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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. ChronicSilence: Firov is talking about variable thrust _over time_, i.e. the SRB provides 1100kN thrust at start, then 1500 by 30s, then 800 by the end of the burn. This can be done IRL (as it is for the Shuttle RSRM) by varying the grain, as Firov says.
  2. I was just about to PM HoneyFox about that, so that it can be MFS compatible. So yes.
  3. My plea is this: when you make a MODEL node, also give it a name = line. That way, ModuleManager can easily reference the node. Otherwise we have to use MODEL,0 or whatever and depend on the order staying constant through cfg file revisions, and that no other MODEL nodes were inserted first. (Note that ,n notation doesn't work for nodes at the moment; Sarbian's fixing that) If you do your MODEL nodes like MODEL { name = engine model = w/evs scale = 1/rescale } MODEL { name = shroud model = shroudything scale = 1/rescale } then MM can patch the first by using @MODEL[engine]. Thanks, Your local neighborhood MM fiend.
  4. Is that mine? Was it for Kerbin-days or regular days? I have both.
  5. Read the OP. It comes with HoneyFox's thrust control plugin.
  6. AbeS: Then things won't decouple, as my post you quoted explains. The floating node in the interstage adapter is keyed to fairing separation, not the fake decoupler inside the interstage which does nothing and is only there for MJ/KER compatibility. If you use non-decoupling fairings (the fuselage shrouds) then the interstage adapter will not decouple the floating node, no matter what you do. Misunderstanding this is why people think they have to add their own decouplers to make the interstage adapter work.
  7. AngelLestat, thanks! Yep, G for regular fuel tanks is disabled with MFS because you have much finer control now. Regarding the SRBs: You set burntime by holding G and mousing over the tank. Are you saying that despite the tanks saying "Burn time x" and "Burn time y" when you mouse over them, where x and y are as desired, when you launch they in fact burn for different amounts of time?
  8. wasmic: the renaming is disabled in this version. Everything is configurable (everything RSS does is set by its cfg file, for example). stevron, ANWRocketMan, anyone else having issues witt the interstage adapter: the interstage adapter supports the payload above it by the fairings. The stage atop is only freed when the fairings are decoupled. The "decoupler" in the IA is a fake, just so it doesn't confuse MJ/KER, and doesn't do anything. So, here's how you use it: Build your stage. Add an interstage adapter, and attach its topmost (floating) node to the bottom of the stage. Resize IA to fit (width, node height, top width). Attach fairing sides. That will leave a decoupler for the IA, and 4x decouplers for the fairings (2x if using the 2-side IA), in your staging list. The fairing decouplers are what actually decouples the payload/upper stage. For best ease of use, put all 5 (or 3) decouplers in a single stage. ANWRocketMan: I can add UH-25, sure. Why not use Frizzank's FASA LR-87 as the LR-87 though? (It's specced as the real one in the Real Gemini patch linked in the second post here.) BahamutoD: Very cool!
  9. Kiapha: Use modular fuels. StretchyTanks use tank type default, so if MFS tank type default doesn't support your resource, just add it to the tank definition via MM patch (or bug me to add in on the main MFS).
  10. Note that the smallest KW Globe is a spot-on match for a 1/3 size GEM-60, and the 3M KW Thor is just right for an Ariane 5 P230. I have tried to set the 1m and 0.5m and 0.625m SRBs from stock, MFS, and NP so that you can make a Scout.
  11. Jobin: I have no issues. Note that you must hit All Stats to make "SLT," aka TWR at sea level, show up. Recall that MFS will scale your engine's thrust by its current Isp / max Isp, so at launch your actual TWR will be lower than what MJ says it is in the TWR column (aka vacuum TWR). Changelog: v2 -- \/ *Included missing 0.625m heatshield fix for DRE *Changed Solid rockets as well. *Merged with my new textures (and parts) for Procedural Fairings. NOTE: FOLLOW INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE EVEN IF UPGRADING. A pic preview of the largest mod solid rocket supported, the 5m Globe T5 from KW: (note also the long Novapunch big_srb in the popup) (Of course, stretchies can be whatever diameter.)
