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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Further issue with 1.5.3: I now get "Could not find node to modify: @foo" for pretty much every subnode I try to modify.
  2. That's...pretty much exactly what I did, and how it works now: you only get your final rounded value when the cursor leaves the tank. (rounding is disabled during stretching, and doubles have enough precision that you won't be getting rounding errors once stretching begins). I'll see how much better things are without any rounding at all; I may just switch to always having rounding disabled for MFS+Stretchy.
  3. Ferram: unless you've already figured this out, the issue with the Novapunch parachutes appears to be that FAR grabs their deployed model instead of their undeployed model, so (for example) the reference area for a probe core with a (tiny-fied, so it'd be more for an unrescaled one) NP radial is 10m^2.
  4. Sarbian: I'm having an issue with $: It doesn't seem to apply to root nodes. Checking the source, you seem to only check for $ in subnodes, whereas exactly the place I would like it is root nodes (i.e. $PART[foo] rather than @PART[foo]).
  5. You're using StretchySRB anyway (although a stretchy tank, not a stretchy SRB), so this is the correct place to ask. You're using modular fuels. Modular fuels rounds resources to 4 sig figs. Stretchy stretches in hundredths of a percent. The more you stretch, the more rounding error there is; when done stretching you need to go to action editor and remove your bipropellant tanks and then readd them in the correct ratio. To avoid making the rounding even worse, MFS is told not to round until after you move your mouse away from the tank; before I did that, the errors were _very_ bad. It's the price you pay for getting realtime dV changes; I could avoid all this by only updating fuel quantity after all scaling was done. Workflow: 1. Add tank. 2. Add engine. 3. Configure for right mixture in MFS GUI. 4. Scale tank until dV approximately correct. 5. Remove the tanks in MFS GUI, re-add with the automatic button (or do it manually). Now they will be correct mixture again. 6. Double check dV is as desired.
  6. The vacuum Isp is a little low given some recent info, but the air-breathing Isp may be a little high. Skylon intends to transition at a bit over Mach 5 (1500-1700m/s TAS) and just under 30km, IIRC. jrandom: dangit! Saw the -, thought you meant the Mk1-2. The 1m smallchute is upscaled the exact same amount as the pod; if it looks like a hat now, it always did.
  7. The 2m chute should fit. It's now 2m-4m. Although, you might like the way I did it for the Saturn IC (see the RSS thread in Spacecraft Exchange): you use a proc interstage to extend the pod nose, so it fits a 1.25m docking port; inside the fairings you stash 3 radials, a drogue, and some RCS.
  8. That's not even that big, though, right? Only like 3m? Even the expanded 2.5s from KW should cover it.
  9. Use procedural fairings. They're always wide enough. But what dish are we talking about here!?
  10. As of some version of MJ2, they stopped bundling the prebuilt Ascent Stats window. You need to go to custom window editor, create a new window, and add the various ascent stats to it.
  11. Speaking of which: can the rate at which detail fades out be configurable? You need the detail texture to show for much longer on RSS, since each cloud is much bigger. Further, I'm still having issues with non-white alpha in detail textures not doing much (or breaking clouds). Also, I haven't forgotten the engine FX notes; it's just bits and bobs here and there to collect, and Thanksgiving interevened.
  12. Try adding a ModuleFuelTanks module to the procedural wings part, with a ridiculous volume and a basemass of -1. Then give it an appropriate fuel quantity ingame. That's a quick hack to allow fuel in wings, which you'll probably need for an LH2 SSTO.
  13. The newest RLA engines will be in shortly. It's been a busy week with Thanksgiving. The LV-T5, however, has been in since v3 or so.
  14. jrandom: yargnit posted some 8ks a ways back; maybe on the Alpha thread in Addon Dev. If you just google for cloud map, you'll find lots. They mostly all derive from the super-hires Blue Marble ones. I've found it difficult to find two actually different ones however; most are just value-variations on the original Blue Marble one.
  15. jrandom: let me know if the file I PM'd you fixes the issue. If not, still got a problem with RSS/ECLSS.
  16. Gawd, it's been two weeks. I keep thinking I'll have time, and then...not so much. This will be continued Real Soon, I promise. Sorry.
  17. Not just future; there's Phil Bono's patented plug nozzle engine/heat shield for ROMBUS, Ithacus, etc. 1960s on. Plug-nozzle aerospike, regenerative cooling like most rocket engines, use same method on the way down (fueled by LH2, so the fuel's plenty cold).
  18. ChronicSilence: Cilph said he was about to change the format of the file, so warned us not to include it. darcgecko: Thanks! You should get the patch for KSPI I posted near the end of the MFS thread; it will come standard with MFS v3.4. Fractal_UK changed things in 0.8.1 such that compatibility is easily done. The velocity curves are if anything over-generous; it requires us to believe that the jets in KSP/B9 are full-on turboramjets, i.e. turbojets that can switch to ramjet mode (even more of a hybrid than the SR-71's btw, which max out at Mach 3-4 IIRC). Of course, the jet engines also mass a fraction of what they should; quite of the reverse of stock rocket engines. You need MFS v3.3, which does exactly that to NTRs. The fuel should last for a year or two, I think.
  19. You need the latest Procedural Fairings: for that, node size does scale. However, there is an issue with StretchyTanks and KJR, which I am trying to fix over the weekend. That said, I use a Saturn IC (a IB with an F-1A and a monobloc first stage tank), i.e. 6.6m ~400t stretchy first stage, and it seems to work ok. I haven't tried Saturn V-class yet though.
  20. tavert: nice! Although, heh, I find it deeply humorous that it's still less than is required for LEO (via RSS)
  21. jrandom: you can use real NASA porkchop plots. However, there was a bug with how mean anomaly was being set, so maybe not until next version will planets be properly aligned?
  22. It's not possible with how stretchytanks works: by altering the transform you can only do uniform scales. However, e-dog is working on such a tank.
  23. Hmm, interesting! Cryo tanks already are insulated, with concomitant low boiloff rates. In v4 I want to try active refrigeration. Although as you implicitly point out, the amount of insulation is not configurable.
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