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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. That's true of later impacters (like the spent S-IVB stages), but the early stuff like Luna 2 and the Rangers, were all about close-up photography. Only way to _get_ pictures, since soft-landing was much harder (and not achieved until mid 60s).
  2. Purty! Yeah, I know the baking is suboptimal. That's why I suggested just writing your own, or using Unity's. Compiled Cg is compiled Cg, KSP won't care.
  3. Check the (last page of the) TACLS thread, IIRC. It's posted there. Since the various LS mods share resource names, generic patches can't be in the main MFS zip.
  4. Yep. I probably should be setting Mean Anomaly at Epoch instead. I've fixed it on my end and PM'd you.
  5. I will see if I'm setting it correctly. Thanks for the report!
  6. You can use your own shaders, you know. Also, the brushed aluminum map in StretchySRB does OK IMO (needs to be tiled the right amount, obvs), and here's another I was thinking of including (I cleaned it up in PS for use as texture):
  7. Yes, as the readme and OP for MFS say, thrust now (like real life) scales with Isp. Any MJ dev version released in the last month supports this (as the MFS thread OP says); just grab the latest dev version from http://jenkins.mumech.com/ Make sure, once you add a MFS-compliant engine to your rocket in the VAB, you click "all stats" in the dV window. That will make the SLT (Sea Level TWR) column appear.
  8. You can increase SSFade and PQSFade numbers in the RealSolarSystem.cfg entry for Kerbin. Just keep them in synch. Also, try the 8k texture I posted a ways back, via Universe Replacer.
  9. They're m^3 at STP. Each crew person uses ~0.8kg/day of O2, or (Lifesupport/Lifesupport.cfg -> consumption) units of O2 per second.
  10. I don't have information on your exact question, especially since what matters in real life is cost rather than performance. I can tell you that most RL (liquid fuel!) rockets have approximately 1.2TWR sea level at launch. Probably much more than that and you could get away with a smaller engine. Fuel is cheap; costs almost nothing to add another ton of fuel. So you might as well launch with the minimum TWR below which you suffer more loss in dV from gravity, than gain from more fuel). That magic number is somewhere around 1.15-1.2 I do recall that the rule of thumb for staging is "equal dV per stage"--often violated in real life, however, since it's cheaper to mix-n-match a few extant stages than make specific stages to the requirement.
  11. Ah, gotcha. Well, try this. Put lots of batteries on, and some solar cells. Then set up your antenna toggle to be in an action group, and use flight computer with delay to queue up the toggling of that action group. Then you can toggle the antenna shut and the FC will open it again after the delay, saving power. It's not cheating to alter the comm range: it's much easier IRL to build gigantic dishes on the earth's surface than to put much smaller dishes into space. If you want to feel like you're not cheating, dock yourself a few science points in exchange.
  12. I actually can model*, I just figured it was a better use of my time (and, frankly, more interesting for me) to be coding. *really old work for a game I was making. The killer features are indeed the space construction/gameplay etc. at least as much as the easy vehicle construction. Thanks--and your work is, as bears repeating again, super awesome itself! As is that LR105!
  13. MJ2 does. Sarbian included my pull many dev versions ago.
  14. jrandom: great to have you aboard! Figured you'd come around eventually. B9 is supported by MFS, although in legacy mode (no techlevel support YET). No rescaled parts either; I haven't rescaled plane parts yet. KWR is supported for engines/SRMs, but other parts are not yet rescaled. Same with NovaPunch. RealChutes is not rescaled yet, but should work fine. Look further in the Structural tab: There's a 4M heatshield for the Mk1-2 pod as well; that fits.
  15. Open either Engines.cfg in ModularFuelTanks/RealfFuels, or RftsEngines.cfg in RealismOverhaul, and replace all techLevel = X lines (for any X) with techLevel = 7 (I think you can just find/replace "techLevel =" with "techLevel = 7 //" ) I'll see if I can add a default for v4, I've been stumped for a while but just had an idea.
  16. BrickedKeyboard, I'm interested to learn the game is unplayable. It certainly is playable for me, and the dozens of other people who've posted their successes and enjoyments with it. Are we confused? Have you looked at Mission Controller? It's sitting right there in my sig, and is an economy system. Or KSP Story Missions, that's also worth a look. If you want something more like BARIS, per the ideas you're mentioning, I'd love to see it and highly encourage you to make it! Aazard: Two things you can do. One, give Mission Control a really big range in RT2 settings. That will only work when KSC is in line of sight though. Second, adding a bunch of Gigantors (they're really light!) should power a large dish.
  17. Copy the similar-size pod PART[] patch from StockPods.cfg, paste, change the partname in the [] after PART to the name of the pod part from B9.
  18. Up the max time warp to 10 million in RSS config, warp to highest level in LEO, unwarp. Won't do it every time but it did it lots.
  19. Call me when Orbiter lets you build your own spacecraft. (Though we are doing the best we can to make KSP as accurate as Orbiter. ) I'm working on getting updated patch for realscale FASA btw (as frizzank says--they'll even include US textures since frizzank very kindly is re-exporting them!), though the existing Realscale Gemini works for Gemini-Titan II GLV.
  20. Yeah, or just have two parts: the Fairing-Supported interstage and the Interstage Shroud Base.
  21. Any chance of making toggleable whether top1 disconnects on decouple, rather than fairing separation?
  22. The answer is to manually convert your TGAs to MBMs. Then they will be compressed on load.
  23. Yeah, Dragon, when the mod author tells you explicitly not to post something, please respect that. 64% of 3.05 would be 1.952m in diameter, instead of 2.5.
  24. MM Patch for MFS, for anyone who is using both (Fractal's work, converted to ModuleManager format). Put this in your ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels folder; it will be stock as of 3.4 but I don't have that quite ready yet. Let me know if anything doesn't work right, I think I have it correct. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u10orkb0peh8dbo/KSPI_MFS.cfg
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