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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Nova: you could startup at mainmenu but only do the changing during the loading screen between there and spacecenter? By that time you should be able to detect the savegame title (it must be kept somewhere in HighLogic). Also, have you messed with AtmosphereFromGround in .23? According to test reports the way RSS was changing it doesn't work in .23, and I've been busy enough with MFS I haven't dug yet to find out how it changed. You'd save me a good few hours digging, if you've found how it changed in .23 and let me know.
  2. Uh, no. Sarbian's been maintaining MJ for months and months; the only reason there isn't a full release AFAIK is that only r4m0n can edit the opening post Which he just did, so...
  3. stupid_chris, you're a freaking genius. That's awesome. <3 I've been bashing my head at this for like two months, and concluded I'd have to either go the generator route (as Starwaster has explained, and as a prerelesase FASA patch of mine had), but with a "smart" just-in-time generator, or make my own ModuleRCS (which I probably still will, eventually, since ZRM's gone so his is unavailable for modding). But this will work a treat until then.
  4. Checkbox...hmm. I'll try that for 4.1. Non-trivial, but I know how. Rounding problem...argh, it usually works for me within 1 or 2 units of fuel. It's worse for you? birrhan, cool! HoneyFox: Excellent! I'll modify my Calcs spreadsheet to automate EI adding. Bothersome: Huh. Will check. versendaal: as mentioned on the first post about prereleases, although I guess I forgot on this last one, the prerelease does not come with any engine configuration itself. You must use either the new Realism Overhaul pre, or Engines.cfg from MFS3.3, or RealEngines from SFJackBauer.
  5. Starwaster and I were talking about one in MFS thread. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines],@RESOURCE[@ElectricCharge]] { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { %isTweakable = false %hideFlow = true } } NOTE: Requires ModuleManager 1.5.5 or above.
  6. And here's a cfg that has the new stuff: (note: configured for RSS; you'll want to change stuff back for regular KSP) ConsumptionMultiplier = 0.05 RangeMultiplier = 10 ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2 SpeedOfLight = 3E+08 MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path EnableSignalDelay = False RangeModelType = Additive MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 1.0 ThrottleTimeWarp = True DishConnectionColor = 0.9960784,0.7019608,0.03137255,1 OmniConnectionColor = 0.5529412,0.5176471,0.4078431,1 ActiveConnectionColor = 0.6588235,1,0.01568628,1 GroundStations { STATION { Name = Mission Control Latitude = -0.131331503391266 Longitude = -74.594841003418 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } }
  7. jrandom: the latest RO does not touch FASA stuff I touch in FASA.cfg, so keep your FASA.cfg. RO will now never touch FASA and (eventually) include FASA.cfg in it.
  8. Starwaster: Also, just noticed. Should be ModuleEngines. (Actually, should be ModuleAlternator, but just in case we'll stick with Engines.) @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines],@RESOURCE[@ElectricCharge]] { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { %isTweakable = false %hideFlow = true } } I will stash it in Realism Overhaul, since I don't want mod authors to get a false sense of "I'm updated to .23!" Also, I have yet to see any problems with 1.5.5, and 1.5.6 will have a fix that MFS desperately needs, so I will be bundling that. HoneyFox: Argh. Good point. That will increase EC usage dramatically. Nertea and I were going to be overhauling the electric engines anyway, but Nertea got busy (as, in fairness, did I) so not yet. And the stationkeeping mod I plan to make will support offline burns, so... Now, updates. This may well (again) break your saves and craft. The perils of prereleases, sorry. When updating, as always, nuke your existing GameData/MODNAME folder before putting the new folder in. First, you will have to update StretchyTanks again (no matter what version of MFS you want). Assuming you want ST, that is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rcemfqzq1ci4tnw/StretchySRB_v8pre1.zip Second, choose your poison: MFT (aka "stock MFS"), or RealFuels (aka MFS-RFRM). If you want MFT only: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c883mxpxb918tw3/ModularFuelTanks_v4_pre8.zip If you want RealFuels https://www.dropbox.com/s/nzel0mvlis8a2ya/RealFuels_v4_pre8.zip Necessary corollary, the newest RealismOverhaul pre: (comes with RftSEngines, allowing you to try out all the new fuel mixtures, and also MODULAR RCS*) https://www.dropbox.com/s/dbs6576prf5ftkr/RealismOverhaul_v3pre1.zip *Stock RCS and RO RCS is set for hydrazine by default but can be swapped to HTP, NitrousOxide, or MonoPropellant. Note that only the last is ALL_VESSEL, so make sure your thrusters can drink from the fuel, by using a stack fuel tank or by using fuel lines. Eventually I will make a plugin to auto-fuel-line radial tanks. Note: Advanced users may opt out of RO, and/or delete its RftSEngines.cfg and replace it with a different one.
  9. bac9: I heartily support the approach. Basically going the way of the citylights side, but better. Also, Commander Zoom, there *are* IIRC approaches for weather system modeling using noise; and even if not, it's still a better approach to use a mask texture and generate the actual clouds from noise (you still get swirly hurricanes, for instance) than the present system that uses detail textures on a white cloud.
