have changed a lot). RF really only makes sense if you're playing on Real Solar System or with KIDS, IMO. RO does three main things: 1. Includes a set of engine configs 2. Makes solar panels, batteries, RTGs, reaction wheels, and so forth have realistic stats 3. Rescales parts and adds new parts that are rescales.
  20. This is the version of stretchy to use https://www.dropbox.com/s/rcemfqzq1ci4tnw/StretchySRB_v8pre1.zip Edit: DB, note this is newer than the ST that came combined with RO. You need this one.
  21. Yes, stretchy hasn't changed since the last pre. If you got it from my last post o' links you're up to date. If you don't have the latest prerelease of stretchy you need it
  22. Ok. Finally got it all fixed. Final (?) pre-release builds: MFT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/72m5vmj5ls89b4u/ModularFuelTanks_v4_pre9.zip OR RF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9nsh0dvodcnsufe/RealFuels_v4_pre9.zip RO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt5f90v47cqpwfx/RealismOverhaul_v3pre2.zip Note that in RF/RO engine throttles are limited (by type, techlevel, and the individual engine). Some can't throttle at all, some can throttle deeply; most U and L don't get any throttling until TL4 or so. As before, note that stock RCS is (a) modular and ( defaults to hydrazine, which is *not* ALL_VESSEL. Link to stretchy pre for use with these: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rcemfqzq1ci4tnw/StretchySRB_v8pre1.zip
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