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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. jrandom: Are you using latest RSS? Are you using any version of KSPI? amo28: Yep. Also Nertea and I are working on MFS support for NFP, too.
  2. When you use a MODEL node to specify your mu file(s), instead of a mesh = line, then rescaleFactor is applied twice. Thus the actual scale factor for the mu will be rescaleFactor squared. This is why you need to use, for any rescaleFactor = rF, the line scale = 1/rF, 1/rF, 1/rF in the MODEL file. (hat tip to Greys, from whom I learned this)
  3. rescaleFactor seems to have been added purely to support the Great Rescale, where 1m parts became 1.25m parts etc. Since IVAs post-dated that (or at least were made at the same time) it was never necessary. A separate question is whether, even though Internals support MODEL nodes, they support the scale = x, y, z attribute. IIRC they may not, though they DO support the texture = foo override. That said, the problem with internals is that they are a collection of models, so unless the props etc are properly parented to a root transform I will also have to scale their positions as well as their, err, scales. And yeah, the squared-rescaleFactor bug is SUPER annoying.
  4. Hey, Vanguard 1 is still in orbit. Can't say that for many early sats. The failure rate of Vanguard was nothing to write home about, but it's still a darn sight better than, say, Atlas-Able. (Or the whole early Pioneer and Ranger programs...)
  5. Seems like there's two questions here: 1. How do I read part info 2. How do I read from the cfg itself, rather than what's loaded into the game. Every recognized line in a part.cfg file is loaded into the part object or its various modules or PartInfo object or whatever. The above code examples talk about how to get that. But if you actually want to read the cfg file you need to first find the confignode that is that part (i.e. find all PART confignodes, then find one with the value name where name == the part's id). Then you can getvalue for whatever property you want, and/or getnode if you want a subnode (like MODULE or INTERNAL or whatever).
  6. Regarding IVA, on the back burner for me is a plugin to rescale IVAs (i.e. rescale the root transform, and any child transforms that don't inherit) via code instead of via cfg since as frizzank says Internals don't support rescales.
  7. That's because the code for the legacy atmosphere model has an error. Will be avoided when RSS switches to pressureCurves.
  8. Thalur: Thanks! Note that in MFS RF or MFS RFRM, engines' thrust scales correctly with Isp, so thrust at any time = nominal_max_thrust * current_Isp / max[i.e. Vacuum]_Isp For your lower stage engines you need, err, lower stage engines (Type L or L+). The ones with the higher sea-level Isp. If you want to see your Sea Level TWR, use the latest dev build of MechJeb, open deltaV stats panel, click on all stats, and SLT column will appear. Finally, you definitely could use the NovaPunch and KW Rocketry engines. Delete the other parts (or at least the ones you don't use) but those packs will give you far more variety in low-TL engines.
  9. Aranthos: Per Realism Overhaul's readme/OP, you need to delete GameData/ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels/Engines.cfg You did download MFS RFRM, right? Realism Overhaul requires that. XanderTek: yup, will fix.
  10. I used the O2 volume from the mission life support requirements calculator. http://www.5596.org/cgi-bin/mission.php (which appears to have the O2 at ~200atm, still gaseous). Interesting about utilization; I thought Talisar had working >1 utilization for the old Sphericals configs, but maybe not. Will fix. Anyway, going by MFS volume measurements, the small tanks hold 35 units, the large ones 665. However, asmi gives the density of O2 in tons/liter at STP, so not only need we convert it to KVU, we also need to deal with the fact that it's pressurized. Per the density from the link above (300kg/m^3) I estimate that there's a conversion factor of approximately 1000 (x5 to go from liters to KVU, x200 to go to 200atm), so the resource quantities should be approx 665,000 and 35,000 of O2 for the stack and radial tanks respectively.
  11. Cesrate: Thanks! If you have DRE (and you need to, for this mod) you can alter the "start showing FX" and "Full FX" velocity thresholds. During flight, hold ALT+D+R to open debug window and set them as desired. Then hit save, then close by clicking on the X. What planets are off? Since Minmus is Uranus its orbital velocity will be quite high. Is it wrong for Uranus? Duna's atmosphere is now Mars's atmosphere, since Duna is now mars. Metaphor has a fix in the coming-soon RSS v5.3 to tweak its pressure however. Finally, what do you mean by "atmosphere height limits"? andqui: Ah, career mode. Do you have any radial decouplers and girders so you can do like SFJackBauer suggests? metaphor: that is...good gracious, that is _most_ impressive. Kudos! (I notice you opted not to try with ~1hr light lag ) BTW, how's the balance on the shields? Did they perform about right, were they too effective or not effective enough?
  12. Depends. Is your model a single pressure vessel in which only one resource will reside, or is it like the KSP tanks, where they're actually the outer shell, inside which are multiple (two, for rocket fuel tanks) actual tanks. Point two: you need a conversion ratio between m^3 and KSP Volume Units (KVU). Based off LF/Ox mass and volume estimations, I am of the opinion (and MFS uses the ratio) of 1 KVU = 5 liters (1/200 m^3). Point three: resource densities are provided for all resources; check GameData/Squad/Resources/Resources.cfg for the definitions. Stock, both LF and Oxi have a density of 0.005t / KVU, or (per above) 1 ton / m^3, aka 1 g/cc. My rule of thumb is that if it's a tank like the Rockomax or FL-T line, approximately 80% of the volume of the cylinder is the actual tank volume. Put all this together. Let's say your tank is going to hold LF and Oxi. For that reason the "tank" you're modeling is actually a (part of a) rocket stage, with internal pressure vessels. Let's say the volume of the model is 4 cubic meters. (1.25 x 3.25m). That means it has 4 * 0.8 * 200 KVU of useable volume, or 640 units. That means 288 LF, 352 Oxi.