  10. bac9: the stock planet textures are all 2:1 aren't they? That said, rbray89, you could define your shaders to also accept a "page" shader variable, using either the top half or the bottom half of a texture as the page, thus allowing two 2:1 textures per page. Then in the cfg, for each cloudlayer, specify filename and page.
  11. So, I know this is a necro, but I have a reason: The plugin is now public domain, but both links are dead. Does anyone have a copy of the plugin and/or the source? Could you upload it/them somewhere? Many thanks.
  12. It's now public domain, so anyone can reupload. Post on thread and ask?
  13. The GUI only works in flight, and Editor Extensions (I don't think EdTools even works anymore) only uses Alt+R in the VAB/SPH.
  14. AbeS: Thanks! HoneyFox: Densities for gases are given in STP; tanks contain them under pressure. That's given as utilization. XenonGas is stored at 150bar, so a 26.4-liter tank at 150bar will contain as much XenonGas as a 3960 liter tank with the Xenon at STP. It *should* come out to ~23kg of Xenon. BUT you found a bug: I wasn't dividing by utilization when checking tank mass. (So you might get only 23kg of Xenon, but an awful lot of dry mass.) Thanks! EDIT: Ah, NFPP uses ArgonGas. Bleh. I'll fix.
  15. Be careful though, since RCS Build Aid isn't updated for .23 and tries to call a missing EditorLogic method (works for a while, spewing to log, but eventually dies).
  16. birrhan, that's very strange. Since Velorium117's was due to having folders not in GameData. Try using no mods except MFS and the RO/Stretchy I just posted in my last message to you. Starwaster: Stock engines have those added to their RESOURCE node, but engines in mods that haven't been updated for .23 don't. Your MM patch should work a treat, excepting using % on them instead of just adding them. AbeS: Yes, that was fixed on my end. Download that RO/ST pack I uploaded (link in my last comment to birrhan), that has the fixed RftSEngines.cfg
  17. Have you actually tried these? This will add a duplicate RESOURCE_DEFINITION, and it looks like the bottom stacknode will be nowhere near the bottom of the part (same with top, but less so--looks like it's twice as far up as it should be) That said, always nice to see new toys!
  18. Fuel units consumed per second by engine: let mass_sum = total mass of all propellants in ratio form (sum, over all PROPELLANT, of ratio * density of each) let desired_mass = thrust / Isp / 9.82 for each resource, consume desired_mass / mass_sum * ratio Note that this means that changing the ratio of a massless resource (i.e. ElectricCharge) or the only massed resource (XenonGas, when the only other resource is ElectricCharge) has no effect on actual rate of consumption of the massed resource. What it does do is change how much the massless one(s) are consumed. Example Xenon 1, EC 15 is the same as Xenon 2 EC 30 Both will result in Xenon and EC being consumed the same amount. Note however that Xenon 1 EC 30 and Xenon 0.5 EC 15 will both result in a doubling of EC consumption from Xenon 1 EC 15. ====== If you want to keep XenonGas usage constant, you will need to change Isp in proportion to changing thrust. If you want to do that AND up electric usage, you should up Isp in proportion to changed thrust AND increase the ratio under ElectricCharge
  19. Except there's a bug whereby a model using MODEL node is scaled by rescaleFactor * rescaleFactor. So you will need to set, in model node, scale = 1/rF, 1/rF, 1/rF (for any rF), where rF = 1.25 if not present in cfg.
  20. <3 I haven't forgotten about Centaur and all that other stuff BTW; I was planning to get started right about when .23 hit
  21. SFJackBaeur: Confirmed. Engines need, for their RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] block, isTweakable = false hideFlow = true Not My Problem, however, except to the extent I have engine rescales in MFS. EDIT: Also, Modular RCS will be in Real Fuels. Well, support for it. RO will actually use it.
  22. SFJackBauer: That's why I didn't include any engine defines in the testing MFS, to avoid that problem. That said, I really don't want to have similarly named files--it's much harder to debug when someone says "Yes, I have Engines.cfg" and I have to figure out which got extracted last, than if they say "Oh, I have these two files" But I am willing to be convinced. EDIT due to ninja: Will check.
  23. birrhan: First, thanks. :] I agree about the pack. The original idea of Realism Overhaul was that it would be such a pack; MedievalNerd is maintaining a pack for RPL, along those lines. Once everything's stable I'll turn to that. Regarding your setup. I note that you've updated only some of those mods for .23 KER is now 0.6.20 DRE is now 4.1, and FAR is now 12.3. KJR is now 1.5 Proc Fairings is now 2.4.3 Regarding my mods (other than DRE, which you need to get v4.1 of): 1. Delete any MFT, RO, or ST folder in GameData 2. Grab this, which is just RO and Stretchy now. Note stock RCS now uses Hydrazine. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h86rk7p3qzq8p1x/RO_Exp23.zip 3. Extract it to GameData 4. Grab latest RealFuels experimental: https://www.dropbox.com/s/67ro5qzv4ue8abq/RealFuels_v4_pre7.zip 5. Extract it to GameData Try it out. Velorium117: Ah, ok.
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