  12. Oh hallelujah. Been wanting this since I first installed FAR. Kudos!
  13. Woohoo! That Mercury is making me drool!
  14. Dragon01: Crap, yes, you mentioned that before, I was going to do it, and I forgot. For hybrid LOX, I'll need to set StretchySRB to use a modular fueltank, I think. praise the suuun: I will try without MFS on my end and see if I can replicate. Ambulatory Cortex: What would it take? Finding me more hours in a day? It's planned, and Talisar already said I could use the Spherical Tanks pack's models. I just need time.
  15. gunnyfreak: 1, yes, I should. 2. Medieval Nerd is working on such a pack.
  16. See StretchySRB thread. It has 17 (!) textures, and you can add as many others as you want just by adding an image, and a few lines in a cfg file.
  17. therealcrow: I will check the nodes. FlowerChild: Doh! I will fix and reup. I actually changed it the day you asked and I agreed, I just never had a chance to fix the other bugs and thus held off on v4.
  18. erbmur: Cool! So: the values are: Shockwave: How hot the air molecules are after they hit the part (i.e. the ambient temperature) Temp: how hot the part is. Acceleration: current accel for the part, in Gs. Cumulative G: a value that tracks how much "damage" your crew in the part (if any) have sustained from high Gs. From the readme (it's the "tracker" I talk about): Kerbals have human-like G-force tolerance, which means they can survive 5Gs for about 16 minutes, 10 Gs for 1 minute, 20Gs for 3.75 seconds, and 30+ Gs for less than three quarters of a second. The tracker is reset when G load < 5. All these are tweakable in the cfg or in the ingame debug menu. It's done by tracking cumulative Gs. The formula is for each timestep, tracker = tracker + G^crewGPower * timestep (where ^ = power). G is clamped to range [0, crewGClamp]. When tracker > crewGWarn, a warning is displayed. When tracker > crewGLimit, then each frame, per part, generate a random number 0-1, and if > crewGKillChance, a kerbal dies in that part. If G < crewGMin, EDIT: try without DRE, see if you still get the spin.
  19. Try redownloading? I don't get the issue at all on my end. I reuploaded just to be sure.
  20. andqui: Oh, I thought that was fixed. Anyway, I was planning to update v2 last night but got sleepy. I'm working on the last few touches now. 70 is a bit high. Reenter at the maximum G load your crew can stand, I'd say. erbmur: That looks like you have a bad install or heat multipliers set wrong. Did you download DREC v4, and follow the install instructions to the letter?
  21. ANWRocketMan: that's planned, yes, in coordination with MedievalNerd's tree.
  22. You know, thanks to hoojiwana, we now even have a reasonable-looking AJ-10 bell! Check the latest updates to Stockalikes. I'd say make the AJ-10 TL0, actually, especially since in Vanguard it was only getting 270s. I'm adding RFNA to the next MFS, so you can set it to Nitric Acid / UDMH like the real deal (with appropriate Isp cost, the multiplier vs. Kerolox is about .913) At TL1 you'd expect 295s for your vac Isp unmodified by fuel type. And as pressure fed it should certainly be O, not U. I've been using the Bearcat S2 as the RS-25...the stats are set so at TL6 they match.
  23. In RealismOverhaul/DRE_ShieldsFix.cfg, is there an entry for 0.625 shield? It should read: @PART[0625_Heatshield]:Final { @mass = 0.05 @MODULE[ModuleHeatShield] { @direction = 0, -1, 0 // bottom of pod @reflective = 0.05 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle @ablative = AblativeShielding @loss { // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density) @key,0 = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C @key,1 = 2000 40 // peak ablation at 2000 degrees C @key,2 = 5000 50 // max ablation at 5000 degrees C } @dissipation { // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature @key,0 = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C @key,1 = 800 1920 // maximum dissipation at 800 degrees C } } }
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