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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Um, it's not that it doesn't create them AFAIK. It just doesn't create it until you change settings. So go into tracking station and click to change the view filters. That should create the file.
  2. I will look into this as soon as MFS is done. Camacha: what's wrong with inclined orbit snow? Or do you mean axial tilt?
  3. Uh, nope. The whole MJ2 folder from the archive goes in GameData, and that's all. The seperate Plugins, Parts, etc. folders in the root KSP folder are for pre-0.20 "legacy" mods. Anything built for KSP .20 or above is built to all be in a single mod folder under GameData, where each mod can have its own Parts, Plugins, Spaces, etc. folders. The default instructions on spaceport were never updated (have we mentioned spaceport is broken?) so people still, a full six months later, think they should put mods in those folders rather than putting the single big mod folder in GameData.
  4. So, thanks to Texel who made me look again after s/he called BS on my PNG knowledge, I have to eat my words. Normal PNGs _do_ seem to get mipmaps generated. It's just the ones flagged by Squad (or by export from Unity) as "UI" PNGs that don't. So it turns out the order now goes: MBM PNG TGA
  5. Other desiderata: *Max flow rate: necessary to properly model batteries (and provide a use for capacitors) but also useful to model a tank's max fuel outflow. It's probably too much work to separate that into volts and amps, though, and instead we can just consider a battery's max flow in its own units per second. *More control over flow: fuel should flow from the lowest tank first...except if there are decoupleable tanks (aka "STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH has issues").
  6. drtedastro: Correct. taniwha has it fixed for tanks. I have engines working, except no visual FX show up (audio is fine). As soon as I figure that out, and do some cfg updates, good to go. A few days, I reckon. Thanks so much, especially for the patience! Dragon01: I'll add it to the list. Should be doable.
  7. Yup! That's the plan. Someone already did a basic pass through the station parts, using roughly ISS module stats (i.e. 4m width, ~10 tons). I've been meaning to ask about (and then do) a SDHI rescale since RO rescales the Mk1-2 pod, but haven't gotten to it yet.
  8. Ah, sorry. :] The Apollo LES you modeled has built into it the "BPC Apex nosecone", i.e. a small nosecone that is part of the tower. Basically, I'm asking you to make it much smaller and flatter (cut white nosecone at red horizontal line) Also, to extend the struts further down, approx to where the red arrows show (or farther), and remove the mounting blocks so it's just that same girder continuing down and stopping. Those should allow mounting the LES atop Big Gemini, per the specs (Big G used a modified Apollo LES). If you're really generous, you could test it ingame atop Frizzank's Gemini pod using this rescale (which makes Gemini life-size): https://www.dropbox.com/s/89h5824hby2xsei/FASA.cfg
  9. BTW, sumghai, would you mind if this (and the station modules) get rescaled and tweaked for Realism Overhaul?
  10. Deadly Reentry isn't anymore. Thank taniwha and arsenic87.
  11. Changelog: v4.1 = \/ *0.23 compatibility by taniwha and arsenic87 *maxTemp no longer changed if ModuleHeatshield is present. This should allow thermal sink-style heatshields, when combined with high reflectivity.
  12. Ferram: I thought you told me they were*--did you revert that? *i.e. if the module is present, part is fairing, regardless of title lacking Fairing, Shroud, etc. I tried this a few FAR versions ago and it did seem module based.
  13. ohai ialdabaoth! *bows* taniwha did that, yes. Although tweakables is really weak at the moment--I was kinda hoping "stock" MFS (i.e. non-RealFuels, non realistic masses) would no longer be necessary, but you can only tweak resource amounts, not which resources themselves.
  14. Starwaster: MFS indeed does not work. I'm aware, and taniwha graciously spent a good chunk of time fixing it, so you'll get v4 ASAP when I get my changes to the .22 branch integrated into his.
  15. Cool! While you're pushing out fixes, I have a request that I made a while ago but would like to make again: a way to blacklist certain parts from counting as fairings (since you track by module, not title, for pfairings). The reason is this: Even though with RSS settings the drag from the faired engine doesn't matter much, if I understand correctly the wings will also count as faired.
  16. gm537: Again, total number of tanks doesn't matter. Total mass does. Even without RM, try adding LH2 tanks until you have the same total _mass_ rocket, not same total size. Balloon cryo was added in 3.3 I believe; thus far only Stretchies implement it (but stretchies are all you need, so...) Regarding RCS: rcs thrust transforms are set by the model. Linear port has one, RCS block has 4. In the part.cfg you're defining the stats for all thrust transforms of that type on that model.
  17. KSC should be UT -5hrs, assuming that Kerbin's time zones track ours (KSC would be halfway along the Ecuador-Colombia border, basically). I haven't actually set Kerbin's initial rotation yet to match up so 0 days 12hrs has the sun right over the prime meridian.
  18. I have not tested rovers since the early days when they seemed ok. When I get a chance I'll investigate.
  19. Grab arsenic87's fix from the last page of the DRE thread, until I get back on desktop and upload a proper v4.1
  20. am028: Yep! Fixes by taniwha and arsenic87 committed; now I just have to finish download release .23 so I can compile off it and upload.
  21. MFS v4 for .23 is Real Soon Now since taniwha kindly rewrote a good chunk of it for .23 compatibility.
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