  13. jrandom: cool! I assume that 4/5 of the external volume of the ST is used, thus the total volume (in KSP units) available via MFS is correct. Tys: Sure, just delete or edit the appropriate CFGs (like Pods_Squad) in the folder. If you want the rest of the changes, just comment out the rescaleFactor changes. SFJackBauer: that's awesome! And don't minimize your work! jrandom: since SFJackBauer isn't using any FASA engines, you're safe to use it instead of RftSEngines. Also, re: Ion resource ElectricCharge, that's the electricity requirement of the ECLSS system etc. Try to match it to the same average draw in kW listed for the pod you're simulating, minus any other components that use electric charge, like atnenae or avionics.
  14. Correct. Each tank is either a different fixed radius and tanktype default, or of variable radius and either tanktype Default, Cryogenic, Balloon (i.e. lower dry mass, no surface attach), Balloon Cryo, or Service Module (accepts life support and electricity; much higher dry mass, but has insulation like a cryo tank).
  15. Place a (large as possible) decoupler under the bottom engine, and stage it along with ignition. That will fix the "thrust transform under launchpad" issue that clamps were designed to solve.
  16. This is the same known issue as all the other attachment node related issues, which I promised to fix last weekend. But I've had a ridiculously busy week and barely finished half the MFS v4 coding before having to be away from my desktop from basically Thursday night through tomorrow night or even Monday. My apologies to all impacted by this and other bugs; I will release a fix as soon as I can. Same with conical tanks, which e-dog finished but I haven't been home yet to release. Again, my apologies.
  17. FlowerChild: Oh, it's totally fine with me! That's what DRE is there for, to be used. I plan to link to that post so people get your explanation too, but if you have a full pack up somewhere I can link to that too. Saaur: If you're running with a shockwave exponent or multiplier of > 1.0, you need FlowerChild's heat shield patch. It's expected you'll burn up using heatshields rated for stock DRE on stock Kerbin if you use non-stock stats....
  18. jrandom: Apollo CM is 5.8t, which if you take a Mk1-2 pod, add heatshield, RCS, parachutes, docking port, etc., is about what you get. But it really depends on how much you want to claim the habitat is in the descent stage (like Constellation) or the ascent stage (Apollo LM). Regarding electricity: The Mk1-2 will stay around there. It's ~3.5 kWhr, and the rest should be in the service module. Note that to go from kWhr to EC, multiply by 3600 (i.e. 1EC = 1kJ aka 1kW-second, so *60*60 for 1 hour). Even though the ALCOR is lightweight, and the majority of the EC should be in the descent stage, you probably should have a minimum of 3kWhr in any crewed pod past, like, Mercury. Silpion: 1 EC is designed to be 1kJ (aka 1EC/s = 1kW), so your number of 890 +- 90 means I got the torque charge usage pretty much correct. Which is nice, because it was mostly guessing.
  19. If you go with sqrt, please add a toggle for full-size? Realism Overhaul would love having real chutes with real diameters.
  20. MrHappyFace: Right now SOIs are autocalculated based on body mass.
  21. Frizzank: Liking those legs! Also, I'll ping you at the end of the weekend (I'm basically MIA until Sunday). Oh, and re: Procedural Fairings: you actually can control their shape, using variables in the part cfg file. Though they'll still be somewhat rescalable though.
  22. FlowerChild: Aw, thanks so much! :] When I reorganize the OP, mind if I put a link to your mod there? z26: Yup, if not physically significant, parts are ignored. ExEvolution: as wasmic says, could be anything I'm sorry to say. BC000001: if you're playing on stock Kerbin (non-RSS) but want a nice challenge, use FlowerChild's configs in the post right above yours. kalizec: you're using a shockwave exponent, which means you need stronger shields than come standard with DRE. Get FlowerChild's configs, on the previous page. quasarrgames: Not sure what you mean here. What would the slider change? Saaur: Note that the Mk1 pod comes with an integral heat shield. No idea about parachutes though.
  23. piwa: the extents of the VAB have been enlarged, but not the visual appearance. amo28: I'm actually not a redditor. I've just posted a few times on /ksp in response to people asking about / showing off RSS. A subreddit sounds good, if you know how to / want to create it!
  24. Are you using KJR? Make sure all parts have breakingForce and breakingTorque entries with sane values.
  25. MedievalNerd: nice! TranceaddicT: *no idea why you're missing shrouds *Modular Fuels applies to all fuel tanks (including stretchies). You can and must change fuels for every tank you use, by going to Action editor mode in VAB/SPH, clicking on tank, setting tank config there. You definitely should read the OP in the MFS thread, it explains how it all works and mentions where to get info on the fuel types (engines use different, real, fuel types, not LiquidFuel and Oxidizer).
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